in the University Calendar appearing at the front of
this Catalog, or the date shown on statements sent
those participating in advance registration, and are
processed by the University Cashier at Student Fi-
nancial Services, the Hub, Checks, cashier's checks,
and money orders written in excess of the assessed
fees will be processed and the difference refunded
at a later date, according to University policy. Checks
from foreign countries must be payable through a
United States bank in United States dollars. The
University reserves the right to refuse three-party
checks, altered checks, and checks that will not
 Fees over $50.00 may be paid by Mastercard or
Visa. The card must be in the name of the student
paying fees or a parent's card with student's signa-
ture. The student may present the card and picture
identification to the Head Cashier at Student Finan-
cial Services, 100 Hub.
 In collecting fees, the University may impose ad-
ditional requirements as deemed appropriate, in-
cluding advance payment or security deposit for
the services to be provided by the University of


 Students are reminded that deadlines are strictly
enforced. The University does not have the authority
to waive late fees unless it has been determined
that the University is primarily responsible for the
delinquency or that extraordinary circumstances war-
rant such waiver.

Cancellation and Reinstatement

 The University shall cancel the registration of any
student who has not paid any portion of his/her fee
liability by the published deadlines.
 Reinstatement shall require the approval of the
University and payment of all delinquent liabilities
including the late registration or late payment fees
as applicable by cash, cashier's check, or money
order. A student whose registration has been can-
celled must request a reinstatement letter at Stu-
dent Financial Services, the Hub. To expedite
reinstatement the student must deliver the letter to
Registrar Records, 34 Tigert Hall, Station 2.
 In the event a student has not paid the entire fee
liability by the published deadlines, the University
shall temporarily suspend further academic prog-
ress of the student. This will be accomplished by
flagging the student's record which will prevent
receipt of grades, transcripts or a diploma, and
registration will be denied for future terms until the
account has been settled in full. If a student's
records have been flagged, the student must re-
quest the records be cleared at Customer Service,
100 Hub, after the account is settled.

Deferral of Registration and Tuition Fees

 A fee deferment allows students to pay fees after
the fee payment deadline without being subject to
either cancellation of registration, or the late pay-

ment fee. The University may award fee deferments
upon application from students. in the following
 1. Students whose state or federal financial assis-
tance is delayed due to circumstances beyond the
control of the student.
 2. Veterans and other eligible students receiving
benefits under Chapter 32, 34, or 35 of Title 38 USC,
and whose benefits are delayed.
 3. Students for whom formal arrangements have
been made with the University for payment by an
acceptable third-party donor.
 Fee deferments must be established with Student
Financial Services, the Hub, prior to the fee pay-
ment deadline. Failure to establish the deferment
will subject the student to a late payment fee and/or
cancellation of registration.

Waiver of Fees

 The University may waive fees as follows:
 1. Participants in sponsored institutes and pro-
grams where substantially all direct costs are paid
by the sponsoring agent may waive all fees.
 2. State employees who have been employed on
a permanent, full-time basis for at least six months
may be permitted to waive fees up to a maximum of
six credit hours per term on a space available basis
 3. Intern supervisors for institutions within the
State University System may be given one nontrans-
ferable certificate (fee waiver) for each full academic
term during which the person serves as an intern
supervisor. All fees are waived.
 The Non-Florida Student Financial Aid fee may not
be waived for students receiving an out-of-state fee

 Tuition and registration fees will be refunded in
full in the circumstances noted below:
 1. If notice of withdrawal from the University is
approved prior to the end of the drop/add period
and written documentation is received from the
 2. Credit hours dropped during the drop/add
 3. Courses cancelled by the University.
 4. Involuntary call to active military duty.
 5. Death of the student or member of his/her
immediate family (parent, spouse, child, sibling).
 6. Illness of the student of such severity or dura-
tion, as confirmed in writing by the physician, that
completion of the semester is precluded.
 7. Exceptional circumstances, upon approval of
the University President or his/her designee(s).
 A refund of 25 percent of the total fees paid (less
building, capital improvement, and late fees) is avail-
able if written notice of withdrawal of enrollment
from the University is approved prior to the end of
the fourth week of classes for full semesters, or a
proportionately shorter period of time for shorter
terms, and written documentation is received from
the student.