ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / 201 EE 635-MODERN FILTER SYNTHESIS. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 634. Insertion-loss synthesis of 4-terminal networks; frequency transformation; approximation problems; the potential analogy. EE 636-TRANSFER FUNCTION SYNTHESIS. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 634. Properties and realizability of 4-terminal networks. Syn- thesis of transfer functions with ladders, lattices and parallel-ladder networks. The prediction method. EE 640-NOISE IN LINEAR SYSTEMS. 3 credits Passage of electrical noise and signals through linear filters and systems. Statistical representation of random signals and electrical noise (time and ensemble averages of continuous random variables), autocorrelation, cross-correlation and power spectral densities. EE 641-THEORY OF COMMUNICATION 1. 3 credits Prerequisites: EE 640, EE 600 or EE 630. The narrow-band Gaussian random process as a representation of electrical noise; optimum linear communication systems, smoothing and prediction. EE 642-THEORY OF COMMUNICATION 2. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 641. Filtering, modulation and demodulation of signals cor- rupted by noise; passage of electrical noise and signals through nonlinear filters and systems. EE 643-SIGNAL REPRESENTATION. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 641. Complex variable representation of signals and noise. Analytic and entire function theory in band-limited and time-limited signals. Sam- pling and orthogonal expansion of deterministic and stochastic signals. EE 644-SIGNAL DESIGN. 3 credits Prerequisites: EE 643, STA 542. Criteria of optimality in communication and ranging systems. Ambiguity functions. Chirp-type ranging signals; design of rang- ing signals for extended targets. Generalized modulation theory by complex varia- ble techniques. EE 645-STATISTICAL DECISION THEORY. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 641. Hypothesis testing of signals in the presence of noise by Bayes, Neyman-Pearson, minimax criteria; statistical estimation of signal para- meters; optimum filters and receivers; ambiguity functions and inverse probability. EE 646-SPACE COMMUNICATIONS. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 641. Telemetering systems, space communication links, satellite communications systems, space tracking and navigation systems. EE 647-INFORMATION THEORY. 3 credits Quantitative measure of information and its properties; information sources, noiseless channels and information compression; noisy channels and channel capac- ity; introduction to error-correcting codes. EE 648-ERROR CORRECTING CODES. 3 credits Algebraic coding theory, group codes, Hamming codes, Reed-Muller codes, Bose-Chaudhuri codes, Fire codes, recurrent codes, and other burst-error correcting codes. Encoder and decoder implementation by linear feedback shift registers. EE 651-ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND WAVES. 3 credits Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in fields and waves. Electromagnetic theory applied to engineering including static field problems and propagation, reflection and guiding of electromagnetic waves. EE 652-ANTENNAS AND WAVE PROPAGATION. 3 credits Prerequisite: EE 651. Antenna systems and wave propagation in anisotropic media.