anatomy, physiology, and psychophysics of visual and au-
ditory senses. An optional laboratory component, EXP
4205L, may be taken concurrently.
EXP 6099-Survey of Cognition and Perception (2-3; max: 3)
Prereq: graduate status. Empirical and theoretical foun-
EXP 6108-A Survey of Sensory Systems (3) Prereq: PCP
5745 or BMS 6510. Specialists provide a survey of theories
and experimental data on human and subhuman -ensory
reception and encoding. Auditory, visual, and cutaneous
and chemical senses are included.
EXP 6109-Seminar in Sensory Processes (1) S/U.
EXP 6209-Seminar: Perception (3) Conditions, mechanisms,
forms, and functions of perceptual processes.
EXP 6607-Research Methods in Sensory Systems (3; max: 6)
Prereq: BMS 6512, EXP 6108. Participation in laboratory
experiments typical of several major areas of sensory
systems. Laboratory experiences are provided in the facili-
ties of several of the faculty participating in the program.
These include visual, auditory, chemical and somesthetic,
and pain sensory specialities. May be repeated for partici-
pation in extended experimental studies and/or learning
of technical skills of a specific sensory specialty.
EXP 6609-Seminar: Cognition (3; max: 9) Prereq: EXP 3604
or consent of instructor. Selected topics in the areas of
thinking, problem solving, and reasonirng.
EXP 6717C-Psychophysics (3) Prereq: EXP 3604, STA 3023,
or consent of instructor. Methods used to measure organ-
isms; abilities and capabilities, including classical psycho-
physics, theory of signal detection, scaling, information
theory, and modeling.
EXP 6939-Seminar: Current Issues in Cognition and Percep-
tion (3; max: 9) Prereq: consent of instructor.
EXP 7129-Seminar in Audition (3) Research problems in
psychoacoustics, or acoustic physiology; recent advances
in theories of hearing.
EXP 7689-Research Methods in Cognition and Perception
(3; max: 12) Prereq: consent of instructor.
PCO 6057-Psychology of Counseling I (3) Prereq: graduate
status in the counseling psychology program. Theory and
research in cognitive-behavioral and personal construct
approaches to counseling psychology.
PCO 6058-Psychology of Counseling 11 (3) Prereq: gradu-
ate status in the counseling psychology program. Theory
and research in humanistic, experimental, and psychody-
namic approaches to counseling psychology.
PCO 6059-Psychology of Counseling III (3) Prereq: gradu-
ate students in the counseling psychology program who
have completed PCO 6057 and 6058. Training in counsel-
ing skills and techniques used in each of the theoretical
approaches to counseling learned in PCO 6057.
PCO 6316C-Psychological Assessment I (3) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor. Consideration of the fundamental theo-
ries of intelligence and intellectual assessment. Included
will be practicum-type administration.
PCO 6317C-Psychological Assessment II (3) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor. Consideration of the fundamental theo-
ries of personality and individual assessment of personal-
ity. Included will be practicum-type administration of
personality tests.
PCO 6939-Seminar: Current Topics in Counseling Psychology
(3; max: 15) Prereq: PPE 6098, EGC 6416 or consent of
instructor. Emphasis on theoretical background and impli-
cations for applied work.
PCO 7217-Counseling Psychology: Professional Issues and
Ethics (3) Prereq: graduate student status in counseling
psychology or consent of instructor.
PCO 7247-Group Counseling/Psychology (3) Prereq: grad-
uate student status and consent of instructor. Coreq:
enrollment in counseling practicum. Process of group
counseling and psychotherapy as well' as the counselor's
role in the facilitation of group process.
PCO 7537-Vocational Counseling Psychology (3) Prereq:
graduate student status and consent of instructor. Coreq:
enrollment in counseling practicum. Examination of major
theories and research in vocational counseling psychology
with emphasis on vocational assessment.
PCO 7948-Practicum in Counseling Psychology (4; max: 16)
Prereq: written application to the Counseling Psychology

Practicum Coordinator. Students perform counseling and
consultation functions in university and community agen-
cies under supervision of faculty and staff members. Open
only to students in the counseling psychology program.
PCO 7949-Internship in Counseling Psychology (6; max:
12) Prereq: written application to the Counseling Psychol-
ogy Internship Coordinator. Full-time or equivalent work
in a university or community agency where counseling
functions are carried out under supervision. Open only to
students in the counseling psychology program.
PPE 6059-Seminar in Personality (3; max: 9) Prereq: PPE
4055 or 6098 or equivalent. Personality development and
PPE 6209-Seminar on the Self (3) Developmental organiza-
tion and change in selected dimensions of self are consid-
ered through the life span, methods of study, theory, and
PPE 6307-Research Methods I (3) Prereq: PPE 6098 or
consent of instructor. Theoretical, methodological, and
procedural aspects of research in social-personality. Em-
phasis on issues related to measurement of social-personality
PPE 6308-Research Methods II (3) Prereq: PPE 6307 or
consent of instructor. Theoretical, methodological, and
procedural aspects of research in social-personality. Em-
phasis on issues encountered in the design and analysis of
PPE 7288-Advanced Theories in Personality (3; max: 9)
Theoretical orientations in personality and research devel-
opment; particular groups of theorists examined.
PSB 5065-Biology of Human Behavior (3) Prereq: STA
3023, PSB 3004. Biological theories and models of mental
retardation, schizophrenia, and affective disorders and
others; treatments of these conditions.
PSB 5325-Human Physiological Psychology: Psychophysiol-
ogy (3) Prereq: PSB 3004 or equivalent or consent of
instructor. Survey of research literature and procedures
relevant to the study of physiological effects of events in
humans. Topics to be discussed include brain waves, skin
resistance, cardiovascular responses to arousal and stress,
orienting and defense reactions, biofeedback, learning,
and conditioning. Several laboratory sessions augment
lectures and discussions.
PSB 5445-Drug Use and Abuse (3) Prereq; 6 hours of
psychology. Objective, informational approach to the com-
monly used and abused drugs. Psychological, physiologi-
cal, social, medical, legal, and historical aspects.
PSB 5505-Developmental Psychobiology (3) Prereq: PSB
3004, STA 3023. Basic principles of neural and behavioral
development stressing the correlations among structural,
chemical, endocrine, and behavioral events during matu-
PSB 5935-Seminar in Physiological Psychology (1; max: 10)
Prereq: PSB 3004, STA 3023. S/U option.
PSB 6067-Human Brain Functions (3) Prereq: PSB 6076 or
consent of instructor. Recent advances in theory and ex-
perimental methods.
PSB 6082-Neuroethology (3) Prereq: PSB 6087 or 3004 and
4003 and approval of instructor. Focuses on cellular mech-
anisms underlying fundamental aspects of behavior, in-
cluding the production and coordination of movement,
sensory processing and sensorimotor integration. Electro-
physiological studies of invertebrate and simple vertebrate
PSB 6086-Advanced Psychophysiology (3) Prereq: PSB 5325
or consent of instructor. Advanced literature and proce-
dures in psychophysiology. Heavily oriented toward devel-
opment skills and knowledge of the laboratory tools.
Students do an independent laboratory project.
PSB 6087-Advanced Physiological Psychology (3) Thorough
review of basic concepts in physiological psychology, ad-
vanced concepts including methodology and recent prog-
ress in selected areas of neuroscience and psychobiology.
PSB 6088-Behavioral Neurobiology (3) Prereq: PSB 6087.
Behavioral studies involving physiological manipulations
and measures, and criticism of the scientific inferences
PSB 6099-Survey of Physiological and Comparative Psychol-