HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE Environmental Horticulture ORH 3222C Turfgrass Culture. F. Credits: 4; No prerequisites. Comparisons of turfgrass for their landscape and recreational uses. Growth characteristics, method of propagation, and basic management requirements, including control of important pest problems, are cov- ered. Offered fall of even years. ORH 3513C Ornamental Plant Identification 1. F, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: BOT 2011C or permission of instructor. Identification, growth characteristics, culture and use of common landscape and greenhouse plants. Materials include trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, lawn grasses, and floriculture crops. Emphasis is placed on temperate plants. ORH 3514C Ornamental Plant Identification 2. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: ORH 3513. Identification, growth characteristics, culture and use of subtropical and tropical landscape plants. Materials include trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, and foliage plants. ORH 3611 Retail Florist Shop and Garden Center Management. S. Credits: 3; No Prerequisites. A basic course in the operations of retail florist shops and garden centers, including management, shop design and layout, psychology of selling, postharvest handling of flowers, plants and seeds, and the princi- ples of artistic design. ORH 3815C Introduction to Landscape Horticulture. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: ORH 3513C. A basic course in the study of residential landscape design including preparation, evaluation, and imple- mentation of simple landscape plans. Emphasis will be placed on the use of ornamental plants for func- tional and aesthetic improvement of home environ- ments. Students enrolling in this class may be expect- ed to attend one or two Saturday field trips. ORH 4235C Landscape Practices and Arboriculture. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: BOT 3503, ORH 3513, or permis- sion of instructor. Principles and practices of landscape installation and management with emphasis on arboriculture. Students will survey the landscape industry, study landscape contracting procedures, and interior plantscape maintenance. Laboratories will provide practical experience in various installation and main- tenance practices and field trips will provide interac- tion with industry. Students enrolling in this class may be expected to attend Saturday field trips. Offered spring of even years. ORH 4253C Nursery Operations and Management S. Credits: 3; Prereq: SOS 3022 and BOT 2011. A comprehensive course concerning environmental plant production. Topics include planning plant pro- duction facilities, structures and equipment required for environmental plant production, principles of environmental plant culture, and storage, shipping and marketing practices. A 1-day field trip or term paper required. ORH 4263C Production of Floricultural Crops. F. Credits: 4; Recommended prereq: HOS 4304. Lecture and laboratory will involve the procedures for commercial production of the major, economically important floriculture crops. Students will learn pro- duction guidelines in lecture and will be responsible for growing flowering plants in the laboratory. A 3- day field trip to commercial floriculture producers required. Offered fall of odd years. ORH 4275C Commercial Production of Foliage Plants. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: HOS 4304 and ORH 4253 or per- mission of instructor. Lecture and laboratory will involve the procedures for commercial production of the major, economically important foliage crops. Students will learn produc- tion guidelines in lecture and will be responsible for growing foliage plants in the laboratory. A 1-day field trip to commercial foliage producers required. Offered spring of odd years. ORH 4280 Orchidology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: ORH 4253. The principles and practices involved in the produc- tion of orchid plants and flowers, including nomencla- ture, breeding, seed culture, harvesting, and handling. ORH 4905 Independent Study. F, S, SS. Credits:1 to 5 Three sections of topics for independent study are offered: A -Research investigation which may include review of literature, drafting of proposal, conduct of an experiment, collection of data, summation and interpretation of results and preparation of a report. B - Library or Studio Assignment, including analysis of several sources of information on a specific topic with a written evaluation and list of conclusions prepared. C Assist in teaching laboratory portion of selected courses in environmental horticulture. ORH 4932 Special Topics in Environmental Horticulture. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: Consent of the instructor. Topics of current interest concerning ornamental plants. ORH 4941 Full-time Practical Work Experience in Environmental Horticulture. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 3tt; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser, approval of Dept. Chairman and Dean. Practical work must be a new experience and related to student's field of study. Fruit Crops FRC 1010 Growing Fruits for Fun and Profit. S. Credits: I For student desiring a concise mini-course for fruit growing and marketing. Fruit crops include citrus, pecan, blueberry, peach, grape, apple, mango, avoca- do, carambola, cherimoya, banana and coffee. FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: BOT 2010 or BSC 2010 or permis- sion of instructor. Citrus botany, cultivars and rootstocks of citrus as they relate to static decision-making processes in grove management. FRC 3283C Temperate Zone Fruit Crops. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: BSC 2010C, BOT 2011C, or per- mission of instructor. Culture involving breeding, physiology, nutrition, taxonomy, harvesting and marketing of deciduous fruit crops, including grape, peach, pecan, blueberry, apple, plum, cherry, persimmon, fig, brambles and strawberry. Laboratory field trips to the Fruit Teaching Block will be made. FRC 4223 Citrus Production. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: FRC 3212. A study of the various practices comprising a Florida citrus production program. Major topics include fertil- ization, cultivation, irrigation, pest management, pruning and harvesting. FRC 4905 Special Problems in Fruit Crops. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 3; Maximum of 6 credits. Open only to seniors with consent of instructor. FRC 4933 Citrus Managers' Seminar. S. Credits: Itt; Prereq. or Coreq: FRC 4223. Current practices employed in Florida citrus industry. Topics include cultural practices, harvesting, labor relations, management, budgeting and records with guest lecturers from the Florida citrus industry. FRC 4941 Full-time Practical Work Experience in Fruit Crops. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 4tt; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser and approval of Department Chairman and Dean. Horticultural Science HOS 3013 General Horticulture. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: BOT 2010 An overview of the horticultural industry and an introduction to the scientific principles that are involved in the production of horticultural crops. HOS 4304 Horticultural Physiology. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: BOT 2010 and BOT 3503 (Coreq.) Physiology, and environmental requirements of horti- cultural crops. Botany GRADUATE COURSES Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate course listings. Plant Science PLS 3221 Plant Propagation. F. Credits: 2 Principles, practices, and physiological aspects of the propagation of horticultural and agronomic crops by cuttage, graftage, seedage, micropropagation, and other methods. PLS 3221L Plant Propagation Lab. F. Credits: 1 Practice in propagation of horticultural and agronom- ic crops by cuttage, graftage, seedage, micropropaga- tion, and other methods. PLS 4242C Micropropagation of Horticultural Crops. F. Credits: 3 Lectures and laboratory exercises emphasizing the practical application of plant tissue culture for the clonal propagation of horticultural crops. Emphasis on aseptic technique, culture methodology, and micropropagation systems development. Vegetable Crops VEC 3100 Introduction to World's Vegetables. S. Credits: 2 Types of vegetables grown throughout the world dis- cussed with emphasis on their importance, adapta- tion, use and nutritional value. VEC 3200 Vegetable Gardening F. Credits: 1 A course primarily for non-majors who desire to learn the basic principles of vegetable gardening. A garden will be required of each student. VEC 3221 Commercial Production of Warm Season Vegetables. F. Credits: 4 Introduction to the commercial production of veg- etable crops and a detailed study of warm season veg- etable production. Crop biology, production tech- niques and required commercial technologies are emphasized. VEC 3222 Commercial Production of Cool Season Vegetable. S. Credits: 3 tt Grading is on S-U basis only. 215