At least 3 credits from the following:
AEB 4324 Production Decisions of
 Agricultural Firm s............................................... 3
 AEC 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and
 Consumer Behavior................................ ...3
 Approved Electives................................................ 8
 At least 8 credits must be selected from
 courses in Food and Resource Economics,
 Economics, Geography, Sociology, and
 Urban and Regional Planning, with
 approval of undergraduate coordinator.

 Other Requirements and Electives 37-38 Credits
 ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting................3
 ACG 2302 Elementary Managerial
 A ccounting...........................................................2
 MAC 3233 Survey of Calculus I ........................3.
 ECO 3100 or ECO 3101 Managerial
 Economics or Microeconomic Theory ...........3-4
 ECO 3202 or ECO 3203 National Income
 Policy or Macroeconomic Theory ..................3-4
 STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ...................3.
 At least one course from the following:
 AGR 3005C Introduction to Agronomy ..............3
 ASG 3003C Introduction to Animal Science .......4
 FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture ............3
 SOS 3022C General Soils .................................4
 Approved and Other Electives....................17-20

 This curriculum is designed for students
 interested in employment at the managerial
 level in the food industry.

 Departmental Requirements 25 Credits
 AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource
 Econom ics ..................................... .............. 4
 AEB 3300 Agricultural Marketing.......................3
 AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for
 Agriculture................................... ................. 2
 AEB 3111 Linear Programming for
 A griculture................................... ................. 2
 AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture ................3
 AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and
 Consumer Behavior............................................. 3
 AEB 4342 Food Distribution Management .........3
 AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and
 Resource Economics.....................................3
 AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics
 Sem inar............................ ............. ................. 1

 Other Requirements and Electives 39 Credits
ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting................3
ACG 2302 Elementary Managerial
 Accounting........ ........ ........................... 2
MAC 3233 Survey of Calculus I........................3.
ECO 3100 or ECO 3101 Managerial
 Economics or Microeconomic Theory ...........34
ECO 3202 or ECO 3203 National Income
 Policy or Macroeconomic Theory ..................3-4
STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ...................3.
At least one course from the following:
AGR 3005C Introduction to Agronomy ..............3
ASG 3003C Introduction to Animal Science .......4
FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture ............3

SOS 3022C General Soils........................................ 4
Approved and Other Electives......................18-20

 This curriculum is designed for students
 interested in natural resources and environmen-
 tal quality.

 Departmental Requirements 24-25 Credits
 AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource
 Economics ...... ................................... .4
 AEB 3413 Economics of Environmental
 Policy .............................. .......................3
 AEB 3503 Computers and Data Analysis for
 A griculture....................................................
 AEB 4224 Public Policy in Agriculture ................3
 At least 3 credits from the following:
 AEB 4324 Production Decisions of
 Agricultural Firm s ............................................... 3
 AEC 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and
 Consum er Behavior.............................................3
 AEB 4434 Land and Water Economics ................3
 AEB 4511 Quantitative Analysis in Food and
 Resource Economics............................................ 3
 AEB 3935 Food and Resource Economics
 Sem inar................... .............. ................. 1
 Electives in Food and Resource Economics.....2-3

 Other Requirements and Electives 35-37 Credits
 ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting................3
 ACG 2302 Elementary Managerial
 A ccounting...........................................................2
 MAC 3233 Survey of Calculus I.........................3.
 ECO 3100 or ECO 3101 Managerial
 or Microeconomic Theory ..............................3-4
 ECO 3202 or ECO 3203 National Income
 Policy or Macroeconomic Theory ..................3-4
 STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ...................3.
 At least one course from the following:
 AGR 3005C Introduction to Agronomy ..............3
 ASG 3003C Introduction to Animal Science...... 4
 FRC 3212 Introduction to Citrus Culture ............3
 SOS 3022C General Soils.................................4
 Approved and Other Electives......................12-17

 A minor consisting of a minimum of 15
semester hours is offered in Food and Resource
Economics. Specific courses in the minor must
be approved in writing at least two semesters
prior to graduation by the student's academic
adviser and the undergraduate coordinator of
Food and Resource Economics. AEB 3103 shall
not be counted toward the minor.

Food Science and Human

 The Food Science and Human Nutrition
Department offers three curricula, Food Science,
Nutrition and Dietetics and Nutritional Sci-
ences. Students in these curricula take a com-
mon core of courses, required courses for their
area of concentration, and electives. Students

should consult the departmental advisers for
guidance and approval of electives.
 The Food Science curriculum relates chem-
 istry, biochemistry, microbiology, engineering,
 other basic sciences, and management to food
 manufacturing, processing, preserving, distribu-
 tion, and packaging for immediate or future
 use. General areas of study include: chemical,
 microbiological, and nutritional properties of
 raw and processed foods; role of processing and
 engineering in modifying food properties; food
 deterioration and spoilage; role of additives and
 other ingredients; food safety; food fermenta-
 tion and new food product innovations. Stu-
 dents may specialize in food processing, food
 chemistry, food engineering and food microbi-
 ology. Cooperative programs are also available
 for students seeking to concentrate on dairy,
 meat, poultry, or fruit and vegetable processing.
 An excellent foundation for graduate study and
 research in Food Science or related fields is also
 The American Dietetic Association (ADA)-
 approved Nutrition and Dietetics curriculum is
 designed to give students a foundation in nutri-
 tion and to prepare them for a dietetic intern-
 ship or approved preprofessional practice
 program (ADA). This curriculum provides an
 excellent undergraduate education for students
 planning to enter a graduate program in human
 The Nutritional Sciences curriculum pre-
 pares students for the professions of medicine,
 dentistry, or veterinary medicine or for gradu-
 ate study and research in Nutritional Sciences
 and related fields. Students complete the pre-
 professional required core curriculum.
 Department Core Requirements 10 Credits
 HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human
 Nutrition.................. ............. ................. 3
 FOS 3042 Introductory Food Science .............3
 FOS 4931 Food Science and Human Nutrition
 Sem inar............................ ............. ................. 1
 STA 3023 Introduction to Statistics ...................3


 Additional requirements 54 Credits
CHM 3200 and 3200L Organic Chemistry and
 Laboratory..................................... ................ 4
HUN 3246 Agricultural and Nutritional
 Biochem istry................................ ............... 4
MCB 3020 and 3020L Basic Biology of
 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells and
 Laboratory ..................................... ............... 5
 or APB 2170C Microbiology...............................4
AOM 4062C Principles of Food Engineering......4
FOS 4311C Food Chemistry ..................................4
FOS 4222 Food Microbiology................................4
FOS 4321C Food Analysis...................................... 4
FOS 4427C Principles of Food Processing...........4
FOS 4722C Quality Control in Food Systems.....2
FOS 4731 Government Regulations and the
 Food Industry.................................... ......1
MAC 3311 Analytic Geometry and
Calculus I ...................................... ............. 4