MACKENZIE, RICHARD S., D.D.S. (University of Michigan)
 Professor and Chairman of Dental Education (1969-1984).
 MACKIE, JIM, M.A. (Eastern Kentucky University)
 Assistant Athletic Trainer (1976-1976).
 MACLAREN, NOEL K., M.B. (University of Otago-New Zealand)
 Professor of Pathology, Director of Chemistry and Acting Chairman
 MACLEOD, MURDO J., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Graduate Research Professor of History (1985-1985).
 MADAJEWICZ, STEFAN, M.D. (Warsaw Medical Academy, Poland)
 Associate Professor of Medicine and Division Chief Hematologyl
 Oncology/JHEP (1984).
 MADDALA, G. S., Ph.D. (University of Chicago)
 Graduate Research Professor of Economics (1975-1975).
 MADSEN, KIRSTEN MARIE, M.D. (University of Aarhus)
 Assistant Professor of Medicine (1980-1980).
 MAGEE, MICHAEL J., M.S. (Ohio State University)
 Assistant In and Assistant Director of Pharmacy, University Hospital
 MAGGIO, PHILLIP J., B.S. (University of Florida)
 Assistant Football Coach (1980-1980).
 MAGNARELLA, PAUL J., Ph.D. (Harvard University)
 Professor of Anthropology (1979-1979).
 MAGNUSSON, N. INGVAR, D.D.S. (University of Lund, Sweden)
 Associate Professor of Periodontics (1985-1985).
 MAHAN, CHARLES S., M.D. (Northwestern University)
 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Head of Ambulatory
 Care Division (1974-1980).
 MAHAN, PARKER E., D.D.S. (Emory University)
 Professor of Basic Dental Sciences (1971-1971).
 MAHONEY, JOHN F., Ph.D. (Lehigh University)
 Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (1964-1984).
 MAJOROWICZ, KAREN A., M.S.N. (University of Maryland)
 Assistant Professor, College of Nursing (1981-1981).
 MA)THAY, ANTAL, Ph.D. (University of Szeged, Hungary)
 Associate Professor and Chairman of Management (1972-1983).
 MAJTHAY, ELIZABETH, M.S. (University of Szeged)
 Lecturer, Mathematics (1979-1982).
 MALAGODI, EDWARD F. JR., Ph.D. (University of Miami)
 Professor of Psychology (1968-1981).
 MALAKAR, SUBARNA B., Engineer (University of Florida)
 Assistant In Engineering (1981-1981).
 MALANCHUK, IONA R., M.L.S. (Indiana University)
 Associate University Librarian, P.K. Yonge Laboratory School
 MALANCHUK, PETER P., M.L.S. (Indiana University)
 Librarian and Chairman, Reference and Bibliography (1980-1980).
 MALASANOS, LOIS J., Ph.D. (University of Illinois)
 Dean and Professor, College of Nursing (1980-1980).
 MALECKI, EDWARD J., Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
 Associate Professor of Geography (1983-1983).
 MALICKSON, DAVID L., M.S. (Boston University)
 Professor of Journalism arid Communications (1969-1982).
 MALSBARY, BRYCE A., M,A. (Central Michigan University)
 Vice President, Human Resources, Shands Hospital (1980-1984).
 MAMARCHEV, HELEN L., Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
 Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (1983-1985).
 MANCUSO, ANTHONY A., M.D. (University of Miami)
 Associate Professor (1983-1983).
 MANN, ROBERT T., LL.M. (Stetson University)
 Professor of Law (1974-1974). *
 University of Iran)
 Associate Professor of Periodontics (1983-1983).
 MANS, RUSTY J., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1969-1969).
MANSELL, ROBERT S., Ph.D. (Iowa State University)
 Professor, Soil Science (1968-1979).
MANSFIELD, JODI, M.B.A. (University of Florida)
 Director of Clinical Services, Shands Hospital (1979-1983).
MAPLE, MARILYN J., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Coordinator of Educational Media, Learning Resources and
 Communications, 1. Hillis Miller Health Center (1967-1974).

MAPLES, WILLIAM R., Ph.D. (University of Texas)
 Curator of Physical Anthropology, Florida State Museum
 MARCH, ALLAN W., M.D. (ohns Hopkins University)
 University Physician (1977-1981).
 MARCUS, ROBERT B., JR., M.D. (University of Florida)
 Associate Professor of Radiation Therapy (1979-1984).
 MARECI, THOMAS A., Ph.D. (Oxford University, England)
 Assistant Professor (1982-1983).
 MAREN, RAE C., B.S.N. (University of Florida)
 Associate Director Nursing Services (1974-1980).
 MAREN, THOMAS H., M.D. (Johns Hopkins University)
 Graduate Research Professor (1955-1979).
 MARGOLIS, MAXINE LUANNA, Ph.D. (Columbia University)
 Professor of Anthropology (1969-1983).
 MARION, WAYNE RICHARD, Ph.D. (Texas A&M University)
 Associate Professor, Forest Resources and Conservation (1975-1980).
 MARKEL, NORMAN N., Ph.D. (University of Chicago)
 Professor of Speech, Psychology, and Anthropology (1964-1973).
 MARKOWITZ, HAROLD J., Ed.D. (Teachers College, Columbia
 Director of Correspondence Study Division of Continuing Education
 MARKS, RONALD G., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Associate Professor of Statistics (1974-1980).
 MARLOWE, GEORGE A. JR., Ph.D. (University of Maryland)
 Professor, Vegetable Crops, and International Programs, Cameroon
 MARLOWE, HERBERT A., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Continuing Education Coordinator (1984-1984).
 MARS, DONALD R., M.D. (University of Miami)
 Associate Professor of Medicine (1977-1983).

 MARSHALL, MAURICE R. JR., Ph.D. (Ohio State University)
 Associate Professor, Food Science & Human Nutrition (1980-1985).
 MARSHALL, MELODY, Ph.D. (University of Oklahoma)
 Associate Professor, College of Nursing (1984-1985).
 MARSTON, ROBERT Q., M.D. (Medical College of Virginia)
 President Emeritus and Professor of Medicine (1974-1984).
 MARTIN, ANATOLE D., Ph.D. (University of Tennessee)
 Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy (1985-1985).
 MARTIN, FRANK G., Ph.D. (North Carolina State University)
 Professor, Statistics (1964-1984).
 MARTIN, FRANK N., Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley)
 Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology (1985-1985).
 MARTIN, JACK W., M.S. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
 Associate Professor of Building Construction (1978-1983).
 MARTIN-VEGA, LOUIS A., Ph.D. (University of Florida)
 Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
 MARTINEZ, JORGE, Ph.D. (Tulane University)
 Professor of Mathematics (1969-1982).
 MARTINEZ, MICHAEL D., Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
 Assistant Professor of Political Science (1985-1985).
 MARTSOLF, JAY DAVID, JR., Ph.D. (University of Missouri)
 Professor, Fruit Crops (1979-1979).
 MARUNIAK, JAMES E., Ph.D. (University of Texas)
 Assistant Professor, Entomology and Nematology (1982-1982).
 MARYNIUK, GEORGE A., D.D.S. (University of Detroit)
 Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics (1981-198 1).
 MASSARO, TONI M., J.D. (College of William and Mary)
 Associate Professor of Law (1984-1985).
 MASON, ROBERT M., JR., D.V.M. (Purdue University)
 Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine (1980-1980).
 MATHENY, ALBERT R., Ph.D. (University of Minnesota)
 Associate Professor of Political science (1978-1984).
 MATHENY, ELLIS L. JR., Ph.D. (University of Tennessee)
 Associate Professor, Entomology and Nematology, and International
 Programs, Cameroon (1976-1981).
 MATHER, F. BEN, Ph.D. (University of California-Davis)
 Associate Professor, Poultry Science (1979-1979).
MATHIAS, DAVID E., J.D. (University of Florida)
 Director of Legal Services, Shands Hospital (1980-1980).