ADMISSIONS Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611-2058. Forms and directions vary with the level of readmis- sion. In the request, applicants should indicate the college and the level of last enrollment at the University of Florida as well as the college and level to which they wish to apply. Applications must be received in the Office of the University Registrar by the deadline for the term as pub- lished in the University Calendar. Satisfactory Academic Record Applicants must be eligible to return to the University of Florida. If applicants have attend- ed any college or university since last enrolled at the University of Florida, they must also have an average of C or higher (as computed by the University of Florida) on all work attempted at each institution. Students must list all institu- tions attended and provide transcripts from each. Failure to declare attendance at another institution could invalidate admission and any credits or degrees earned. Applicants must also be in good standing and eligible to return to each institution previously attended. Applicants for readmission must meet the current admission requirements of the college or school they expect to enter. (Consult the appropriate college section of the catalog for specific admission requirements.) Satisfactory Conduct Record Applicants must present a satisfactory record of conduct. Regardless of other qualifica- tions, applicants who have experienced major or continuing difficulties with school or other authorities since the last enrollment at the Uni- versity of Florida may find their application for readmission denied. Fresh Start Program Former undergraduate students who wish to return to the University of Florida after an absence of no fewer than 5 calendar years (dur- ing which they have engaged predominantly in non-academic activities) may petition for read- mission under the Fresh Start Program. If admitted, credit for previous UF courses in which a grade of C or better was earned will be calculated in UF hours earned and may be applied toward a degree. No grades previously earned in UF courses will be included in the UF grade point average. All previous courses attempted and grades received will remain on the student's official academic record and tran- script. For additional information on policy and procedures, former students who wish to peti- tion for readmission under the Fresh Start Pro- gram should contact the dean of the college into which they seek readmission.