mathematics : Algebraic Structures
[AS 3113 Matrices and Vector Spaces. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3311 or MAC 3233.
near equations and matrices, elementary determi-
ints, linear geometry of Euclidean spaces, vector
>aces and linear transformations, eigenvalues. (M)
[AS 3114 Computational Linear Algebra. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3312 and knowledge of a pro-
"amming language.
near equations, matrices and determinants. Vector
)aces and linear transformations. Inner products and
genvalues. This course emphasizes computational
pects of linear algebra. (M)
[AS 3203 Introduction to Number Theory. S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: Two semesters of calculus.
n introduction to elementary number theory and its
)plications to computer science and cryptology; divis-
ility, primes, Euclidean Algorithm, congruences,
hinese Remainder Theorem, Euler-Fermat Theorem,
imitive roots. Selected applications to decimal frac-
mns, continued fractions, computer file storage and
fishing functions, and public-key cryptography. (M)
AS 3300 Numbers & Polynomials. F, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: Two semesters of calculus.
Igebraic and order properties of the real numbers,
production to number theory, rational numbers and
eir decimal expansions, uncountability of the real
Timbers, complex numbers, irreducible polynomials
,er the integral, rational, real and complex numbers,
amentary theory of equations. This course is particu-
rly useful for prospective secondary school mathe-
atics teachers. (M)
AS 4105 Linear Algebra 1. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 4; Prereq: MAC 3313.
near equations, matrices, vector spaces, linear trans-
rmations, determinants, eigenvalues, inner product
AS 4106 Linear Algebra 2. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAS 4105.
irther topics in linear algebra.
AS 4124 Introduction to Numerical Linear
Igebra. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAS 4105 and a high-level com-
ter language, or permission of the instructor.
opics in linear algebra most useful in applications
ith emphasis on the numerical methods involved:
rect and iterative solutions to systems of linear
uations, matrix norms, Householder transforma-
ins, singular value decomposition, least squares and
e generalized inverse, QR method for computing
Yenvalues, condition of linear systems and eigensys-
AS 4156 Introduction to Vector Analysis. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3313.
.tor Analysis including the integral theorems;
AS 4301 Abstract Algebra 1. F, S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3313 and one of MAS 4105,
AS 3113, and MAS 3114.
ts and mapping, groups and subgroups, homomor-
lisms and isomorphisms, permutations, rings and
mains, arithmetic properties of domains, fields. The
urse involves learning to prove theorems.
AS 4302 Abstract Algebra 2. S.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAS 4301.
irther topics in abstract algebra.

AT 4905 Individual Work. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 1 to 3; Maximum of 10 credits; Prereq: MAC
13 and permission of Chairman of Department.
 ir special topics not obtainable in the regular course
ferings. May be repeated for credit.

MAT 4930 Special Topics in Mathematics. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Permission of the chairman of
 the department's Undergraduate Advisery Panel who
 should be consulted well in advance of registration. May be
 repeated for credit. Maximum of 16 credits.
 MAT 4949 Co-Op Work Experience. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 1; Prereq: MAC 3313 and junior or senior
Practical co-op work experience as administered
through the Cooperative Education Program of the
Career Resource Center and coordinated by the math-
ematics department Cooperative Education Adviser.

Mathematics: General and Finite
MGF 1202 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics. F,
 Credits: 3
A General Education course which includes an intro-
duction to logic and set theory, algebra, probability
and statistics, an elementary introduction to linear
programming and game theory, and a review of
geometry and measurement. (M)
MGF 2214 Finite Mathematics. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1142 or equivalent.
Introductory course in partitions and counting; proba-
bility theory, Markov chains, matrices and vectors, lin-
ear programming, and game theory. Material present-
ed with application in business, biology, and social
science. (M)

Mathematics History and Foundations
MHF 3202 Sets & Logic. F, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3311 or consent of instructor.
Examples of sets, operations on sets, set algebra, Venn
diagrams, truth tables, tautologies, applications to
mathematical arguments and mathematical induction.
MHF 4102 Elements of Set Theory. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: A 4000-level mathematics course.
The basic axioms and concepts of set theory. Students
present proofs.
MHF 4203 Foundations of Mathematics. S.
 Credits: 3; A sequel to MHF 4102 or MHF 3202.
Models and proofs. Foundations of the real and natu-
ral numbers, algorithms, Turing machines, undecid-
ability and independence. Examples and applications
in algebra, analysis, geometry and topology.
MHF 4404 History of Mathematics. SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: 9 hours, of mathematics or permis-
sion of instructor.
A survey of the historical development of precalculus
mathematics. (M)

Mathematics: Topology and Geometry
.MTG 3212 Geometry. F.
 Credits: 4; Prereq: 2 semesters of calculus.
A systematic study of the axiomatic structure of
Euclidean geometry, including a comparison of the
metric (Birkhoff) and synthetic (Hilbert) develop-
ments of absolute geometry; parallelism, similarity,
area, lines and planes in space, solid mensuration.
This course is particularly useful for prospective sec-
ondary school mathematics teachers. (M)
MTG 4302 Elements Topology 1. F.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: A 4000-level course in mathematics
or consent of instructor.
The basic concepts of general topology.
MTG 4303 Elements Topology 2. S.
 Credits: 3
Continuation of MTG 4302.

Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate
course listings.

College of Engineering

Gaither, R.B., Chairman; Crane, C.D.; Dareing, D.W.;
Duffy, J.; Gater, R.A.; Goswami, D.Y., Green, A.E.S.;
Hansen, E.C.; Hsieh, C.K., Graduate Adviser; Ingley,
H.A.; Ingman, H.M.; Klausner, J.F.: Lear, W.E.; Lush,
A.M.; Matthew, G.K.; Micklow, G.J.; Oliver, C.C.;
Peterson, J.E.; Proctor, C.L.; Roan, V.P.; Saltiel, C.J.;
Schueller, J.K.; Seireg, A.; Sherif, S.; Smith, K.S.; Sowls,
R.E., Undergraduate Adviser; Tlusty, J.; Watts, E.H.;
Ziegert, J.C.

Engineering General (see Nuclear Engr.)
ENG 1002 Introduciton to Engineering, F,S.
 Credits: Itt
The role of the engineer in today's society. A survey of
the fields of engineering and technology.
Engineering Graphics
EGS 1111C Engineering Graphics.
 Credits: 2
Representation of systems in orthographic projection.
Engineering drawing and descriptive geometry.
EGS 1130 Descriptive Geometry.
 Credits: 1; Prereq: Training in mechanical drawing.
True length of lines; true shape of planes; true angles;
revolution; intersections; developments.
EGN 3123 Advanced Computer Assisted Drafting
and Design. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: Knowledge of FORTRAN, EML
3023 or permission of instructor.
The use of computer assisted graphics in analytical
design. Solution of representational problems in many
areas, including CAD.

Engineering: Mechanical
EML 3005C Introduction to Mechanical
EngineeringDesign. F, S.
 Credits: 4; Prereq: EML 3023, PHY 3040.
Study and application of the design process, as related
to mechanical and thermal systems. Exercises in prob-
lem definition, idea generation, decision making,
selection of standard parts, and graphical, written and
oral communication. Drawing laboratories are inte-
grated with the lecture material.
EML 3023 Computer Assisted Drafting and Design.
F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: Calculus.
Hand sketching, descriptive geometry, elementary
computer graphics, computer aided drafting, and sim-
ple design projects.
EML 3100 Thermodynamics 1. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 3313, PHY 3040, CHM
2045 or 2041.
Application of the first and second laws of thermody-
namics to closed and open systems and to cyclic heat
engines. This includes the development of procedures
for calculating the properties of multiphase and sin-
glephase pure substances.
EML 3101 Thermodynamics 2. F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: EML 3100.
A continuation of EML 3100 with an emphasis on
applications that involve imperfect gases, gas-vapor
mixtures (psychrometrics), or chemically reacting
gases (combustion).
EML 3260 Machine Dynamics.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: EML 3202; EGM 3400, 3401.
Principles of dynamics in the design of machinery.
EML 3262 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery.
F, S, SS.
 Credits: 3; Prereq: EML 3400 or 3401, and COP
 tt Grading is on S-U basis only.