ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES A laboratory oriented study of the identification, in- jury, life histories and control of the important pests of ornamental plants and turf. ENY 3521 Field Crop Insects. S. Credits: .2; Prereq. or Coreq: ENY 3005. A laboratory oriented study of the identification, in- jury, life history and control of important Florida field crop insect pests. ENY 3541 Forest Insects. S. Credits: 3 The identification, injury, life history and control of important forest and shade tree insect pests. ENY 3551 Household Insects. S. Credits: 1; Prereq. or Coreq: ENY 3005. A laboratory oriented study of the major insect pests encountered in households and structures including their life histories and control. ENY 3931 Undergraduate Seminar. F. Credits: itt Preparation and presentation of papers on approved subjects in Entomology and Nematology. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 credits. ENY 4161 Insect Identification. SS. Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3004, ENY 3005, or equivalent. Identification of immature and adult insects of all ma- jor families. ENY 4353 Insect Physiology and Morphology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3004, ENY 3005, BCH 3023 or equivalent. The external and internal morphology of insects and the physiology of cells, tissues, organs and systems. ENY 4571C Apiculture. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3004, ENY 3005 or permis- sion of the instructor. The organization of a bee colony, life processes, races of bees, manipulation, value of colonies, nectar and pollen sources, pollination value, diseases, selection of apiary sites, economic importance of the industry, equipment and marketing of products. ENY 4660C Medical & Veterinary Entomology. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: ENY 3004 or ENY 3005 or per- mission of instructor. The bionomics, classification, distribution, disease relationship, structure, and control of arthropods af- fecting man and domestic animals. Also recommend- ed for students in Environmental Engineering, Parasitology and Medicine. ENY 4905 Problems in Entomology. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 5; Prereq: ENY 3004 or ENY 3005 and the basic course in selected field of specialization. Problems in any field of specialization in Entomology and Nematology. May be repeated for a total of five credits. ENY 4941 Full Time Practical Work Experience in En- tomology and Nematology. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 4tt; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser and approval of Department Chairman and Dean. Practical work must be a new experience and related to the field of study. Nematology NEM 3002 Principles of Nematology. S. Credits: 3; Prereq: ZOO 2013, or equivalent. An introduction to Nematology including studies of morphology, life histories, and control of the major nematode parasites of plants. Also, studies of the bionomics of certain soil nematodes and nematode parasites of vertebrates and arthropods. GRADUATE COURSES Entomology ENY 6202C Quantitative Approaches to Insect Ecology. F.' Credits: 3 ENY 6203 Insect Ecology. S. Credits: 4 ENY 6205 Nutritional Ecology of Insects. F. Credits: 3 ENY 6241 Biological Control of Insects. S. Credits: 4 ENY 6261 Insect Resistance to Crop Plants 1. S. Credits; 3 ENY 6262 Insect Resistance to Crop Plants 2. S. Credits: 2 ENY 6321 Comparative Anatomy of the Hexapoda. F. Credits: 4 ENY 6401C Insect Physiology. F. Credits: 4 ENY 6451 Insect Behavior. S. Credits: 2 ENY 6611 Immature Insects. F. Credits: 4 ENY 6651C Insect Toxicology. S. Credits: 3 ENY 6665C Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology I. F Credits: 4 ENY 6666C Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology II. S. Credits: 4 ENY 6810 Information Techniques in Entomology. F. Credits: 1 ENY 6821 Insect Pathology. F. Credits: 4 ENY 6905 Problems in Entomology and Nematology. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 4 ENY 6910 Supervised Research. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 5tt ENY 6932 Special Topics in Entomology and Nematology. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 2tt ENY 6934 Selected Studies in Entomology and Nematology. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 4 ENY 6940 Supervised Teaching. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 5tt ENY 6971 Master's Research. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 5tt ENY 7979 Advanced Research. F, S, SS. Credits: I to 9ttf ENY 7980 Doctoral Research. F, S, SS. Credits: 1 to 15tt Nematology NEM 5707C Plant Nematology. S. Credits: 3 NEM 6101C Nematode Morphology and Anatomy. S. Credits: 2 NEM 6102C Nematode Taxonomy and Systematics. S. Credits: 3 NEM 6708 Field Plant Nematology. S. Credits: 2 NEM 6723 Advanced Plant Nematology. Credits: 3 NEM 6808C Marine Nematology. S. Credits: 2 NEM 6931 Nematology Seminar. F, S. Credits: 1; max. 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES College of Engineering INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 1985-86 Viessman, W., Chairman; Allen, E.R.; Best, G.R.; Bevis, H.A.; Bitton, G.; Bolch, W.E.; Chadik, P.A.; Crisman, T.L.; Delfino, .J.; Heaney, J.P.; Huber, W.C.; Koopman, B.; Lundgren, D.A.; Miller, W.L.; Montague, C.L.; Odum, H.T.; Roessler, C.E.; Singley, J.E.; Zoltek, J., Jr. Engineering Hydrology GRADUATE COURSES ECI 6636 Surface Hydrology. Credits: 3 ECI 6637 Operational Hydrology. Credits: 4 Environmental Engineering Sciences EES 2001 Concepts of Environmental Engineering Sciences. F, S. Credits: 1 Discussions of current environmental problems and their solutions. Intended as an orientation course for future ENV majors. EES 2001 and ENV 3003 cannot both be taken for credit. EES 3008 Energy and Environment. F of odd- numbered years. Credits: 3 Consideration of the energy basis for man and nature including principles of energy analysis, systems ecology, and public policy. EES 3020 Computational Methods in Environmental Engineering Sciences. F, S. Credits: 3; Prereq: COP 3212 and MAP 3302 or EGM 3311. Environmental Engineering Sciences applications of numerical and modeling techniques using digital computers, microcomputers, hand calculators, and analog computers. EES 4035 Environmental Instrumentation. S. Credits: 2; Prereq: EEL 3003. Basic instrumentation and instrumental techniques for the measurement of environmental parameters and pollutants. EES 4101C Environmental Microbiology. F, S. Credits: 3 General concepts of microbiology with emphasis on the role of microorganisms in the polluted environ- ment and in pollution technology. EES 4241C Introduction to Water Analysis. F. Credits: 3; Prereq: Two semesters of general chemistry. Basic procedures of chemical analysis applied to natural and wastewaters, including sampling and in- terpretation of water quality. EES 4401 Public Health Engineering. F. Credits: 3 Application of engineering principles to protect public health. Areas covered include water supply, waste treatment, air pollution, radiological health, occupa- tional health, milk and food sanitation, vector control, solid wastes, and housing hygiene. GRADUATE COURSES EES 5007C Ecological and General Systems. Credits: 3