CHEMICAL ENGINEERING / 189 degree within a calendar year. Students interested in graduate work in agri- cultural engineering should consult departmental advisers to discuss possible programs. Candidates for the master's degree normally will be required to take AGE 601, AGE 602, and AGE 603 and at least one course from the list AGE 670, AGE 671, AGE 672, AGE 673, or AGE 674. Depending upon degree objective, variations from this list may be approved. Prerequisite for admission to any of the agricultural engineering courses is the approval of the instructor. The following Engineering Common Courses are available for graduate major credit: EGC 541-Tensor Fields and Fluid Dynamics; EGC 621-Sur- face Hydrology. GRADUATE COURSES AGE 601-SEMINAR. 1 credit Discussions on research and current trends and practices in agricultural en- gineering. AGE 602-RESEARCH METHODS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. 3 credits Research techniques and methods used in agricultural engineering. AGE 603-INSTRUMENTATION IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH. 4 credits The principles and application of measuring instruments and devices for ob- taining experimental data in agricultural engineering research. AGE 670-NoN-THESIs RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING. 0 to 5 credits Special problems in agricultural engineering. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 10 credits. AGE 671-ADVANCED SOIL AND WATER MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING. 4 credits Analysis and solution of selected problems dealing with land improvement and the control and use of water for agricultural production. AGE 672-ADVANCED FARM MACHINERY. 4 credits Analysis of agricultural machines, power units and mechanized systems with emphasis on functional design requirements; evaluation of performance of those machines and systems. AGE 673-ADVANCED FARM BUILDINGS. 4 credits Analysis of selected problems dealing with design criteria for farm structures, particularly as related to efficient production systems. AGE 674-ADVANCED AGRICULTURAL PROCESS ENGINEERING. 4 credits Analytical study of engineering problems dealing with the handling and process- ing of agricultural products. AGE 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 9 credits. Maximum 24 credits CHEMICAL ENGINEERING GRADUATE FACULTY 1967-68 FAHIEN, R. W., Chairman; BENNETT, R. B.; BLOCK, S. S.; GUBBINS, K. E.; JOHNS, L. E.; KIRMSE, D. W.; MAHONEY, J. F.; MAY, F. P.; NOLAN, W. J.; O'CONNELL, J. P.; RANDOLPH, A. D.; REED, T. M.; REED, X. B.; SCHWEYER, H. E.; TYNER, M.; WALKER, R. D., JR.; WESTERBERG, A. W.