MEDICAL SCIENCES--GENERAL / 229 chemistry and molecular structure of proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and metabo- lites. Biochemical methods, tracer techniques and bioenergetics. BCH 613-INFORMATIONAL MACROMOLECULES. 4 credits Prerequisites: MED 511, MED 512 or BCH 601, BCH 602, BCH 603, BCH 605. A survey of chemical and physicochemical characteristics of the molecules concerned with heredity, gene replication and mutation and of their biosynthesis and function. BCH 614-BIOENERGETICS AND ENZYME MECHANISMS. 4 credits Prerequisites: MED 511, MED 512 or BCH 601, BCH 602, BCH 603, BCH 605. Current aspects of the mechanisms of enzyme action and the energy trans- formations occurring in biological systems. BCH 615-RESEARCH METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY. 2 to 6 credits Prerequisites: MED 511, MED 512 or BCH 601, BCH 602, BCH 603, BCH 605; only by special arrangement. An introduction to biochemical research in which the student acquires proficiency in research techniques used in physical biochemis- try, intermediary metabolism, radio-isotopes, etc., under supervision of a staff mem- ber. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. BCH 616-BIOCHEMISTRY SEMINAR. 1 credit Required of graduate students in biochemistry; open to others by special ar- rangement. Research reports and discussions of current research literature given by the departmental staff, invited speakers and graduate students. BCH 617-SPECIAL TOPICS IN BIOCHEMISTRY. 2 credits Prerequisite or corequisite: BCH 612, BCH 613 or BCH 614. Supervised study in journals, treatises and monographs of various subject areas of biochemistry, with informal weekly conferences and reports. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits. BCH 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 9 credits. Maximum 24 credits BCH 799-DOCTORAL RESEARCH. 1 to 15 credits MEDICAL SCIENCES-GENERAL Programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the basic medical sciences with a major in anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology are offered by the College of Medicine. A separate Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered in biochemistry. In addition a program in radiation biophysics leading to a Master of Science degree is available. Training in these scientific disciplines is planned to prepare the student for a career in research and teaching, rather than in clinical practice for which the Doctor of Medicine degree program is designed. A minor is not required but may be chosen in another of the basic sciences listed below or elsewhere in the University. All facilities of the College of Medicine are available to graduate students in this program. Though an undergraduate major in biological or physical science is desirable, concentration in mathematics or engineering is an appropriate foundation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in medical sciences. Satisfactory completion of a thesis based on research is a requirement for a graduate degree in the medical sciences (see College of Medicine Catalog). A joint program with the Division of Biological Sciences (see Biological Sciences) is available in the field of molecular and cellular biology.