ENGINEERING Administration and Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students in the Department of Electrical Engi- neering can pursue the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. Admission Requirements: Applicants should understand that admission to this program is a selective process. Admission will be based on a student's whole record including educational objectives, courses completed, quality of aca- demic record, and other important facts. Priori- ty in admission will be given to those students whose potential on the basis of the entire record indicates the greatest likelihood of success in the program. Applicants should have grade point aver- ages of 2.5 or better, with 2.5 in calculus courses and in physics (with calculus) lecture courses (on first attempts). Curriculum Leading to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering The curriculum in Computer Engineering requires a minimum of 135 semester credits as shown in the following list: Courses Credits Pre-Engineering Curriculum ...................55 COC 3110 Introduction to CIS ....................3.... CDA 3101 Introduction to Computer Organization......................... .............. 3 COT 3001 Applied Discrete Structures..........3 COP 3530 Data and Program Structures .......4 COP 3603 Intro to Software Engineering ......3 COP 4600 Systems Programming I ................3 CIS 4914 Computer Engineering Design.......3 MAS 3114 Linear Algebra............................3. CNM 4110 Numerical Analysis A Computational Approach...........................3 STA 4321 Mathematical Statistics................... EEL 3111 Circuits 1........................................... 3 EEL 3112 Circuits 2........................................... 3 EEL 3304 Electronic Circuits 1 .....................3. EEL 3303L Electrical Circuits Lab.................. EEL 4303L Electronics Lab ............................1 EEL 3701C Intro. to Digital Systems ..............4 EEL 4712C Digital Design ..............................4 EEL 4744 Microprocessor Applications.........4 ENC 2213 Technical Writing and Business Communication........................... Engineering Core EEL 3396 Solid State Elec. Devices or EMA 3010 Materials 1 ...........................3. EGM 3511 Eng. Mechanics-Statics ............3. EML 3100 Thermodynamics 1 .......................3 *** Technical Electives................................ ..12 ***Nontechnical Electives..................................... 3 General Electives......................... ............... 2 TOTAL 135 STA 4033 Math Stats. with Comp. Appl. and its prerequisite may be taken. ** ENC 2213 must be completed with a C or better. *** Technical electives must be taken from an approved list which may be obtained from the student's adviser. ****Electives must be approved by student's adviser. SCredits for ENC 2213 are included in the general education composition category. Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering is a science-oriented branch of engineering primarily concerned with all phases and development of the transmission and utilization of electric power and intelli- gence. The study of electrical engineering can be conveniently divided into the academic areas of circuits, electronics, electromagnetics, electric energy systems, communications, control, and computer engineering. Because of the extremely rapid growth and changes relating to the application of electrical engineering principles, the curriculum is designed for concentration on a solid core of basic foundation courses. Electives are taken according to individual interest in order to per- mit a student to delve more deeply into subject matter previously introduced. Technical elec- tives, as well as nontechnical electives, must be selected from the approved lists of the Electrical Engineering Department. The department's extensive laboratory facili- ties and varied research programs will assist in highlighting both the experimental and theoreti- cal approaches to electrical engineering. The department offers graduate programs for students interested in advanced degrees. More and more students are continuing to grad- uate school, so those who may become qualified should seek early counseling. As early as the sixth and seventh semesters, coursework may be directed toward future graduate work. Cer- tainly, electives chosen during the last few semesters of the undergraduate curriculum may relate to areas of interest to be pursued in the graduate program. Degree Programs: The Electrical Engineering Department offers the following degrees at the Gainesville campus: Bachelor of Science in Elec- trical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Com- puter Engineering, Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Engineer, and Doctor of Phi- losophy. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering) is also offered, but only in the UF/UNF joint program in Jacksonville. Admission: The number of applicants who can be accepted is limited by the available class- room and laboratory space, laboratory facilities, and faculty. That number varies because of nor- mal fluctuations in the number of students who graduate and who leave the program. It is the department's policy to admit the best-qualified applicants as demonstrated by high academic achievement, within the enrollment limitations discussed above. Applicants should understand that admis- sion to this program is a selective process. Admission will be based on a student's whole record including educational objectives, courses completed, quality of academic record, and other important facts. Priority in admission will be given to those students whose potential on the basis of the entire record indicates the great- est likelihood of success in the program. Applicants should have grade point aver- ages of 2.5 or better overall, with 2.5 in calculus courses (on first attempts), and 2.5 in physics (with calculus) lecture courses (on first attempts). Once admitted to the program, an electrical engineering student shall maintain satisfactory progress-generally C or better in all required courses-and an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher. In particular, an electrical engi- neering student cannot take an electrical engi- neering course without having earned a minimum grade of C in the prerequisite electri- cal engineering courses. In addition to the other requirements for a bachelor's degree a student must have at least a 2.0 grade point average in all electrical engineer- ing courses taken, both required and elective. If a course is repeated, both grades count in this grade point average. The Electrical Engineering Department pub- lishes the Electrical Engineering Counseling Guide which provides detailed information beyond that stated in this catalog. Degree Program at UNF: Through a coopera- tive arrangement, a program leading to a Uni- versity of Florida Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering) is offered on the campus of the University of North Flori- da (UNF) at Jacksonville, Florida. Admission requirements (see above) and curriculum requirements (see below) are the same as for the Gainesville campus program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. However, applications for the program must be made through the Admissions Office at UNF. Applications can be made for admission in any semester of the year. The grade point average required for graduation with a bachelor's degree is a C or higher in all work taken both at UF and UNF after being classified as a junior, and satis- factory completion of all required courses. A combined UF/UNF average will also be used for qualification for the Dean's List and other honors. Curriculum Leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering The curriculum in electrical engineering requires completion of the following program in addition to the freshman-sophomore require- ments. Courses Credits Pre-Engineering Curriculum ........................55 COP 3212 Computer Programming for Engineers........... ................................. 2 Upper Level Program EEL 3111 Circuits 1 .......................... .............3 EEL 3112 Circuits 2........................................... 3 EEL 3135 Signals and Systems.......................3