DESCRIPTIONS CHM 2045 General Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: MAC 1142 or equivalent high school chemistry, and a minimum score of 62 on the chem- istry readiness test; Coreq: CHM 2045L The first semester of the 2045-2045L-2046-2046L sequence. Stoichiometry, gases, liquids, and solids, atomic structure and introduction to bonding, chem- istry of some representative elements, acids and bases, reaction rates and equilibrium. (P) CHM 2045L General Chemistry Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 1; Coreq: CHM 2041 or CHM 2045, or CHM 2050. Laboratory experiments designed to accompany CHM 2041, 2045, and 2050. (P) CHM 2046 General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2041 or 2045 and CHM 2045L at UF; Coreq: 2046L. Final semester of the CHM 2040-2041-2045L-2046- 2046L and the CHM 2045-2045L-2046-2046L sequence. Directed bonding, molecular geometry, equilibria in salt solutions, chemistry of transition metals, complex ions, non-metals, thermodynamic principles and elec- trochemistry. (P) CHM 2046L General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 1; Prereq: CHM 2041 or CHM 2045 or CHM 2050 and CHM 2045L; Coreq: CHM 2046 or CHM 2051. Final laboratory of the CHM 2040-2041-2045L-2046- 2046L, CHM 2045-2045L-2046-2046L and the CHM 2050-2045L-2051-2046L sequences. Experiments involving the separation and detection of ions in aqueous solution. (P) CHM 2050 General Chemistry Honors. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: Superior score on the chemistry readiness test. Coreq: CHM 2045L. First course in the sequence CHM 2050-2045L-2051- 2046L which has the same goals as the sequence CHM 2045-2046. Students with a minimum score of 85 on the chemistry readiness test are enrolled in this course. (P) CHM 2051 General Chemistry Honors. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2050 or CHM 2045 and per- mission of instructor, CHM 2045L. Second semester of the sequence CHM 2050-2045L- 2051-2046L. This course is open to students with supe- rior performance in CHM 2045 or its equivalent. (P) CHM 3120 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2046, 2051C or 2053C and CHM 2046L. Principles involved in quantitative analysis. Topics include acid-base equilibria and titrations; precipita- tion and complex formation; oxidation-reduction; sta- tistical treatment of data; sampling methods. CHM 3120L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 1; Prereq. or Coreq: CHM 3120 or equivalent. Laboratory experiments designed to accompany CHM 3120. CHM 3200 Organic Chemistry. F, SS. Credits: 3 Prereq: CHM 2046-2046L or equivalent. A brief elementary course embracing the more impor- tant aliphatic and aromatic compounds and intended for students in programs requiring only one semester of organic chemistry. Not intended for Pre-Med, pre- Dent or Pre-Vet students. CHM 3200L Organic Chemistry Laboratory. F, SS. Credits: 1; Coreq: CHM 3200. Organic laboratory experiments to accompany CHM 3200. CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2046-2046L or equivalent. tt Grading is on S-U basis only. 174 The first half of the CHM 3210-3211 sequence. A study of the structures, syntheses and reactions of organic compounds. CHM 3211 Organic Chemistry. F,S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3210. The second half of the CHM 3210-3211 sequence. CHM 3211L Organic Chemistry Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 2; Coreq: CHM 3211.. Organic laboratory experiments to accompany CHM 3211. CHM 3215 Organic Chemistry Honors. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: two semesters of college chemistry or its equivalent and consent of instructor; Coreq: CHM 3215L. This course will cover the subject material of CHM 3210 in greater depth. CHM 3215L Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Honors. F. Credits: 2; Coreq: CHM 3215 Basic techniques and instrumentation of the organic chemistry research laboratory. CHM 3216 Organic Chemistry Honors. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3215; Coreq: CHM 3216L This course will cover the subject material of CHM 3211 in greater depth. CHM 3216L Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Honors. S. Credits: 2; Coreq: CHM 3216. Research experiments in organic chemistry. CHM 3400 Physical Chemistry. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3120, MAC 3312 and two semesters of college physics; Coreq: CHM 3210 or 3200. Properties of gases and liquids, thermodynamics, solutions of nonelectrolytes and electyrolytes, acid- based and oxidation-reduction equilibria, with emphasis on biological systems. CHM 3401 Physical Chemistry. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3400. Molecular structure and bonding, spectroscopy, col- loidal and macromolecular systems, and chemical kinetics, with biochemical applications. CHM 3610 Inorganic Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3211 and CHM 3211L or equivalent. Basic theoretical concepts involved in inorganic chem- istry. Bonding, structure and reactivity, reaction mechanisms. Examples of industrial reactions. CHM 4060 Chemistry Literature. F. Credits: 1; Prereq: 3 years of chemistry. A reading knowledge of French and German is desir- able. The present sources of published chemical infor- mation. CHM 4130 Instrumental Analysis. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 3120, MAC 3312 and PHY 3048 or equivalent. Continuation of CHM 3120. Electrochemical, chro- matographic and spectroscopic methods of analysis. CHM 4130L Instrumental Analysis Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 3120L, MAC 3312 and COC 3111, COP 3210 or COP 3212; Coreq: CHM 4130. Laboratory experiments designed to accompany CHM 4130. CHM 4235 Organic Spectroscopy. F. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 3211. Characterization and structure proof of organic com- pounds by spectral methods, including IR; UV, NMR and mass spectrometry. CHM 4272 The Organic Chemistry of Polymers. F. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 3210, 3200 or equivalent. Classification of polymerization types and mecha- nisms from a mechanistic organic point of view. The structure of synthetic and natural polymers and poly- electrolytes. Reaction of polymers. Practical synthetic methods of polymer preparation. CHM 4411 Physical Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: One year of General Chemistry, one year of Physics with Calculus; Coreq: MAC 3313. Background in analytical and organic chemistry desirable. Gas laws, kinetic theory. Classical and statistical ther- modynamics and applications to solutions, phase equilibria, chemical equilibria, and electrochemistry. CHM 4411L Physical Chemistry Laboratory. F, S, SS. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 3120L and COC 3111, COP 3210 or COP 3212; Coreq: CHM 4411. A series of laboratory experiments designed to accom- pany CHM 4411. CHM 4412 Physical Chemistry. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: CHM 4411 and MAC 3313. Introduction to quantum theory. Atomic and molecu- lar structure, chemical bonding and spectra. Chemical reaction rate laws and mechanisms; statistical and col- lision theories of reaction rates. CHM 4412L Physical Chemistry Laboratory. S. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 4411L; Coreq: CHM 4412. A series of laboratory experiments designed to accom- pany CHM 4412. CHM 4453 Physical Chemistry of Polymers. S. Credits: 2; Prereq: CHM 4411 or equivalent. Structure, configuration, confirmation, and thermody- namics of polymer solutions, gels, and solids. Thermal, mechanical, optical; and theological proper- ties of plastics and rubbers. CHM 4905 Individual Problems. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Permission of the faculty mem- ber supervising the work. May be repeated for additional credit. Double registra- tion permitted. An assigned reading program or the development of an assigned experimental problem. CHM 4910 Senior Research. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq or Coreq: CHM 4060. Senior standing and consent of instructor. Laboratory or literature investigations of chemical problems of current interest. May be repeated for additional credit. CHM 4940 Supervised Teaching. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 2; Prereq: Senior standing and consent of instructor. Teaching, usually at the General Chemistry level. Required is a superior record at UF in the course in which the student will assist, senior standing as a chemistry major with a good record, and evidence that the student's own progress will not be delayed. May be repeated for credit. GRADUATE COURSES Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for graduate course listings. CIVIL ENGINEERING College of Engineering INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1991-92 Thompson, P.Y., Chairperson; Bloomquist, D.G.; Christensen, B.A.; Cook, R.; Courage, K.G.; Davidson, J.L.; Dewitt, B.A.; Ellifritt, D.S.; Ellis, R.D.; Fagundo, F.E.; Gibson, D.W.; Hatfield, K.; Hays, C.O.; Herbsman, Z.; Hoit, M.I.; Long, G.; Lybas, J.M.; McVay, M.C.; Motz, L.H.; Najafi, F.T.; Ruth, B.E.; Schaub, J.H.; Shafer, W.G.; Shrestha, R.L.; Smith, S.E.; Tia, M.; Townsend, F.C.; Wattleworth, J.A.; Zimpfer, W.H. ADJUNCT AND AFFILIATE STAFF Dean, R.G.; Deere, D.U.; Eades, J.L.; Huber, W.C.; Mehta, A.; Schmertmann, J.H.; Zoltek, J.