HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION / 161 FI 625-MONEY AND CAPITAL MARKETS. 5 credits Prerequisite: ES 521. Central banking and monetary policy, and college level mathematics and statistics. Financial markets, with emphasis on flow of funds, interest rate determination and allocation of resources. FI 627-PROBLEMS IN CORPORATION FINANCE. 5 credits Prerequisites: FI 326 or FI 590, FI 528. The concept and determination of the firm's cost of capital and of the utilization by the firm of its cost of capital in its investing and financing decisions. FI 628-CENTRAL BANKING POLICIES AND PROBLEMS. 5 credits Prerequisite: FI (ES) 321. The functions, powers and policies of central banks, the changing role of central banks in the economy. FI 629-INTERNATIONAL FINANCE: MONETARY SYSTEMS. 5 credits Prerequisite: FI (ES) 321. International monetary systems, post-World War II international monetary problems, and attempts at reconstruction. FI 630-INDIVIDUAL WORK IN FINANCE. 2 to 5 credits Prerequisite: Permission of the department and of the Director of Graduate Studies. A reading and/or research course in the several areas of finance as needed by graduate students. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 8 credits. FI 662-SEMINAR IN LIFE INSURANCE. 5 credits Prerequisite: FI 462. Investigation of selected problems in life insurance and related fields. FI 665-SEMINAR IN PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. 5 credits Prerequisites: FI 365, FI 366 or consent of instructor. The meaning, economic influences, social values, principles and practices of property and liability insurance. FI 668-PROBLEMS IN RISK MANAGEMENT. 3 credits The insurance hazards of business concerns and governmental units, with con- sideration of insurance protection available. FI 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 9 credits. Maximum 24 credits HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION GRADUATE FACULTY 1967-68 This program is offered by an interdisciplinary faculty, the members of which are: CHAMPION, J. M., Chairman; FREEMAN, J. R.; MCANENY, D. C.; MARTIN, S. P.; POWERS, L. S.; WESBURY, S. A. For admission to courses listed below, the student must have been admitted to the Graduate School, College of Business Administration, and to the program in health and hospital administration. For listings of other courses required of students enrolled in the program in health and hospital administration, see Business Administration (BS 610, BS 664, BS 671, BS 679, BS 690, BS 691); Economics (ES 615, ES 616); Industrial Engineering (ISE 697). GRADUATE COURSES HA 600-PERSPECTIVES IN HEALTH. 4 credits A survey of factors operating in health and disease in an individual or a society.