Time-Shortened Degree Opportunities The University of Florida provides numer- ous opportunities by which students may accel- erate their academic careers and reduce the overall length of time spent in completing degree requirements. These opportunities are explained below: Early Admission: The Early Admission program allows superior students admission to the uni- versity following completion of the junior year in high school. Applications are encouraged and will be considered on an individual basis by the Admissions Committee. For funding purposes, early admission students from Florida high schools may be considered as dual credit enrollment students. For additional information, refer to the Admissions section of the catalog. Dual Credit Enrollment: Dual Enrollment refers to a student tak- ing on-campus courses simultaneously at both the University of Florida and anoth- er institution. If the parent institution is a Florida high school, then the student may qualify for tuition-exempt high school/college dual credit enrollment and may'receive textbooks or other nec- essary course materials on a lend-return basis. There must be an articulation agreement between the home county school board, Developmental Research School or other secondary school in com- pliance with S.229.808 and conducting a secondary curriculum pursuant to S.232.246, and the University of Florida. This agreement should describe record- ing of grades and payment for and dis- position of instructional materials. Qualified high school students will be enrolled as nondegree students and cred- its earned prior to high school gradua- tion may subsequently be accepted for advanced standing and degree-credit when the student is admitted to the university. For more information, high school stu- dents may refer to Student Academic Regulations (especially the sections on Dual Enrollment, Nondegree Registra- tion, and Classification of Students). Increased Course Load: Capable students who register for more than the normal 15 hours per semester may complete the traditional four-year span in a shorter period of time. Year-Round Attendance: Students attending the university every semester, including summer sessions, may advance their graduation day by as much as two semesters. Credit by Examination: A student may participate in a variety of credit by examination programs in order to earn credit toward a degree awarded by the University of Florida. Credit received from one examination program may not be duplicated by another. A maximum of 30 semester hours may be earned from one or more of the following programs. International Baccalaureate Program: The uni- versity awards credit for International Baccalau- reate higher and subsidiary level subjects. Six semester hours of appropriate credit will be granted for each higher level exam of 5 or high- er. Three semester hours of credit will be given for higher level exam scores of 4. Subsidiary exams with scores of 5 or higher will be award- ed three semester hours of credit. Subsidiary Advanced Placement Examination Art Art History Art History Art Studio General Drawing Biological Sciences Biology Biology Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Computer & Information Sciences A5 AB5 AB5 Economics Micro Macro English Language & Composition6 Language & Composition6 Literature & Composition6 Literature & Composition6 French Language Score Required for Credit exams with scores of 4 earn one semester hour of credit. A student who receives the I.B. diploma and has three higher level examination results of 5, 6, or 7 will be granted 30 semester hours of credit. Advanced Placement Program: This credit by examination opportunity is sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board. Under this program, a student entering the university offers a nationally graded examination as evi- dence of completion of a college level course taken in high school. If the results of the exami- nation meet the minimum requirements listed below, the student may receive university credit for courses covering similar material. The course numbers in parentheses indicate approx- imate University of Florida course equivalen- cies. Advanced Placement credit will appear on the student's permanent record. Course Title Semester Credit Hours 3 Introduction to Art History (ARH 2050) 4,5 Introduction to Art History (ARH 2050 or ARH 2051)11 3,4,5 3,4,5 3 4,5 3 4,5 Beginning Design (ART 1201)2 Beginning Design (ART 1201, 1300)3 General Biology (APB 2150) General Biology (APB 2150,2151) Introductory General Chemistry (CHM 2040)4 Introductory General Chemistry (CHM 2040,2041) 3,4,5 Introduction to Computing for Non-Majors (COC 3111) 3 Introduction to Computing for Non-Majors (COC 3111) 4,5 Introduction to Computer & Information Science (COC 3010) 3,4,5 3,4,5 3 Basic Economics (ECO 2023) Basic Economics (ECO 2013) Expository and Argumentative Writing (ENC 1101) 4,5 Expository and Argumentative Writing (ENC 1101, ENC 1102) 3 Survey of American Literature (AML 2012) 4,5 Survey of American Literature (AML 2012, AML 2023) Intermediate French (FRE 2200)