A comparative analysis of the government and politics
of the major western European countries. Special
emphasis will be given to party systems and the social
bases of politics in industrialized societies. (I)
CPO 3204 African Politics. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 2001.
African nationalism, political movement, and the study
of governments in the African states. (I)
CPO 3303 Introduction to Latin American Politics. F.
 Credits: 3
An introduction to and overview of political patterns
and political behavior in Latin America within a com-
parative and developmental perspective. Emphasis on
the social, economic, and political factors shaping con-
temporary political structures and processes. (I)
CPO 3304 Political Systems of Latin America:
Modernization, Authoritarianism, Revolution. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 3303 or equivalent experience.
 Political responses to modernization in Latin America
 with emphasis of authoritarian regimes in Argentina
 and Brazil and the role of revolution in Mexican and
 Cuban development. (I)
 CPO 3403 The Politics of the Middle East. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 2001.
 The aim of the course is to provide a general introduc-
 tion to the history and politics of the Middle East and
 offer tentative answers to the persistent questions con-
 cerning the area. (I)
 CPO 3513 Politics in China and Japan. S.
 Credits: 3
 An analysis of the government and political process in
 China and Japan. Special emphasis on the historical,
 social, and economic determinants of current political
 institutions and political behavior. (I)
 CPO 3614 Eastern European Communist States. S.
 Credits; 3; Prereq: CPO 2001 or CPO 4414.
 Comparative analysis of Communist parties and gov-
 ernmental systems of the Eastern European Communist
 government. (I)
 CPO 3633 Politics in the Soviet Union. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 2001 or CPO 4414.
 A comparative analysis of the formal structures of gov-
 ernment and political parties of the Soviet Union and
 Eastern Europe, the actual operation of their political
 systems, and the factors which have influenced their
 development. (I)
 CPO 4000 Selected Studies in Comparative Politics.
 Credits: 3 (I)
 CPO 4034 Politics in Developing Nations. F.
 Credits: 3: Prereq: CPO 2001.
 A general introduction to politics in "third world"
 nations, an examination of common problems and the
 various strategies for dealing with them.
 CPO 4046 Politics in Post-Industrial Societies. F.
 Credits: 3
 Comparative analysis of advanced industrial states
 with emphasis on diverse patterns of economic, social
 and political development as determinants of current
 political structures and policies.
 CPO 4083 The Military in Politics. S.
 Credits: 3
 An analysis of the sources and uses of the political
 power of the Armed Forces, the causes and conse-
 quences of military intervention in politics, and con-
 trasting patterns of civil-military relations in Western
 and non-Western societies.
 CPO 4306 Contemporary Problems in Latin
 American Politics. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 3303 or equivalent experience.

The analysis of major themes and issues in the study of
Latin American politics; the breakdown of democratic
systems, dependency and imperialism, revolutionary
movements and regimes. Will be offered with changing
CPO 4414 Communism: Theory and Practice. S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing: CPO 2001
or INR 2001 recommended, but not required.
Emphasis on the interrelationship of theory and prac-
tice in the evolution of Marxist-Leninist theory and
developments in various communist political systems.
The appeals of communism. Cadre training. The devel-
opment of the international communist system.
CPO 4702 Political Risk Analysis. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: CPO 2001.
Use of basic political concepts to forecast political trends
and developments. After acquiring familiarity with sev-
eral types of data analysis and in-depth knowledge of a
political system, students write a lengthy political risk
analysis of that system.

Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate
course listings.

International Relations
INR 2001 International Relations. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3
 The nature of international relations; nationalism, impe-
 rialism, militarism, armaments, history of international
 relations, foreign policies, functions and problems of
 democracy; international organization, the United
 Nations. (I)
 INR 3054 Global Issues.
 Credits: 3
 Analysis of political implications of global trends in
 population growth, food production, resource con-
 sumption, and weapons proliferation. The adequacies
 of existing political and social institutions, at both
 national and international levels,, for coping with these
 trends are examined. (I)
 INR 3102 The U.S. and World Affairs. F, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001 or instructor's permis-
 An analysis of the tradition and development of
 American foreign policy with major emphasis on con-
 temporary foreign policy problems. (I)
 INR 3303 The Making of American Foreign Policy. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001 or instructor's permis-
 Examination of the principal factors influencing the for-
 mulation of U.S. foreign policy, including the interna-
 tional environment, information processing, personali-
 ty factors, political culture, decision makers, and deci-
 sion making. Consideration is also given to the institu-
 tional setting, including the President, Congress and
 public opinion. (S)
 INR 4034 Politics of the World Economy.
 Credits: 3
 Examines the role of international trade, finance, and
 investment issues in the global political economy with
 attention to their importance for both advanced indus-
 trial and less-developed countries. The course evalu-
 ates Liberal and Marxist explanations for the interna-
 tional division of power, wealth, and labor. (I)
 INR 4035 Rich and Poor Nations in the International
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001.
 Provides advanced undergraduates the opportunity to
 study North-South relations, including international
 finance, transnational corporations, political agencies,
 and proposals for a New International Economic Order.

INR 4141 Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence and Arms
Control. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001, INR 3102 is highly rec-
ommended, junior or senior standing.
Analysis of the effects of nuclear weapons on interna-
tional politics, especially US-Soviet relations. Heavy
emphasis on various deterrent strategies, various arms
control options, and crisis management.
INR 4204 Comparative Foreign Policy. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001 and junior or senior stand-
Special topics in international relations and foreign pol-
icy such as broadbased comparative analysis of foreign
policy behavior, comparative international subsystems,
reinterpretation of concepts such as nationalism and
INR 4244 International Politics of Latin America. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001 or advanced standing in
Latin American studies.
An analysis of the international politics of Latin
America, includes relations with the United States and
non-hemispheric powers as well as the foreign policies
of Latin American states vis-a-vis each other.
INR 4335 Foreign Policy and the Use of Force. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001.
Study of the impact of nationalism, industrialization,
and technology upon the conduct of war in the twenti-
eth century, especially the relationship between policy
and strategy. Case studies include World Wars I and II,
Korea, and Vietnam. (S)
INR 4502 International Institutions. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: INR 2001 and junior or senior stand-
 Analysis of the political and functional aspects of inter-
 national organization and administration alternating
 emphasis on either global organizations, such as the
 United Nations, or regional organizations such as the
 European Economic Community. (I)

 Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate
 course listings.

 Public Administration
 PAD 3003 Introduction to Public Administration. F,
 Credits: 3
 The role of administrative agencies in the formulation
 and implementation of public policy. Emphasis on the
 politics of administration. Problems in administration
 management. (S)
 PAD 3803 Urban Administration. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or senior standing.
 An introduction to government administration and
 management in urban settings. Emphasis will be placed
 upon the programmatic aspects of urban governmental
 PAD 4034 Problems of Public Administration and
 Credits: 3; Prereq: PAD 3003 and junior or senior
 A treatment of the political-administrative dimensions
 of government programs.
 PAD 4604 Administrative Law and Regulatory
 Politics. F, S.
 Credits: 3
 An introduction to the rapidly expanding and increas-
 ingly important field of administrative law. Materials
 for the course will be balanced between cases in admin-
 istrative law, illustrating the principles of administra-
 tive procedures and review as well as judicial review of
 administrative agencies and studies of regulatory poli-
 tics in administrative agencies.
 PAD 4611 Administration of Justice. F.
 Credits: 3
 tt Grading is on S-U basis only.