DESCRIPTIONS D.A.; Lowe, G.; Murray, E.D.; Naylor, J.G.; Nichelson, J.C.; O'Connor, J.A.; Poynor, R.E.; Scott, J.F; Skelley R.C.; Smith, N.S.; Stanley D.J.; Streetman, E.Y; Uelsmann, J.N.; Ward, J.L.; Ward, PA.; Westin, R.H.; Wilson, WW; Wolfson, M. ART 1201C Beginning Design 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 3 Fundamental principles of visual organization. Emphasis upon two-dimensional design in black and white and color. Students who intend to major in art should schedule ART 1201C and 1300C concurrently ART 1203C Beginning Design 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: ART 1201C. Continuation of ART 1201C. Emphasis upon design in three dimensions. Projects in construction, modeling and carving in a variety of materials. ART 1300C Beginning Drawing 1. F S, SS. Credits: 3 Drawing as a means of formal organization. Exploration of the drawing media through still life, figure and landscape. ART 1301C Beginning Drawing 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: ART 1300C. Continuation of ART 1300C. Emphasis upon spatial description- use of the figure. ART 2001C Studio for Non-Majors. F, S, SS. Credits: 2; Prereq: None. An introductory studio course for the student who does not intend to major in art. Emphasis upon creative expression rather than technical proficiency Not available for credit toward a major in art. This course may be repeated with change in content up to a maximum of 4 credits. This course may be taken on the S-U option. ART 2931 Interdisciplinary Honors in Art. Credits: 3 ART 3110C Ceramics 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: None, An introduction to ceramic arts. Basic concepts of design, handbuilding processes and an introduction to the glazing and firing of ceramics. ART 3111C Ceramics 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1203C-3110C. Basic studies in pottery; concentration on wheel throwing. An introduction to functional designing. A continuation of glazing and firing processes. ART 3233C Layout 1. E Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1201C Recommended, ART 3280C. Fundamental principles of visual communication and of design in printed material. ART 3234C Layout 2. S. Credits: 4 Continuation of ART 3233C with emphasis upon concept devel- opment. ART 3235C Graphic Design. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3233C. Principles, of advertising design with emphasis upon develop- ment of visual ideas. Study of the nomenclature, basic principles and mechanics of typography ART 3280C Typography. F. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1201C For Graphic Design Majors only. Principles of design and use of letter forms. Study of historic designs and styles. Development of skills and execution. Practical exercises in layout and prepara- tion of type for the printed page. ART 3310C Intermediate Drawing 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1301C. Emphasis on creative expression of ideas and concepts; further development of techniques and materials/media related to the drawing processes. ART 3311C Intermediate Drawing 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3310C. Continuation of ART 331 C. ART 3400C Printmaking 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 Basic procedure and processes in printmaking. Formal and ex- pressive characteristics of the print media. ART 3401C Printmaking 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3400C. A continuation of ART 3400C. ART 3510C Painting 1. F, 5, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1301C. Technical and creative problems. Emphasis upon pictorial orga- nization. Paintings in various media. ttfGrading is on S-U basis only. ART 3600C Photography 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 Fundamentals of photography. Operation of camera. Develop- ing, printing, enlarging. Principles of photography as a means of personal expression. ART 3601C Photography 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3600C. Continuation of ART 3600C. ART 3605C Photo-Print Processes 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3600C-3400C. Studies in the conversion of the photographic image into a form suitable for the printmaking processes. Processes will include photo screen printing, photo-etching and photo-lithography. ART 3701C Sculpture 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1203C. Problems in sculptural form and composition. Work in plaster, clay, metal and other materials. ART 3702C Sculpture 2. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3701C. Continuation of ART 3701C. Emphasis upon sculpture in metal. Introduction to carving. ART 3830C Methods and Materials of the Artist. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 1201C-1203C. Emphasizes the physical properties of the artist's materials. ART 4113C Advanced Ceramics. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3111C. Contemporary ceramic design and execution. Advanced techni- cal and creative problems. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4239C Projects in Graphic Design 1. E Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3235C. Projects in design and execution of page advertisement and direct-mail brochures. Poster design and package design. ART 4241C Projects in Graphic Design 2. S. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 4239C. Design and execution of comprehensive advertising campaign. ART 4312C Advanced Drawing. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3310C-3311. Emphasis upon individual ano creative expression. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4402C Advanced Printmaking. F, S. SS. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3401 C. Advanced problems in creative printmaking. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4531C Advanced Painting. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3520C. Emphasis upon individual creative expression. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4604C Advanced Photography. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: ART 3601C. Use of the camera as a medium of individual creative expression. Experimental projects in black and white and color photography. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4703C Advanced Sculpture. F, S,.SS. Credits: 4 or 6; Prereq: ART 3702C. Advanced problems in sculptural form with further development of processes and techniques. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4905C Individual Study. F, S, SS. Credits: 4; Prereq: A major in art and permission of the department chairman. This course may be repeated for credit. ART 4930L Special Topics. F, S. SS. Credits: 4 Rotating special topics in studio art and studio practice. May be repeated with change of content. ART 4940 Internship. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: 3FA or above and prior arrangement with adviser, approval of Chair and Dean. Supervised practical experience with an art, graphic design, or museum facility, according to a pre-approved program. Special seminar and evaluation sessions with faculty advisor and art facility manager. ART 4949 Co-op Work Experiences. F, S, SS. Credits: 1; Prereq: 3FA or above and prior arrangement with adviser approval of Chair and Dean. Professional employment on a contractual basis including work according to a pre-approved outline and as prescribed in the Department of Art regulations. May be repeated with change of contract up to a maximum of three credits. GRADUATE COURSES ART 5905C Individual Study. F, S, SS. Credits: 3 to 4 ART 6835C Research in the Methods and Materials of the Artist. F, S, SS. Credits: 3 to 4 ART 6910C Supervised Research. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 5tt ART 6926C Advanced Study 1. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 to 12 ART 6927C Advanced Study II. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 to 12, ART 6928C Advanced Study Ill. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 to 12 ART 6929C Advanced Study IV. F, S, SS. Credits: 4 to 12 ART 6940 Supervised Teaching. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 5tt ART 6971 Master's Research. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 15tt ART 6973C Individual Project. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to lOft Art History ARH 2002 Introduction to Art: The Artistic Experience. F, S. Credits: 3 Introduction to the Artistic Experience by examining different ideas, approaches and purposes of art. ARH 2050 I9troduction to the Principles and History of Art 1. E Credits: 4 Principles of art. Relation of styles to cultural context. Art and architecture from ancient times to the beginning of the Renaissance. ARH 2051 Introduction to the Principles and History of Art 2. S. Credits: 4 Continuation of ARH 2050. Art and architecture from the Re- naissance to the present. ARH 3100 Art of Early Civilizations. E Credits: 4 Comparative analysis of. the forms and their meanings in the visual arts of pristine and urban societies focusing on the Ancient Near East including Egypt and Pre-Columbian America. ARH 3115 Egyptian and Near Eastern Art. S. Credits: 4 The art and architecture of Egypt and the Near East from the beginnings of civilization until the Persian period. ARH 3130 Greek Art. E Credits: 4; Prereq: ARH 2050. The art and architecture of ancient Crete and Greece through the Hellenistic age. ARH 3171 Etruscan and Roman Art. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: ARH 2050. The art and architecture of the Italian peninsula from the Etruscan period through the Roman Empire. ARH 3200 Medieval Art. S. Credits: 4; Prereq: ARH 2050. The art and architecture of Europe and the Mediterranean region from approximately the fourth to the fourteenth centuries A.D. ARH 3510 Arts of Africa. S. Credits: 4 An introduction to the visual arts of Africa. The course may be repeated with a change of content. ARH 3525 The Arts of West Africa. S. Credits: 4 A survey of the traditional arts of the Western Sudan and the Guinea coast. ARH 3526 The Arts of Central Africa. S. Credits: 4 A survey of the traditional arts of the equatorial forests, the savannahs to the south of them, and portions of Eastern and Southern Africa. ARH 3541 The Art of India 1. S. Credits: 4 A survey of the development of sculpture and architecture in India from the Indus Valley epoch through the Medieval period. ARH 3542 The Art of India 2. S. Credits: 4 A survey of the development of painting in India from ancient times up to the contemporary period.