EGC 7446. Coreq: current enrollment in a community
agency practicum or internship.
EGC 6438-Play Counseling and Play Process with Children
(3) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, EDF 6113 or equivalent.
EGC 6447-Laboratory in Counseling (1) Coreq: EGC 6416.
EGC 6461-Substance Abuse Counseling (3)
EGC 6463-Counseling Ethnic Minorities (3) Prereq: EGC
6416, 6447.
EGC 6465-Counseling for Mid-Life and Pre-Retirement (3)
EGC 6466-Counseling Needs of Older Persons (3)
EGC 6467-Counseling Older Persons: Theories and Tech-
niques (3) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447.
EGC 6469-The Counselor in a Multicultural World (3)
EGC 6505-Group Procedures in Guidance and Personnel
Work (3) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447.
EGC 6475-Retirement Counseling (3)
EGC 6606-Organization and Administration of Guidance
and Personnel Programs (3) Prereq: EGC 6416.
EGC 6726-Sensitivity Exploration Laboratory (1) Coreq:
EGC 6505.
EGC 6840-Practicum in Student Personnel Work (4; max: 12)
Prereq: 4 credits in EGC 7446 and written application to
the practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of
EGC 6905-Individual Work (2-4; max: 12) Prereq: consent
of staff members and graduate coordinator; approval of
proposed project.
EGC 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EGC 6933-Seminar in Professional Development (1)
EGC 6938-Special Topics (1-4; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
department chairperson.
EGC 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
EGC 7056-Seminar in Higher Education Student Person-
nel (1-2; max: 4) Prereq: EGC 6055, 6057.
EGC 7318-Laboratory in Career Development (4)
EGC 7329-Seminar in Career Development (3)
EGC 7415-Advanced Seminar in Family Counseling (3) Prereq:
EGC 6414.
EGC 7446-Practicum in Counseling-150 Hours (4; max:
12) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to the
practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of
registration. S/U.
EGC 7485-Seminar in Counseling Research (2) Prereq: ad-
mission to candidacy for the doctorate in counselor
EGC 7585-Practicum in Group Counseling-150 Hours (4;
max: 12) Prereq: EGC 6545, 4 credits in EGC 7446, and
written application to the practicum coordinator at least
six weeks in advance of registration.
EGC 7616-Evaluative Research in Guidance, Counseling,
and Personnel Work (4) Prereq: EGC 6225.
EGC 7706--Consultation Procedures (3) Prereq: 8 credits of
EGC 7446.
EGC 7825C-Practicum in Counseling Supervision (4; max:
8) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to
practicum coordinator at least six weeks in advance of
registration. Open only to advanced doctoral students.
EGC 7852-Practicum in Counseling Older Persons-150
Hours (4; max: 8) Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written
application to the practicum coordinator at least six weeks
in advance of registration.
EGC 7890-Internship in Personnel Work-600 Hours (6;
max: 12) Prereq: completion of all practice required for
the Ed.S., Ph.D., or Ed.D. degree and written application
to the internship coordinator at least six weeks in advance
of registration. S/U.
EGC 7894C-Internship in Counselor Education (6; max: 12)
Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to intern-
ship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registra-
tion. Open only to advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7897-Internship in Agency Program Management (6)
Prereq: EGC 6416, 6447, and written application to intern-
ship coordinator at least six weeks in advance of registra-
tion. Open only to advanced doctoral students. S/U.
EGC 7979-Advanced Research (1-9) Research for doctoral
students before admission to candidacy. Designed for
students with a master's degree in the field of study or for
students who have been admitted for a doctoral program.

Not open to students who have been admitted to candidacy.
EGC 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.

College of Agriculture
 Chairman: R. R Natzke. Graduate Coordinator: H.
 H. Head. Graduate Research Professor: W. W.
 Thatcher. Professors: B. Harris, Jr.; H. H Head; R. R
 Natzke; H. H. Van Horn, Jr.; D. W. Webb; C. J.
 Wilcox. Associate Professors: K. C. Bachman; D. K.
 Beede; M. A. De Lorenzo. Assistant Professors: P. J.
 Hansen; C. R. Staples.

 The Dairy Science Department offers the Master
 of Science and Master of Agriculture degrees (spe-
 cialization in dairy production). The Doctor of Phi-
 losophy degree (specialization in animal physiology,
 nutrition, genetics, and food science) is available
 through the Departments of Animal Science and
 Food Science and Human Nutrition.
 Areas of interest include quantitative genetics,
 nutrition, reproductive, environmental, and lactational
 physiology, endocrinology, biochemistry, mastitis, and
 A departmental prerequisite for admission to grad-
 uate study in dairy science is a strong undergradu-
 ate background in the physical or biological sci-
 ences. A prospective graduate student need not
 have majored in dairy science as an undergraduate.
 The following courses in related areas will be
 acceptable for graduate credit as part of the candi-
 date's major: ASG 5221-Animal Production 'in the
 Tropics; ANS 5446-Animal Nutrition; ANS 6368-
 Quantitative Genetics; ANS 6448-Nitrogen and En-
 ergy in Animal Nutrition; ANS 6452-Principles of
 Forage Quality Evaluation; ANS 6458-Advanced
 Methods in Nutrition Technology; ANS 6472-Vita-
 mins; ANS 6715-The Rumen and Its Microbes;
 ANS 6723-Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism; ANS
 6751-Physiology of Reproduction; VME 5242C-
 Physiology of Body Fluids.
 DAS 5212C-Dairy Management Systems (4) Prereqi DAS
 3211, AEB 3133, AEB 3133L, and permission of instructor.
 Quantitative approach to management decisions and eval-
 uation of performance. Record and information systems,
 modeling, and simulation.
 DAS 6281-Dairy Science Research Techniques (3) Prereq:
 STA 6167. Methods employed in research in specialized
 dairy fields; genetics, nutrition, and physiology.
 DAS 6322-Introduction to Statistical Genetics (2) Prereq:
 ANS 6368, STA 6167. Development and application of
statistical and quantitative genetics theory to selection and
estimation of genetic parameters.
DAS 6512-Advanced Physiology of Lactation (2) Prereq:
VME 5242C.
DAS 6531-Endocrinology (4) Prereq: BCH 4024; VME 5242C.
DAS 6541-Energy Metabolism (3) Prereq: ANS 5446; BCH
4024; HUN 3246, or permission of instructor.
DAS 6555-Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals
(3) Prereq: VME 5242C.
DAS 6617-Advanced Dairy Technology (1-4; max: 4) Theories
and analytical techniques associated with chemical, physi-
cal, and microbiological changes of milk constituents dur-
ing secretion, processing,,and storage of dairy products.
DAS 6905-Problems in Dairy Science (1-3; max: 4) H.
DAS 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6931-Graduate Seminar in Dairy Science (1; max: 6)
DAS 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) S/U.
DAS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.