PSYCHOLOGY / 137 political systems. Methodology and bibliography of comparative government and politics. PCL 662-SEMINAR IN COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT 2. 4 credits Continuation of PCL 660. PCL 664--SEMINAR IN FAR EASTERN GOVERNMENTS AND POLITICS. 4 credits Prerequisite: PCL 522 or PCL 526. Directed study and research of Chinese and Japanese government and politics. PCL 666-SEMINAR IN RUSSIAN AND EASTERN EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS AND POLITICS. 4 credits Political heritage of the Revolution. Structural features of the Soviet system. Lawmaking and public administration. The Soviet state and the individual. PCL 668-SEMINAR IN AFRICAN GOVERNMENTS AND POLITICS. 4 credits Prerequisite: PCL 528 or PCL 526. Directed study and research in African governments and politics. PCL 670-SEMINAR IN LATIN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 1. 4 credits Directed study and research in Latin American government and politics. A knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese is required. French may be substituted with consent of instructor. PCL 672-SEMINAR IN LATIN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 2. 4 credits Continuation of PCL 670. PCL 674-SEMINAR IN BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. 4 credits Prerequisites: Reading knowledge of Portuguese and graduate standing in Latin American Area Studies, PCL 541. Analysis of Brazilian government and political parties. PCL 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 9 credits. Maximum 24 credits PCL 799-DOCTORAL RESEARCH. 1 to 15 credits PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATE FACULTY 1967-68 WEBB, W. B., Chairman; ANDERSON, R. J.; BARGER, B.; BUNNELL, B. N.; COHEN, L. D.; DAVIS, H. C., JR.; DAWSON, W. W.; DIXON, J. C.; GOLDMAN, J. R.; GRATER, H. A., JR.; GUERTIN, W. H.; HALL, E. E.; HOREL, J. A.; HORNE, E. P.; JOURARD, S. M.; KING, F. A.; KING, R. L.; LEVY, C. M., JR.; MARGULIS, S. T.; MCGEE, R. K.; PENNYPACKER, H. S.; PERRY, N.; RETH- LINGSHAFER, D.; SATZ, P.; SCHUMACHER, A. S.; SHAW, M. E.; VAN DE RIET, V. D.; VIERCK, C. J., JR. Undergraduate preparation should include at least one course in experi- mental psychology and quantitative methods. Desirable background in other areas includes mathematics; biological, physical and social sciences; philosophy; skill in verbal and written communication; and a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language. The Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Arts in Teaching de- grees are offered in general psychology. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered in the research-teaching areas of experimental (perception, learning, motivation), comparative, physiological and social psychology and in the pro-