REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER'S DEGREES / 21 The candidate must have completed at least one year of teaching (or the equivalent) prior to taking the last 9 credits of work, or must have included in his record the satisfactory completion of an internship program or a mini- mum of 8 credits of student teaching. THE GRADUATE COMMITTEE OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION.-A special counselor is appointed for each student in the Master of Education program. His work is under general supervision of the Graduate Committee in the College of Education. MASTER OF ENGINEERING The Master of Engineering degree is designed for those students whose needs are better fulfilled by additional course work rather than the prepara- tion of a thesis. Requirements for admission are the same as those for the regular M.S.E. degree in the College of Engineering. WORK REQUIRED.-A minimum of 50 credits of course work is re- quired of which at least 27 credits must be in the student's major field. The minor field may be divided in several ways: one 9-credit minor, two 9-credit minors, or one 18-credit minor. In addition, a multidisciplinary minor in departments other than the major may be authorized by the super- visory committee or program adviser. Major courses must be graduate level (numbered 600 and above) or courses approved for graduate major credit. Courses numbered 300 and above may be taken for the minor. At least 50 per cent of the required 50 credits must be in courses numbered 600 and above. DEGREE CREDIT.-In order to qualify for course work toward the Master of Engineering degree, a student must first be admitted to the Graduate School at the University of Florida. The amount of course work toward this degree that may be taken at an off-campus center will depend upon the student's individual program and the courses provided through the center. The composition of the supervisory committee for those students in resi- dence at the Gainesville campus of the University of Florida shall be the same as that shown under Master's Degree with Thesis. At the option of the department involved, a student whose program does not include 27 credits of study taken on the Gainesville campus may be supervised by a single program adviser appointed by the Dean of the Grad- uate School upon the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Engi- neering. EXAMINATIONS.-Each student must pass a comprehensive written and/or oral final examination at the completion of his course work. For the student whose program includes 27 credits of study taken on the Gaines- ville campus, this examination will be administered by the supervisory com- mittee. Other candidates must take a comprehensive written examination admin- istered on the University of Florida campus by an examining committee rec- ommended by the Dean of the College of Engineering and appointed by the Graduate School. At least one member of the examining committee must