Descriptions MARKETING-MASS COMMUNICATION QMB 6697 Optimization in Simulation Modeling. Credits: 3 QMB 6808 Markov Decision Processes. Credits: 4 QMB 6809 Decision Processes Under Conflict. Credits: 3 QMB 6827 Linear Programming for Management Scientists. Credits: 4 QMB 6857 Optimization in Static Managerial Models. Credits: 4 QMB 6865 Optimization in Dynamic Managerial Decision Models. Credits: 4 QMB 6877 Optimization in Discrete Management. Credits: 3 MARKETING College of Business Administration INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1985-86 Sawyer, A.G., Chairman; Alba, J.W; Bechtel, G.C.; Buzas, T.E.; Chakravarti, D; Cohen, J.B.; Faricy, J.H.; Hutchinson, J.W; Jain, K.; Kanwar, R; Lutz, R.J.; Lynch, J.G.; Sawyer, A.G.; Weitz, B.A.; Wilkie, W.L. Courses numbered 3000 or higher are open only to students with Junior standing. Note, however, the specific prerequisites for certain courses. Courses numbered 3203 or higher are open only to students who received a grade of C or higher in MAR 3023. MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing. Credits: 3 Functions, institutions, and methods of marketing goods and services. Relates marketing to the larger economic structure and emphasizes the importance of the consumer. MAR 3203 Manage Channel System. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3023, ACC 2001. Analysis of alternative channels for distributing goods. from the perspective of both producers and mid- dlemen. Particular emphasis is given to the manage- ment of retail institutions. MAR 3503 Consumer Behavior. Credits: 4, Prereq: MAR 3023, STA 3023. Emphasizes both descriptive and conceptual analysis of consumer behavior with a focus on theory and research essential to an understanding of individual choice behavior. Makes intensive use of contributions from the social and behavioral science literatures. MAR 4243 International Market. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3023, STA 3023, ACC 2001. Analysis of economic, social and cultural issues affect- ing marketing management in the international environment. MAR 4303 Promotion Strat/Manag. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3503, ACC 2001, STA 3023. The management of the total marketing communica- tion function. Stresses development of objectives for promotion and the planning and integration of pro- motional programs with other aspects of the marketing mix. MAR 4403 Sales Management. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3023, STA 3023, ACC 2001. Principles, methods and problems relating to the management of a sales force. Selection and training, organization, compensation and stimulation, and control. MAR 4613 Marketing Research. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3023, EC03411, QMB 3700. Analyzes the role of marketing research in providing information for marketing decisions. Research methods and techniques involved in the development and use of primary and secondary data are empha- sized. Topics covered include: 1) survey design, 2) ex- perimental design, 3) data collection (e.g., question- naires), 4) data analysis, 5) measurement, and 6) sampling. MAR 4713 Marketing Management. Credits: 4; Prereq: MAR 3023 and two other marketing courses. Development and analysis of overall marketing strategies involving product and brand development, channels of distribution, pricing and promotion with explicit consideration of marketplace conditions and related factors affecting implementation and execution. MAR 4905 Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 4; Prereq: Senior standing and previous work in the areas selected for research. Admission is by consent of the department. MAR 4933 Special Topics. Credits: 4; Prereq: Permission of department. Selected rotating topics in marketing management, research, and theory. May be repeated with a change of content up to a maximum of 8 credits. GRADUATE COURSES MAR 6346 Promo Strategy & Plan. Credits: 4 MAR 6506 Consumer Behavior. Credits: 4 MAR 6516 Public Pol Res & Mkg. Credits: 4 MAR 6606 Market Decision Model. Credits: 4 MAR 6616 Market Res Manage Dec. Credits: 4 MAR 6716 Prbs & Meth Mkg Mgt. Credits: 4 MAR 6717 Avd Market Manage. Credits: 4 MAR 6806 Market Theo & Issues Credits: 4 MAR 6905 Individual Work. Credits: 1 to 4 MAR 6910 Supervised Research. Credits: 1 to 5tt .MAR 6933 Special Topics. Credits: 4 MAR 6940 Supervised Teaching. Credits: I to 5tt MAR 6971 Masters Research. Credits: 1 to 15tt MAR 7507 Perspect Consumer Beh. Credits: 5 MAR 7518 Consumer Info Process. Credits: 5 MAR 7622 Design of Marketing Research Credits: 4 MAR 7625 Advanced Statistical Analysis in Marketing Research. Credits: 5 MAR 7627 Subjective Measurement in Marketing and Survey Research. Credits: 4 MAR 7628 Multidimensional Scaling for Market and Societal Analysis. Credits: 4 MAR 7639 Workshop in Marketing Research. Credits: 3; May be repeated with a change of con- tent up to a maximum of 9 credits. MAR 7979 Advanced Research.' Credits: 1 ro 9tt MAR 7980 Doctoral Research. Credits: I to 15tt MASS COMMUNICATION College of Journalism and Communications INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1985-86 R.L. Lowenstein, Dean; K.E.M. Kent, Director of Graduate Studies; F.N. Pierce, Advertising Graduate Coordinator; H.H. Griggs, Journalism Graduate Coor- dinator, R.L. Kendall, Public Relations Graduate Coor- dinator; ,.W. Wright, Telecommunication Graduate Coordinator; M.N. Edwardson, Distinguished Service Professor. Professors: G.S. Butler; K.A. Christiansen, Emeritus; J.S. Detweiler; J.L. Griffith; H.H. Griggs; L.J. Hooper; R.L. Kendall; K.E.M. Kent; R.L. Lowenstein; F.N. Pierce; R.N. Pierce; J.R. Pisani; G.P. Smeyak; F.L. Smith; J.L. Terhune; L.P. Tipton. Associate Professors: C.E. Burke; M.S. Fregly; A.J. Jacobs, Emeritus; D.H. Ostroff; J.S. Sutherland; E.G. Weston; J.W. Wright. Assis- tant Professor: M.A. Ferguson. The College of journalism and Communications of- fers Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Mass Communication. Master of Arts specialization may be in advertising, international communication, journalism, mass communication, public relations, research, or telecommunication. Nonthesis options are offered in advertising, journalism, public relations, and telecommunication. Doctor of Philosophy specialization maybe in history, international com- munication, mass communication and society, or theory of mass communication. Students who lack an adequate academic background may be required to complete beyond minimal degree requirements courses as determined by the graduate division of the college. Master of Arts students with preparation in the social sciences and humanities deemed inadequate by the graduate divi- sion will be required to present evidence of mastery of selected subjects prior to graduation. For U.S. citizens, the subjects include economics, statistics, and American history, federal government, and state and local government. Students must adhere to degree plans approved by academic advisors and the graduate committee. Plans must be submitted in the first term of study. Approval must be obtained for any changes. To continue enrollment in the program, a student must maintain a grade average of 3.0 in all work under- taken. See Graduate Catalog for course details and more information. GRADUATE COURSES With permission of the instructor and the College an undergraduate may enroll in graduate-level courses if the student has Senior standing andan Upper Divi- sion grade point average of at least 3.0. Such courses are listed below and are described under "Mass Com- munication" in the graduate school catalog. Students interested in graduate work are referred to these course offerings. Advertising GRADUATE COURSES ADV 6305 Advanced Media Planning. S. Credits: 3 ADV 6503 Advertising Creative Strategy and Research. F. Credits: 3 ADV 6602 Advertising/Public Relations Management. F, S. Credits: 3 COM 6315 Advanced Research Methods. SSC Credits: 3; max. 6. 250