Music / 175 EDF 760-TECHNIQUES OF RESEARCH. 5 credits A required course for Ed.D. degree candidates. Training in identifying research problems, in organizing useful means for research, and in interpreting and reporting observed phenomena. EDF 764-ADVANCED QUANTITATIVE FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL RE- SEARCH. 10 credits Prerequisite: EDF 664. Integrated coverage, through team-teaching, of impor- tant approaches to educational research. Includes advanced statistics, design, com- puter applications and analysis of selected researches. EDF 765-SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. 4 credits Prerequisite: EDF 664. Corequisite: EDF 764. Analysis of a wide variety of educational researches to develop appreciation of the scope of the investigations and understanding of the methodological techniques employed. EDF 766-ANALYSIS OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH. 4 credits Prerequisites: EDF 664, EDF 764. Corequisite: EDF 765. Analysis of several educational researches to provide intensive appreciation of important methodological techniques and newer approaches in educational research. EDF 780-SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS. 5 credits Issues in the historical, philosophical, social, psychological, aesthetic and com- parative foundations of education. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 15 credits. MUSIC GRADUATE FACULTY 1967-68 POOLE, R., Chairman; BODINE, W. R.; BOLLES, R. S.; BOWLES, R. W.; DAN- BURG, R. L.; HALE, J. P.; KEISTER, E. J.; TROUPIN, E. C.; WILMOT, D. L. The Department of Music cooperates with the College of Education in offering courses leading to the degree Master of Education with a major in music education. The prospective candidate for the degree, in addition to the general re- quirements for admission to the Graduate School, must satisfy admission re- quirements in the areas of Applied Music, Music Theory, Music History and Literature, and Conducting, and satisfy requirements for music teaching certifi- cation in Florida. The certification requirement may be waived for admission, but must be satisfied before degree is awarded. All deficiencies must be remedied. GRADUATE COURSES MSC 600-GRADUATE MUSIC SEMINAR. 0 credit Required every term of all graduate students in music for a minimum of three terms. MSC 609-ToPIcs IN Music THEORY. 4 credits Work culminating in a musical composition, arrangement, research paper, or public lecture-performance. Topics vary in different terms. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. MSC 611-METHODS OF MUSICAL RESEARCH AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. 4 credits Materials and specialized techniques of research in musicology.