150 / FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION * PAD 6136-Contemporary Public Administration (3) PAD 6227-Public Budgeting and Finance (3) Decision mak- ing; budget planning and formulation. PAD 6865 Development Administration (3) Prereq: consent of the instructor. Public administration practices in devel- oping societies. PAD 6946-Internship in Government (3) Prereq: consent of department. S/U. POS 5933-Special Topics (3; max: 6) POS 5935-Advanced Topics in Political Science (3; max: 6) Prereq: consent of the department. POS 6045-Seminar in American Politics (3) Introduction to major conceptual approaches to the American political system and to the history of the study of American politics. POS 6076-Social Structures and Political Power (3) POS 6127-State Government and Politics (3) The bibliogra- phy, methodology, and research topics of American state and local governments. POS 6157-Community Analysis (3) Development of social, economic, and political profiles in understanding the trends, projections, and public policy alternatives. POS 6207-Political Behavior (3) Consideration of partici- pation, political culture, and public opinion including classic and current research. POS 6208-Political Behavior Research (3) Prereq: POS 6207 or permission of instructor. Application of scientific research techniques to analysis of political behavior. POS 6497-Seminar: Problems in Court Management (3) Prereq: public administration courses and judicial process courses. To expose to students with a broad background in public administration and judicial processes the specific problems associated with managing courts, and certain techniques for remedying those problems. POS 6716-Approaches to the Study of Politics (3) A consid- eration of philosophy of social science; the history of political science; and selected, current approaches to the study of politics.. POS 6736-The Conduct of Inquiry (3) Empirical research methodology in political science. POS 6757-Survey Research (3) Methods of survey re- search in context of field investigation. Formulation of research hypotheses; construction of measuring instru- ments, collection, analysis of data. POS 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 12) POS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U. POS 6927-Practicum in Applied Political Science (3) POS 6934-Special Topics (1-3; max: 6) POS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U. POS 6943-Internship in College Teaching (2,4,6; max: 6) Required for Master of Arts in Teaching candidates but available for students needing additional practice and di- rection in college-level teaching. POS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U. POS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U. POS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U. POT 6067-Contemporary Political Theory (3) POT 6506-Values and Administration (3) PUP 5935: Advanced Topics in Public Policy (3; max: 6) Prereq: consent of the department. PUP 6006-Policy Process (3) General examination of pub- lic policy formulation and implementation. Special em- phasis upon political and economic determinants and relationship to social theory. PUP 6007-Policy Evaluation (3) An examination of meth- odologies appropriate to the analysis of public policies. PUP 6537-Public Policy of Housing (3) PUP 6707-Political Economy (3) Comparison of politics and markets as authority structures and control systems. PUP 6921-Topics in Public Policy (3; max: 6) Topics in various policy fields, such as health politics and policy, regulatory policy, environmental policy, politics of equality, etc. POULTRY SCIENCE College of Agriculture GRADUATE FACULTY 1988-89 Chairman: D. R. Sloan. Graduate Coordinator: R. D. Miles. Graduate Research Professor: R. H. Harms. Professors: B. L. Damron; C. R. Douglas; J. L. Fry; D. M. Janky; R. D. Miles; H. R. Wilson. Associate Professors: F B. Mather; M. D. Ouart. The Department of Poultry Science offers major work for the degrees of Master of Agriculture and Master of Scierfce. Programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, with emphasis on problems related to poultry science, may be obtained through the Department of Animal Science or Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, with faculty members from the Department of Poultry Science directing the program. Areas of specialization for both master's and Ph.D. degrees are management, nutrition, physiology, and poultry products technology. A departmental prerequisite for admission to grad- uate study is a sound background in the biological sciences. The following courses in related .areas are accept- able for graduate credit as part of the candidate's major: ANS 6636-Meat Technology; ANS 6288-Ex- perimental Techniques and Analytical Procedures in Meat Research; ANS 6751-Physiology of Reproduc- tion; ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition; ANS 6458-Ad- vanced Methods in Nutrition Technology; ANS 6472-Vitamins; ANS 6723--Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism; ANS 6721-Swine Nutrition; DAS 6531-Endocrinology; DAS 6555-Environmental Physi- ology of Domestic Animals; FOS 6226-Advanced Food Microbiology; FOS 6315C-Advanced Food Chemistry; FOS 6428C-Advanced Food Processing; FOS 6726-Psychophysical Aspects of Foods; HUN 6245-Advanced Human Nutrition; VME 5242C- Physiology of Body Fluids. PSE 6227-Advanced Poultry Management (3) Poultry man- agement presented on a seminar/short course basis utiliz- ing lecturers currently working in areas under discussion. Field trips made to a variety of commercial operations. PSE 6415-Advanced Poultry Nutrition (3) Prereq: ASG 3402, PSE 4411. Current topics in poultry nutrition, research techniques, formulation of experimental diets, and linear programming procedures and practices. PSE 6522-Avian Physiology (2-4; max: 4) Prereq: VME 3202. Environmental physiology, ovulation cycle and egg formation, reproductive efficiency, experimental physio- logical techniques. PSE 6614-Advanced Poultry Products Technology (3) Prereq: PSE 4611 or equivalent. An intensive study of poultry products technology, including chemical, physical, microbial, and organoleptic attributes of eggs and poultry meat. PSE 6905-Problems in Poultry Science (1-3; max: 8) Individual problems in fields of nutrition, genetics, physiology, poul- try and egg marketing and/or technology, and manage- ment. H. PSE 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U. PSE 6931-Topics in Poultry Production (2-3; max: 6) Prereq: ASG 3003, 3402. Offered primarily to agricultural extension workers and vocational agricultural teachers, with one of the following topics specified: production principles, prin- ciples of handling and marketing, or nutrition. PSE 6938-Graduate Seminar in Poultry Science (1; max: 2) PSE 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U. PSE 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.