HISTORY / 113 and America's world power role emerged. Not open to students who have taken AMH 4220 or equivalent. AMH 5237-The United States, World War I to World War II (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. Political, economic, and social history of the U.S. between the wars with particular attention to the conflict between fundamental- ism and modernism in the 1920s and the Great Depres- sion. Not open to students who have taken AMH 4231 or equivalent. AMH 5278-The United States Since World War II (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. Changes in American society and in America's role in world affairs from 1945 to the present. Not open to students who have taken AMH 4270 or equivalent. AMH 5404-The South to 1860 (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. Development of the South from colonial times to the emergence of Southern nationalism. Not open to students who have taken AMH 4402 or equivalent. AMH 5405-The South Since 1860 (4) Prereq: permission of the instructor. History of the South from the Civil War to the present, emphasizing the South as an integral region and its relationship to the rest of the nation. Not open to students who have taken AMH 4403 or equivalent. AMH 5547-American Military History and Policy (3) Prereq: permission of instructor. Study of the American military establishment from colonial times to present. AMH 5905-Special Studies (3; max: 12 including HIS 6905) AMH 5930-Topics in United States History (3) AMH 6148-The Literature of United States History (4) Main themes and issues in contemporary writing about United States history. AMH 6198-Early American Society (4) A research seminar focusing on a selected topic or selected topics in Ameri- can history through the War of 1812. AMH 6199-Nineteenth Century America (4) A research seminar focusing on a topic or topics in American history from the War of 1812 to around 1900. AMH 6290-Modern America (4) A research seminar focus- ing on a topic or topics in American history in the twenti- eth century. AMH 6379-The United States in the World Economy, 1783-1980 (4) AMH 6393-Seminar in American Thought (4) AMH 6406-Readings in Southern History, 1607-1865 (4) An analysis of the major scholarly works and interpretations dealing with the development of a bi-racial society in the American south. AMH 6498-Seminar in United States Urban-Ethnic History (4) AMH 6499-Historical Analysis of the American Community (4) Local history with focus on the American community from colonial origins to the present. AMH 6516-Seminar in American Foreign Relations and Expansion (4) American foreign policy since 1945, the United States' response to Third World nationalism, the changing historiographical debate over the nature of U.S. diplomacy and other selected topics. AMH 6557-Seminar in the Constitutional and Legal History of the United States (4) A chronological and thematic analysis of the evolution of American law, legal institu- tions, and constitutionalism from their English origins to the present. ASH 5388-Topics in East Asian History (3; max: 9) ASH 6904-Readings in Japanese History (3; max: 9) EUH 5225-Expansion of Europe: Exploration and Settle- ment, 1415-1650 (3) Prereq: permission of instructor. European expansion overseas, 1415-1650; impact of Africa, Asia, the Americas; the development of a global economy. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4220 or equivalent. EUH 5317-Spain and Portugal (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. History of Spain and Portugal with emphasis on the early modern period and the twentieth century. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4314 or equivalent. EUH 5447-France (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. Topics in the history of France from the Middle Ages to the present. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4442 or equivalent. EUH 5467-Germany: The Making of the Empire (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. Formation of the German Empire under Chancellor Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4463 or equivalent. EUH 5468-Germany: The Republic and the Third Reich (4) Prereq: permission of instructor. History of Germany from the 1930s through World War II, emphasizing the methods by which Hitler gained and maintained power. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4464 or equivalent. EUH 5517-Elizabethan England, 1509-1660 (4) Prereq: per- mission of instructor. Topics in English history from the reign of Elizabeth through the restoration of the Stuarts. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4511 or equivalent. EUH 5519-Restoration England, 1660-1793 (4) Prereq: per- mission of instructor. Topics in English history from the Stuart Restoration through the reign of George III. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4513 or equivalent. EUH 5546-Topics in British History (3; max: 9) EUH 5657-European Military History (4) Prereq: permis- sion of instructor. Topics in European military history with emphasis on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Not open to students who have taken EUH 4650 or equivalent. EUH 5934-Topics in European History (3; max: 9) EUH 6126-The Middle Ages (4) EUH 6213-Europe, 1500-1763 (4) EUH 6289-Readings, Modern Europe (3; max: 6) EUH 6342-Europe Since 1763 (4) EUH 6508-England (4) HIS 5055-Topics in Public History (3; max: 6) HIS 5445-Social History and Social Science (3) Examines the evidence, techniques, interpretations of historians who use quantitative methods in the study of social issues. HIS 5450-Slavery in the New World: Comparative Perspec- tives (4) Examines in-depth the evolution of slavery in the New World from its European and African antecedents through abolition and emancipation. HIS 5485-Special Studies in the History of Science (3; max: 6) HIS 6060-Historical Method (3) Introduction to the meth- ods of research used by professional historians. HIS 6061-Introduction to Historiography (3) Examines the development of schools, theories, and philosophies of history since the Enlightenment. HIS 6063-Introduction to Quantitative History (3) HIS 6077-Seminar in Oral History (4) Methods of oral history and their application. HIS 6084-History, Philosophy, and Purposes of Museums (3) HIS 6309-Research Seminar in Comparative Military History (4; max: 8) Relationship of the military in Western Society is studied through a multinational approach in selected topical areas. HIS 6489-Seminar in History of Science (4; max: 8) Subject matter will be selected either according to period (exam- ple, 17th century science) or as a conceptual unit (exam- ple, history of modern evolutionary theory). HIS 6905-Individual Study (1-4; max: 12 including AMH 5905) HIS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U. HIS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U. HIS 6943-Internship in College Teaching (2,4,6; max: 6) Required for Master of Arts in Teaching candidates but available for students needing additional practice and di- rection in college-level teaching. HIS 6950-Practicum in Public History (1-6; max: 6) S/U. HIS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) Required of all candidates for the M.A. degree. S/U. HIS 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for'doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for stu- dents with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not open to students who have been admitted to candidacy. S/U. HIS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) Re- quired of all candidates for the Ph.D. degree. S/U. LAH 5438-Modern Mexico (4) Prereq: permission of the instructor. Topics in Mexican history from independence