170 / EDUCATION EDA 604-LEGAL PHASES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. 4 credits The legal status of schools in the United States; emphasizes Florida conditions, school laws, constitutional provisions, judicial decisions, Attorney General's rulings, and regulations of the State Board of Education. EDA 605-PUBLIC SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. 4 credits School financial accounting; the preparation and administration of budgets; pur- chasing procedures; the issuance of school securities; central services of public school business administration. EDA 606-SUPERVISED PRACTICE IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. 4 credits Only advanced graduate students are permitted to enroll. Students are given opportunity to perform administrative duties under supervision. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 8 credits. EDA 607-ADMINISTRATION OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL. 4 credits Problems of the professional school staff and the administration of staff per- sonnel in the public schools. EDA 609-PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION. 4 credits An in-service training course through regularly scheduled on-campus work con- ferences open only to superintendents and supervisors; or a problems course, offered through extension or on campus, for superintendents, supervisors, principals, junior college administrators, and trainees for such positions. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 8 credits. EDA 610-ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF ADULT EDUCATION. 4 credits Overview of adult education in the United States; the role of administration in adult education; the job of the local director of adult education; Florida law and regulations relating to adult education in the public schools. EDA 630-INDIVIDUAL WORK. 2 to 5 credits For advanced students who wish to undertake an individual research project directly related to administration and supervision. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 15 credits. EDA 631-EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 1. 4 credits The basic course on the nature of educational leadership. Emphasis on the role of official leadership in group development, improving group structure and program improvements. EDA 632-EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP 2. 4 credits Contemporary research on the diffusion of innovations, the planning of change, organizational theory and political power in policy decision-making. The role of educational administrators and instructional leaders in the establishment of educa- tional policies. EDA 700-SCHOOL SURVEY. 4 credits School survey techniques and their application; long-term planning of educa- tional programs. Field experience in school surveys made available to students taking the course. EDA 702-THE SCHOOL PLANT. 4 credits Planning of building programs and planning of school buildings in relation to the instructional needs; maintenance, operation, and utilization of school plants. EDA 704-COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION. 4 credits Educational policies, functions and practices in the administration of higher institutions.