COLLEGES ** Painting majors must take ART 3310C and ART 3311C. Twelve more credits will be chosen from ART 3110C, ART 3400C, ART 3600C,.ART 3701C, or ART 4930. (d) B.F.A. in Studio Ceramics JUNIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credits ART 3110C Ceramics 1...............................4. ARH Take one 20th Century Art................4. ART 3701C Sculpture 1 ...............................4. General Elective .............................................. 4 16 Spring Semester ART 3111C Ceramics 2..................................4 Art History ............... ............ ............... 4 ART 3702C Sculpture 2 .................................4 G general Elective ..................................:.............4 16 Total 32 SENIOR YEAR Fall Semester ART 4113C Advanced Ceramics .................4. ART History ................................. ............. 4 ** A rt Elective .................................. .............. 4 ART 4115 or 4119 ............................................ 4 16 Spring Semester ART 4113C Advanced Ceramics .................;.4 A RT H history ......................................... .4 ** A rt Elective ........................................................4 Art Elective..................................................... 3-4 General Elective ...........................................1-2 16-17 Total 33 Total Minimum Credits 130 Electives must include a minimum of nine credits outside the Department of Art in courses of a nonstudio nature. EMA 3040L and 3050 are recommended electives. ** Twenty credits of art electives are required. ART 3701C and 3702C (Sculpture 1 & 2) are required. The remaining twelve credits will be chosen from ART 3310C, 3510C, 3600C, 3400C. Four of these credits may be from ART 3311C, 3401C, 3520C, 3601C, or ART 4930. (e) B.F.A. in Studio Sculpture JUNIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credits ART 3701C Sculpture I.....................................4 ARH Take one 20th Century Art.................4. ART 3310 Intermediate Drawing I ............4. General Electives.......... ....................... .....4 16 Spring Semester ART 3702 Sculpture 2......................................4 ART History ....................................................4 ART Four Dimensional Art..........................4. General Electives................................... .....5 17 Total 33 SENIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credits ART 4703 Advanced Sculpture.....................4 ART 3311 Intermediate Drawing II................4 ART History ................................................4 *** ART Studio Elective .......................................4 -16 Spring Semester ART 4703 Advanced Sculpture..................4 ART History .................................. ....... .4 *** ART Studio Elective ......................................... 8 16 Total 32 Total Minimum Credits 130 Electives must include a minimum of nine credits outside the Department of Art in courses of a non-studio nature. *** Sculpture majors must take ART 3310C and ART 3311C. Twelve more credits will be chosen from ART 3310, ART 3400, ART 3510, ART 3600 or ART 4930. (f) B.F.A. in Creative Photography JUNIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credits ART Specialization: 1st level........................4. ARH Take one 20th Century Art.................4. ART 3310 Intermediate Drawing I ............4. General Elective ..............................................4 16 Spring Semester ART Specialization: 2nd level....................4 Art History.................. ...... ........... .4 ** Art Elective .............................................. .... 4 General Elective .............................................. 5 17 Total 33 SENIOR YEAR Fall Semester ART Specialization: Advanced ..................4. Art History........................................ ............... 4 ** Art Elective .................................................... ...4 ART Specialization: (ART 3605 or ART 3830) ...............................4 16 Spring Semester ART Specialization: Advanced..................4. Art History...................................... ............... 4 ** Art Elective ......................................... .............. 8 16 Total 32 Total Minimum Credits 130 Photography majors will take ART 3310C and 12 hours from ART 3110C, ART 3400C, ART 3510C, or ART 3701C; 4 hours from ART 3111C, ART 3401C, ART 3520C, ART 3702C, or ART 4930. CURRICULUM IN ART HISTORY LEADING TO THE BACHELOR OF ARTS. The Bachelor of Arts degree offers Art Histo- ry classes in the following areas: Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance/Baroque, Modern and Non-Western. Students who plan to enter a pro- gram of graduate study in art history are encouraged to take courses in all of these areas. At least one in four of the five is required of all majors. JUNIOR YEAR Fall Semester Credits ARH Take one 20th Century Art.................4 Art H istory................................ .............. 4 Foreign Language..........................................3-5 ** Humanities Elective ......................................... 3 14-16 Spring Semester Art H istory................................ ............... 8 Foreign Language............................... ...3-5 ** Humanities Elective ................................. ......3 14-16 Total 32 SENIOR YEAR Fall Semester * ARH 3800 or ARH 4931 ................................4 Art H istory.............................. ................ 4 Foreign Language............................................ 3 Art of Art History Elective ...........................4 ** Humanities Elective ......................................... 3 18 Spring Semester Art History........................................................ 4 Art or Art History Elective ...........................4 Electives............................ ................. .... 7 15 Total 33 Total Minimum Credits 130 *Intermediate level of a foreign language is required. The intermediate level must be taken at UF with a minimum grade of "C". The accepted languages are French and German through FRE 2200 or GER 2200. The elementary level may be taken S/U. For any substitutions or exceptions, consult the undergraduate adviser. ** Humanities electives may include courses in history, philosophy, anthropology, classics, religion, literature, etc., which will broaden the student's understanding of the cultures which produced those traditions of art studied in Art History courses. CURRICULUM IN GRAPHIC DESIGN LEADING TO THE BACHELOR OF DESIGN. Graphic Design is a professional program. The curriculum includes a series of courses in design, drawing, the history and theory of art, and in the professional field-lettering, layout, graphic design, photography, and illustration. Students receiving the Bachelor of Design are