44 / GENERAL INFORMATION- the workshop proceedings; (2) studies of ultravio- let, visible, and infrared radiation levels reaching the ground for photobiological applications; (3) eval- uation of the environmental impact for the conver- sion of Florida's oil boilers to coal including devel- opment of interpolated analytic wind roses and pollutant concentration contours for Florida; (4) interplay of energy production needs relative to air quality standards including the technical, scientific, medical, agricultural, psychological, economic, and legal aspects of the energy/air quality problems resulting in a monograph "Coal Burning Issues" on an assessment of the impact of increased coal use in Florida; and (5) economic and environmental benefits of co-burning coal, coal-water slurries, bio- mass, and waste with natural gas for efficient ener- gy recovery and reduced emissions. These energy- atmospheric environment projects have led to the formation of the University of Florida-Sunland Train- ing Center-Clean Combustion Technology Labora- tory (CCTL) which evolved from joint programs of ICAAS, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IFAS Agronomy, and UF analytical departments. For further information, write the Director, Professor A.E.S. Green, ICAAS, Space Sciences Research Building. CENTER FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS The Center consists of faculty from the Depart- ments of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics, and Engineering Science and of Mathematics. These fac- ulty are interested in the application of mathematics to research problems in the physical, engineering, social, and biological sciences. Codirectors are Pro- fessors A.R. Bednarek and K.T. Millsaps. CENTER FOR AQUATIC PLANTS The Center for Aquatic Plants is a multidisciplin- ary unit of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Established in 1978 by the Florida Legislature, the Center is the lead agency for coor- dinating research and educational programs on aquat- ic plant ecology and management in Florida. The Center is also involved in national and international research and education programs. The Center en- courages interdisciplinary research focused on bio- logical, chemical, mechanical, and integrated aquatic plant management techniques and their impact on aquatic ecosystems. Scientists associated with the Center specialize in aquatic plant ecology, plant pathology, entomology, phycology, physiology, fish- eries, weed science, and limnology. Faculty and graduate students are associated with their respec- tive departments in IFAS. Interested persons should contact the Director, Center for Aquatic Plants, 7922 NW 71st Street, Gainesville, Florida 32606. CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTER The Center, part of the Shands Teaching Hospital, provides a carefully controlled medical research en- vironment in which scientists can define and at- tempt to conquer unsolved disease problems affect- ing humans. A discrete unit, funded entirely through a grant by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Cen- ter is administered through the College of Medicine of the University of Florida. The grant provides for a metabolic kitchen and its staff, a laboratory and staff, nursing and administrative personnel. The NIH provide coverage of all research charges for patient care and also support an out-patient function for the Center. For information write Clinical Research Center, Box J-322, J. Hillis Miller Health Science Center. COMMUNICATION RESEARCH CENTER The Center conducts research in a variety of fields of mass communication. It serves as a re- source for College faculty and students, assists the media and other organizations in their research pursuits, and sponsors other programs related to the mass communication needs of the many com- munities served by the University. For information, write the Director, Communication Research Cen- ter, 2000 Weimer Hall. CENTER FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH The Center conducts basic and applied research on factors influencing consumer decision-making and behavior. It provides an organization through which faculty members from a number of disci- plines may effectively work together to study the interface between consumers, private organizations, and policy alternatives. The Center sponsors a col- loquium series involving both University of Florida faculty and students and scholars from around the country as well as a working paper and reprint series. The Center also serves as the budgetary unit for graduate studies of consumer psychology. For information, write the Director, Center for Consum- er Research, 116 Byran Hall. CENTER FOR DYNAMIC PLASTICITY The Center conducts research and educational programs and disseminates information on the be- avior of materials at high rates of deformation. In addition to structural materials (such as metals, polymers, and composites), the Center is concerned with biological materials (bones and soft tissues) and with dynamic soil mechanics. The Center has established a cooperative arrangement with the Uni- versity of Bucharest to enhance international coop- eration and exchange of information and person- nel. For information, address the Director, Center for Dynamic Plasticity, 231 Aero Building. CENTER FOR ECONOMETRICS AND DECISION SCIENCES The Center conducts theoretical and applied re- search in the areas of econometrics and decision sciences. It provides an organization to bring to- gether faculty and students from a number of disci- plines working in these areas through seminars and a discussion paper series. The Center serves as an avenue to attract to the University of Florida on a permanent or visiting basis, or for seminars, re- searchers with an international reputation in the