POS 4424 Legislative Politics. F, S. Credits: 3; Prereq: POS 2041 and junior or Senior standing. The politics of the legislative process. Recruitment of legislators. Formal and informal rules of behavior. Legislative-executive rela- tions. The committee system. The impact of political parties, interest groups, and constituents on the legislative process. POS 4443 Political Parties and Elections. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: POS 2041. The composition, organization and structure of political parties and their role and relationships in the political process. POS 4674 Political Change and Legal Development. S. Credits: 3 Introduces the student to the role of law in political and social development by providing a background in social theory and the history of legal systems, beginning with Roman law. POS 4905 Individual Work. F, S, SS. Credits: 2 to 3 Readings and discussion in advanced topics of political science; requires Departmental permission. Can be taken only once. POS 4925 Workshop in Political and Social Issues. Credits: 3 A workshop course for advanced juniors and Seniors majoring in political science on a topic involving practical application. POS 4930 Special Topics. Credits: 3 Selected topics in political science; precise course content will be announced in advance. POS 4932 Honors Preparation. F, S, SS. Credits: I; Maximum of 4 credits allowed. Prereq: UF overall GPA of 3.3. Must be taken in conjunction with other Political Science courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. Open to majors with overall UF GPA of 3.3. Students must secure permission of instructor of the course to which they wish to add this credit. POS 4935 Senior Honors Seminar. E Credits: 3; Prereq: Senior major in department, permission of Director of Honors, and 2 credit hours of POS 4932. An analysis of the problems of conceptualization and research in the various areas of political science. POS 4936 Senior Colloquium. Credits: 3; Senior standing in Political Science and permis- sion of instructor required. Special topics in Political Science on a colloquium basis for Seniors. POS 4970 Senior Thesis. S. Credits: 2 to 4; Prereq: POS 4935. REL 3127 Church and State in America. Credits: 3 A survey of church-state relations in the United States from colonial times to the present, with close attention paid to church- state theory, crucial court decisions, controversies, and unresolved contemporary issues. GRADUATE COURSES POS 5933 Special Topics. Credits: 3 POS 5935 Advanced Topics in Political Science. Credits: 3; maximum of 6. POS 6045 Seminar in American Politics. Credits: 3 POS 6076 Social Structures and Political Power. Credits: 3 POS 6127 State Government and Politics. Credits: 3 POS 6157 Community Analysis. Credits: 3 POS 6207 Political Behavior. Credits: 3 POS 6208 Political Behavior Research. Credits: 3 POS 6497 Seminar: Problems in Court Management. Credits: 3 POS 6716 Approaches to the Study of Politics. Credits: 3 POS 6736 The Conduct of Inquiry. Credits: 3 POS 6757 Survey Research. Credits: 3 POULTRY SCIENCE POS 6905 Individual Work. Credits: I to 4 POS 6910 Supervised Research. Credits: I to 5tt POS 6927 Practicum in Applied Political Science. Credits: 3 POS 6934 Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3; maximum of 6. Political Theory POT 3001 Introduction to Political Theory. Credits: 3 Basic principles of political thought. Examination of the nature of the state, and of the relationship between the individual and the state. Covers topics such as authority, consent, freedom, and obligation. POT 4013 Great Political Thinkers: Ancient and Medieval. E Credits: 3 Study of major early political theorists including Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas. Emphasis on the princi- ples of a just political order: natural law, civic virtue, constitu- tionalism. Analysis of church-state struggles and the emergence of the modern state. POT 4044 Great Political Thinkers: Machiavelli to Marx. S. Credits: 3 Study of selected political theorists from Machiavelli to Marx. Emphasis on the ideas of authority and freedom, obligation and consent in the writing of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, etc. Liberal- ism, conservatism, utilitarianism, idealism. POT 4054 Contemporary Theories of the State. E Credits: 3; Prereq: 10 hours of Political Science. A study of the problems of power and justice under the modem state. Consideration of such political doctrines as anarchism, marxism, fascism and democracy. POT 4324 Radical Thought: Utopian Socialism, Anarchism and Marxism. Credits: 3 This course considers major figures in the history of modem radical thought, to understand and distinguish radicalism as a form of thought-its difference from ordinary resentfulness and utopianism, and from other sorts of political theory. GRADUATE COURSES POT 5046 Great Political Thinkers: Machiavelli to Marx. Credits: 3 POT 5935 Advanced Topics in Political Theory. Credits: 3; maximum of 6. POT 6067 Contemporary Political Theory. Credits: 3 POT 6506 Values and Administration. Credits: 3 Public Policy PUP 3002 Current Controversies in Public Policy. E Credits: 3 A general introduction to public policy. The focus is on the selection, costs and consequences of policy goals in America. PUP 3232 Politics of Energy. Credits: 3 Review of past and current U.S. energy politics, potential sources of future energy and conservation proposals, with special em- phasis on Florida's present and future energy situation. PUP 3204 Politics and Ecology. F, S. Credits: 3 Problems of conservation, pollution. Group pressures and inter- action for and against development. PUP 3623 Politics of Poverty. E Credits: 3 The purpose of this course is to investigate the issues of poverty, public attitudes toward the poor, public policies dealing with poverty, and forms of mobilization of the poor. PUP 4003 Issues in American Public Policy. E Credits: 3; Prereq: POS 2041. Examples of policy conflict drawn from urbanism, poverty and other areas of national socio-economic policy. Consideration of policy alternatives. Peaceful against violent solutions and effects of groups. PUP 4012 Comparative Public Policy. Credits: 3 The purpose of this course is to enable the student to obtain an understanding of the differences in scope and substance of major issue and public policies impacting upon the United States and other nation states. PUP 4021 Law, Politics and Public Interest. S. Credits: 3 Addresses the recent emergence of the "public interest" law movement, emphasizing a critical perspective on uses of litiga- tion as a tool for pursuing policy goals. In particular the course will focus on public interest areas such as consumer law and environmental law. PUP 4022 judiciary and Policy Making. E Credits: 3 An analysis of judicial policy making processes focusing on na- tional level appellate courts. PUP 4104 Politics of Planning. Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or Senior standing in the social sciences or instructor's permission. An assessment of the various political factors shaping the direc- tion and tasks of the planner. The planning process will be viewed as having a number of social and economic consequences. PUP 4313 Minorities and Change in American Politics. E Credits: 3 An analysis of the political strategies employed by various racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. PUP 4404 Politics of Education. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: junior or Senior standing or instructor's permission. The interrelationship of American political and educational sys- tems; educational policymaking as political process; analysis of contemporary educational problems. GRADUATE COURSES PUP 5935 Advanced Topics in Public Policy. Credits: 3; maximum of 6. PUP 6006 Policy Process. Credits: 3 PUP 6007 Policy Evaluation. Credits: 3 PUP 6537 Public Policy of Housing. Credits: 3 PUP 6707 Political Economy. Credits: 3 PUP 6921 Topics in Public Policy. Credits: 3 Social Sciences-Interdisciplinary SSI 4601 Masterpieces in Social Sciences 1. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: Senior standing and some work in one of the social sciences. Reading of early classics in economics, history political science, sociology and cultural anthropology. SSI 4602 Masterpieces in Social Sciences 2. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: Advanced standing and some work in one of the social sciences. Reading of the 20th century classics in economics, history political science, sociology and cultural anthropology. POULTRY SCIENCE College of Agriculture INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1988-89 Sloan, D.R., Chairman; Janky, D.M., Adviser; Damron, B.L.; Douglas, C.R.; Fry J.L.; Harms, R. H.; Mather, EB.; Miles, R.D.; Ouart, M.D.; Wilson, H.R. PSE 3211C Incubation, Brooding and Rearing. S. Credits: 3 Chick embryology; hatchery equipment; incubation principles and practices; brooding equipment and methods; rearing of pullets, chick sexing and judging. Field trips to hatchery, broiler and egg operations. PSE 4223 Poultry Management. E Credits: 3; Prereq: ASG 3003. Management techniques for broilers, layers, turkeys, hatcheries, and commercial egg and poultry processing plants. Field trips to various poultry operations. PSE 4311 Poultry Breeding. SS. Credits: 2; Prereq: AGR 3303. Genetic characteristics, breeds and principles of applied poultry breeding. ttGrading is on S-U basis only.