to the first day of classes the test will also be offered at 10:00 A.M. on Monday
and 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday and Friday. Special appointments can be made by
contacting the Counseling Center. The cost of the test, $3.00, should be paid
to Student Accounts, the Hub, and the receipt should be presented at the time
of testing.
 Test scores should be presented to the Dean of the Graduate School. No
student can be considered for postponement of the GRE until after his applica-
tion for admission is complete and all his credentials have been received in the
Office of the Registrar.
for admission to the Graduate School who wish to pursue degrees in the
College of Business Administration may submit satisfactory scores on the Ad-
mission Test for Graduate Study in Business (ATGSB) as a substitute for the
required scores on the Aptitude portion of the Graduate Record Examination.
 The Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business (ATGSB) is given
five times a year-in November, February, April, July, and August-at a great
many locations in the United States, including Gainesville, Florida. To deter-
mine exact dates and the most convenient locations, students should write to
the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey.

 The Graduate School approves two types of trial programs under the
fifth-year undergraduate registration for applicants whose admission for grad-
uate study is in doubt. These programs are arranged by the major department
when the student has been referred to it for this purpose by the Registrar.
Trial programs are reserved strictly for genuinely problematical or border-
line cases.
 TYPE I (partly transferable): a program of about 15 quarter credits con-
sisting of advanced undergraduate courses and no more than 5 credits of
graduate courses. Upon completion of the program with an average of B or
better, appropriate credits may be transferred to the student's graduate
record, provided that this transfer is approved by his major department, his
college, and the Graduate School, and that all other requirements for admis-
sion to the Graduate School have been met.
 Programs of Type I are used where a student's previous grade record or
GRE scores are on the borderline of acceptability.
 TYPE II (nontransferable): a program of 15 or more credits of under-
graduate work, none of which may be transferred to the student's graduate
 Programs of Type II are used (1) to validate undergraduate records from
nonaccredited and unevaluated colleges; (2) in cases where the quantity or
quality of the student's preparation cannot be determined with sufficient cer-
tainty for judging admission; (3) to repair extensive deficiencies in undergrad-
uate programs which do not meet the prerequisites for graduate study laid
down by the student's proposed major department (minor deficiencies of less