DESCRIPTIONS The several fields of geology significant in the location of engineering structures and installations; the identi- fication of common minerals and rocks; the process of weathering and erosion; structure; surface features, and geologic history interpreted from topographic and geologic maps. For engineers. (P) GLY 2030C Environmental Geology. Credits: 4 Hazardous earth processes and current environmental concerns are related to the earth, the forces acting upon it, and the resulting surface features and materi- als. Human interaction with the environment is illus- trated using modern case studies with emphasis on scenarios in Florida. Two field trips expected. No pre- requisites. (P) GLY 2100C Historical Geology. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: GLY 2015C or 2991C or permis- sion of instructor. Evolution of.the earth and its life. The major physical events and evolutionary changes as recorded in the geologic past. Related laboratory, demonstrations and exercises. (P) GLY 2171 Physiographic Features of the U.S. F, S, SS. Credits: 3 Geologic origin, evolution, and description of the land forms that comprise the physiographic provinces of the United States. (P) GLY 2991C Physical Geology-Honors. F, S. Credits: 4 In-depth discussion of materials, structures, surface features of the earth and processes which have pro- duced them. Related laboratory demonstrations and experiences. Course designed for University Honors Program students only. (P) GLY 3200C General Minerology. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: GLY 2015C or GLY 2991C. Concepts of crystallography, crystal chemistry, physi- cal properties of minerals, mineral genesis, and sys- tematic study of the rock-forming or otherwise impor- tant minerals. (P) GLY 3220C Optical Minerology. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 3200C. Use of the petrographic microscope for study and identification of rock-forming minerals in thin section. GLY 4155 Geology of Florida. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 2015C or GLY 2026 or GLY 2991C or permission of instructor. Principles of physical and historical geology as applied to the geology and mineral resources of Florida. (P) GLY 4310C Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: GLY 3200C, GLY 3220C. Fundamental concepts, principles, and data that pertain to the genesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Emphasis on mineral phase relations, interpretive petro- chemistry, magma genesis, and tectonic relationships. GLY 4400C Structural Geology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 2015, MAC 1142. Structural features of the earth, their causes, recogni- tion, and interpretation, to include the mechanics of folding, faulting, and other deformations of the earth's crust. GLY 4451C Introduction to Geophysics and Tector. F,S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 2015C or GLY 2991C; PHY 2004, 2005 or PHY 3040, 3041. Principles of earth physics and geophysical techniques of exploration, seismology, geomagnetics, gravimetry, geothermometry, equipment familiarity, and field methods. The theory of plate tectonics and relation- ship of plate boundaries and plate mechanisms to geo- physical anomalies. GLY 4500C Sedimentary Geology. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: GLY 3200C. An introduction to the basic disciplines important in understanding the origin and classification of sedi- mentary rocks including sedimentary petrology, sedi- mentology, and stratigraphy. GLY 4610C Invertebrate Paleontology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 2100C, ZOO 3203C. Characteristics and identification of important groups of invertebrate fossils and their use in the determina- tion of the geological age of sedimentary rocks. GLY 4700 Introduction to Geomorphology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 2015C. Description of the earth's major geomorphic features, their origin and evolution, and the geomorphic description and interpretation of topographic maps. (P) GLY 4781C Introduction to Photogeology. Credits: 3 Introduction to aerial photography and remote sens- ing as applied to geology. GLY 4790 Geology Summer Field Camp. SS. Credits: 7; Prereq: GLY 2015c or 2991C, GLY 2100C, and GLY 4400C, and permission of instructor. Geological field procedures, techniques, and instru- ments used in field work. GLY 4800 Economic Geology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: GLY 3200C, GLY 3220C, and GLY 4400C. The geology of ore deposits with emphasis on origin and occurrence. GLY 4905 Individual Work. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 3; maximum of 7 credits; Prereq: 15 hours of Geology and permission of instructor. For work in addition to that offered in regular courses in physiography, minerology, petrology, paleontolo- gy, stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structural geolo-. gy. With changes in content, GLY 4905 may be select- ed for additional credits. GLY 4930 Special Topics in Geology. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: 3 courses in Geology or permission ofinstructor. Lecture, conferences, or laboratory sessions covering selected topics of current interest in modem geology. May be repeated with change in content up to a maxi- mum of 12 credits. Oceanography OCE 2005 Introductory Oceanography. F. Credits: 3 History of oceanography; distribution of Earth's land and water; nature and relief of the sea's floor; physical and chemical properties of sea water; sea ice; sound in the sea; tides, currents and waves; marine sedimen- taiton. (P) GRADUATE COURSES Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate course listings. GERMANIC AND SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES College of Liberal Arts and Sciences INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1991-92 Stephan, A., Chair; Barksdale, E.C.; Bullivant, K.; DiFino, S.; Eichhorn, E.; Futterknecht, F.; Johnston, O.W.; Kraft, H.W.; Mann, R.; Novikov, T.; Overstreet, C.; Popp, D.M.; Rennert, H.H.; Stephan, H.; Sullivan, W.J. III. Undergraduate Coordinator in German and German Area Studies: F. Futterknecht Undergraduate Coordinator in Russian: W.J. Sullivan III Russian and East European Certificate: H. Stephan Graduate Coordinator in German: K. Bullivant tt Grading is on S-U basis only. 206 Office: Dauer 263 (392-2101) THE MAJOR IN GERMAN: A major in German may be obtained by either of two options: (1) The "Language and Literature Option" requires 30 semester hours of work in GER or GEW 3000- and 4000-level courses. Major credit is also available for GET 2000 or GET 2001. Up to 15 upper division credits may be transferred from another insti- tution. No more than 3 credits can be earned in inde- pendent studies courses such as GER 4905. (2) The "German Area Studies Option" requires 33 semester hours and combines professional with cultural/linguistic preparation. All participating fac- ulty have expertise in German area studies. The individualized Area Studies program is to be set up for interested students by the German Area Studies Coordinator. Up to 15 upper division credits may be transferred from another institution. No more than 3 credits can be earned in independent studies courses such as GER 4905. Majors are encouraged to take additional courses in other departments which support and enhance their knowledge of German literature and culture. We recommend that they enroll in UF's summer program in Mannheim, Innsbruck and the junior/senior year at the University of Bonn. HONORS IN GERMAN: A student majoring in German who desires to be graduated with honors should consult the honors coordinator in the German Department about requirements for the baccalaureate degree with honors, high honors, or highest honors. For graduation with honors, a student must attain a 3.5 overall upper-division average. For graduation with high honors or highest honors, the student must fulfill an overall 3.5 upper-division average, and in addition, submit a thesis, a research project, or other creative work. Upon evaluation by the department or other responsible group, the student will be recom- mended for high or highest honors. THE MINOR IN GERMAN: To qualify for a minor students need a minimum of 15 credit hours in German in GER or GEW 3000- and 4000-level courses, i.e. five courses. Credit is also available for GET 2000 or GET 2001. No more than 6 hours may be transfer credits and no more than 3 credits may be indepen- dent study (GER 4905). GENERAL EDUCATION: The Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures is offering a broad range of General Education courses on language, literature and culture. While many of these courses require a good working knowledge of German or Russian, the Department would like to direct the attention of students interested in fulfilling the General Education requirement to courses taught in English. COURSES IN GERMAN: Students without prior knowledge of German should take the sequence GER 1120 (4 credits), GER 1121 (3 credits) and GER 1122 (3 credits). The total of 10 credits fulfills the language requirement of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students who have had previous training in one of the languages offered by the Department are advised to take a placement test before registering. THE MAJOR IN RUSSIAN: A majoring student needs a minimum of 30 credit hours, e.g., 10 courses. Up to 15 upper division credits can be transferred from another institution. 6 credits can be earned in RUS 2200 and in RUT 2500 or RUT 2501. The remain- ing credits should be from RUS/RUW courses on the 3000 and 4000 level. No more than 3 credits can be earned in independent study (RUW 4905). HONORS IN RUSSIAN: An honors' candidate must meet the foregoing requirements and, in addi- tion, maintain a 3.5 GPA in Russian. For high or high- est honors, students must obtain a recommendation