134 / FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION PCB 5105-Cell Biology of Protozoa (3) Prereq: APB 4544 or equivalent. Biochemical and cell surface changes in rela- tion to life cycles of protozoa. Emphasis on cellular organi- zation, cell functions, organelles, and reproduction. PCB 5136L-Techniques in Microbial and Cell Biology (3) Prereq: MCB 3020 and 3020L. A laboratory in experimental bacteriology and cell biology. Emphasis on experimental approaches and techniques used in study of cells and microorganisms. Experiments in microscopy, cell fraction- ation, metabolism, physiology, genetics, and regulation. PCB 5235-Immunology (3) Prereq: MCB 3020 and 3020L or introductory microbiology course which includes intro- ductory immunology. Immune system of vertebrate ani- mals. The cellular and molecular events involved in im- mune responsiveness and resistance to infectious diseases. PCB 5235L-Experiments in Immunology (1) Prereq: MCB 3020L. Coreq: PCB 5235. Basic seriological procedures in immunology. PCB 6176-Electron Microscopy of Biological Materials (2) Prereq: MCB 3020 or equivalent; graduate student standing. Use of the electron microscope including fixation, embed- ding, sectioning, freeze-etching, negative staining, and use of vacuum evaporator. PCB 6176L-Laboratory in Electron Microscopy (2) Prereq: consent of instructor. Coreq: PCB 6176. Training in use of electron microscopes, ultramicrotomes, vacuum evaporators, and freeze-etch machines. PCB 6216C-Cytochemistry (3) Prereq: PCB 6176L. Cellular organization, cell function, and cytochemical technique. Given in even numbered years. BMS 6203-Molecular Biology and Function of Cell Mem- branes (2) Prereq: BCH 4203, 4313, and MCB 3020 or equivalent, and consent of instructor. Composition, mo-' lecular organization, and function of biological membranes in both eucaryotes and procaryotes. BOT 6256C-Plant Cytology (3) Fundamental structures of eucaryotic and procaryotic cells, with emphasis on higher plants cells, algae, and cyanobacteria. MUSIC College of Fine Arts GRADUATE FACULTY 1988-89 Chairman: J. R. Stegall. Graduate Coordinator: D. Z. Kushner. Professors: W. R. Bodine, Jr.; J. G. Brask; R E. Dorman; J. R. Grigsby; J. P Hale; C. R. Hoffer; J. S. Kitts; S. R Kniseley; D. Z. Kushner; A. C. Penland, Jr.; R. Poole; B. Sharon; J. R. Stegall; E. C. Troupin; B. A. Udell; J. D.. White. Associate Professors: R. A. Chobaz; E. R Graham; C. M. Smith; D. A. Waybright. Assistant Professors: A. C. Jennings; R. L. Robinson. The Department of Music offers programs leading to the Master of Music degree in music and music education. Program emphases in music include mu- sic performance, theory, composition, music history and literature, sacred music, organ pedagogy, piano pedagogy, voice pedagogy, accompanying, choral conducting, and instrumental conducting. In addition, the Department of Music offers the Doctor of Philosophy in music education. . During the week of the student's first registra- tion, he/she must take placement examinations in music performance, in music history and literature, in music theory, and in music education. Music education students must satisfy requirements for music teaching certification in Florida before the appropriate degree is awarded. Voice students must demonstrate appropriate skills in language and dic- tion. All deficiencies must be remedied. MUC 6401-Composition of Electronic Music (3) Prereq: MUC 4301. MUC 6930-Seminar in Composition (3; max: 6) Composition of chamber works for instrumental and/or vocal ensembles. MUC 7931-Advanced Seminar in Composition (3; max: 6) Composition for large instrumental and/or vocal ensembles. MUE 6080-Foundations of Music Education (3) Historical development and philosophy; comparison of United States with other countries and cultures; individuals, associa- tions and institutions that shape the music education program. MUE 6218-Early Childhood Music Education (3) Designing musical environments, planning and implementing music instruction, and reviewing and, evaluating research and teaching materials. MUE 6349-Music in the School (1-6; max: 6) Offered by extension only. In-service training for teachers. MUE 6385-Music in Higher Education (3) Various aspects and programs of music in higher education for persons who intend to teach in or administer departments of music. MUE 6647-Trends in Teaching and Learning Music (3) MUE 6785-Methods of Research in Music Education (3) Materials and specialized techniques of research in music education. MUE 6931-Contemporary Curriculum Practices .in Music Education (3) An exploration of the ways in which artistic forms of understanding and reflection can be useful in designing and evaluating education programs. MUE 7685-Foundations of Musical Behavior (3) Cultural influences, learning conditions, biological constraints, psychoacoustical phenomena, musical taste, the measure- ment and prediction of musical taste, the measurement and prediction of musical ability. MUE 7846-Philosophies of Music Education (3) The nature and meaning of the aesthetic experience as it relates to music education. MUG 6105-Graduate Conducting (3; max: 15) Conducting larger works from the standard repertoire for band, or- chestra and chorus. MUG 7106-Advanced Graduate Conducting (3; max: 15) Prereq: MUG 6105. For conducting emphasis. Conducting major works for band, orchestra, and chorus, with empha- sis on analysis and interpretation. MUH 6050-Graduate Music History Review (3) MUH 6635-Seminar in American Music (3) History and literature of American music from the landing of the pilgrims to the present. MUH 6660-History of Opera (3) The historical develop- ment of opera and its literature from the Florentine Camerata to the present. MUH 6671-Seminar in Renaissance Music (3) Selected topics from the Renaissarice era for research and study. MUH 6672-Seminar in Baroque Music (3) Selected topics from the Baroque era for research and study. MUH 6673-Seminar in Classical Music (3) Selected topics from the Classical era for research and study. MUH 6674-Seminar in Romantic Music (3) Selected topics from the Romantic era for research and study. MUH 6931-Nationalism in Music (3) The historical devel- opment of nationalistic movements in music with empha- sis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. MUH 7411-Medieval and Renaissance Notation (3) Study of Medieval and Renaissance notational practices, with practical experience in transcriptions of lute and organ tablatures. MUH 7938-Musicology Seminar (3; max: 9) Prereq: MUS 6716. Contemporary issues and problems in musicology, and the investigation and planning of research relevant to selected problems. MUL 5624-German Vocal Literature (3) Study and class performance of German song literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. MUL 5625-French Vocal Literature (3) Study and class performance of French song literature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. MUL 6505-Symphonic Literature (3) Survey of orchestral music from the Baroque era to the present. MUL 6560-Chamber Music Literature (3) Survey of music