ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND MECHANICS / 205 ESM 603-ADVANCED CONTINUUM MECHANICS. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 602. A comprehensive, unified treatment of the mathe- matical theories of solid and fluid mechanics, including gases. ESM 631-NONLINEAR MECHANICS 1. 2 credits Prerequisites: ESM 302, ESM 546, MS 501. Phase plane and singular point methods, limit cycle of Poincare, stability including the second method of Liapunov. Topological approaches. Perturbations; asymptotic methods for autonomous and nonautonomous systems. ESM 632-NONLINEAR MECHANICS 2. 2 credits Prerequisite: ESM 631. Stroboscopic methods, oscillations of nearly linear sys- tems. Parametric excitation and the interaction of nonlinear oscillations. Relaxation oscillations. ESM 633-ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS 1. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 303. Analysis of stress and strain in deformable bodies. Unsymmetric bending of beams, deformation of curved beams. Beams on elastic foundations. Bending of deep beams. ESM 634-ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS 2. 3 credits Prerequisites: ESM 303, MS 501. Introductory theory of plates, elementary theory of shells. Bending of shells of revolution. Generalized energy methods. Introduction to variational techniques. ESM 635-ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS 3. 3 credits Prerequisites: ESM 303, MS 501. Stress-strain relations, compatibility laws, and governing equations for stresses and deformations in two-dimensional elastic bodies. Stress concentrations, contact stresses. ESM 644-ADVANCED DYNAMICS 1. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 536. Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies applied to advanced engineering problems utilizing variational and transformation principles. ESM 645-ADVANCED DYNAMICS 2. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 644. Theory and application of Lagrangian equations to engineering problems. Hamilton-Jacobi theory and its applications. ESM 647-INTERMEDIATE VIBRATIONS. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 546. Instrumentation for vibration analysis. Longitudinal and torsional vibrations of bars, lateral vibration of bars, membranes and plates. Torsional vibrations of continuous systems. ESM 648-ADVANCED VIBRATIONS. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 647. Generalized coordinates and Lagrange's equations. Ap- plication of the Rayleigh-Ritz and various approximate methods. Theory and instru- mentation for random vibrations. ESM 649-EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 1. 3 credits Prerequisites: ESM 635, ESM 670. Theory and application of various experi- mental techniques to problems of elasticity and plasticity. ESM 650-EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 2. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 649. General optical theory of propagation of light in anisotropic media. Three-dimensional photoelasticity; theory and applications. ESM 651-EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 3. 3 credits Prerequisite: ESM 650. Moire method, two- and three-dimensional applications. Mathematical theory of similitude and model analysis. ESM 652-THEORY OF ELASTICITY 1. 3 credits Prerequisites: ESM 601, ESM 635. Linear theory of homogeneous, isotropic, elastic media. Analysis of stress and strain. Nonlinear considerations.