ENV 4404 Water and Wastewater I .................. .. 3
 ENV 4514 Water and Wastewater 11 ................... 3
 CES 4605 Analysis and Design in Steel ............... .. 2
 EGN 4036 Engineering Professionalism and Ethics ........ 2
**Technical Elective (Design) .......... .................. 3
 Total hours 145

 *A minimum grade of C is required.
 **This course must be chosen from the following list. Deviation
 from this list must have Departmental approval.
 TTE 4724 Transportation Facility Design ................ 3
 CES 4704 Design of Reinforced Concrete ............... 3
 CES 4034 Civil Engineering Estimating ................. 3
 ENV 4432 Potable Water Systems .................... 3
 ECI 4110 Formwork Design & Construction ....... .'.... 3
 ECI 4327 Foundation Engineering Design.......... .... .. 3
 CES 4604 Advanced Steel Design ............... ...... 3
 ENV 4625 Water Resources Engr. Design ..... ...... .. 3
 The following courses maybe used as the design elective with
 Departmental approval.
 ENV 4431 Sewerage System Design ....... ....... ..... 3
 ENV 4432 Potable Water System Design ............... 3
 TTE 5701 Geometric Design of Transportation
 Facilities ....... .......... ........ ..... 3


 Measurement Science \
 STA 3032 Engineering Statistics ... .... ................ 3
 SUR 3520 Measurement Science ................... ... 4
 SUR 3521 Field Measurement Systems ................ 3
 SUR 3640 Surveying Computations ................... 2
 SUR 3331 Photogrammetry ................... ... ... 2
 SUR 3620 Interactive Land Data Computer Systems ....... 3

 SUR 4452 Land Development Systems ................. 2
 SUR 4501 Geodetic & Control Surveying ............... 4
 SUR 4462 Subdivisions ......................... 2
 SUR 3403 Land Surveying Principles .................. 3
 SUR 4430 Land Surveying Practice. .................... 3
 SUR 4350 Photogrammetric Geometronics .............. 3
 SUR 4201 Route Geometrics ...... ............. .... 2
 SUR 4912 Senior Project ........................
 S* *SUR 4949 Co-operative Work Experience ......... ... .. 2
*****SUR Surveying Elective ............................ 1
 TOTAL 124

 *May be chosen from the following list:
 CHM 2040 Introduction to General Chemistry ........... 3
 APB 2150 Biological Sciences I .................. .... 3
 PCB 3043 Introduction to Ecology .................... 3
 **May be chosen from the following list:
 FOR 3120 Dendrology .................. ......... 3
 BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy .................. 3

 A degree program in Land Surveying is offered through the
Civil Engineering Department. Present land values and high **May be chosen from the following list:
rates of land development require today's surveyor to perform ECP 4602 Urban Economics..:.....................
professional services and make decisions that have far reaching URP 4000 Urban And Regional Planning ...............
effects. The land surveying degree program prepares the student REE 4100 Real Estate Valuation .....................
for a lifetime of work in this challenging profession. The cur- ECI 5186 Public Works Planning ....................
riculum not only includes courses in surveying but also pro- ****Students with suitable prior surveying experience may substitu
vides a broad background in communications, basic science, a technical elective.
mathematics, business principles, and computer utilization. A
co-op program is required and is provided through the efforts of *****May be chosen from the following list:
professional surveyors to insure that all surveying graduates SUR 3202 Construction Surveying .................
serve a two semester training period before graduation. SUR 4305 Marine Surveying and Mapping ..............
 SUR 4450 Cadastral Information .....................



 Pre-Land Surveying Requirements
 ENC English ................ .... ............... 6
 SSI Social Science ........... ................... 6
 HUM Humanities ................................ 9
 *CHM Chemical/Biological Science Elective ............. 3
 **BOT Botany Elective .............................. 3
 COP 3212 Computer Programming for Engineers ......... 2
 MAC 3311 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 1 ........... 4
 MAC 3312 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 2 ........... 4
 MAC 3313 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 3 .... ...... 4
 PHY 3054 General Physics 1 with Lab ............... :. 5
 PHY 3055 General Physics 2 with Lab ................ ... 5
 SUR 3101 Engineering Measurements ............. .... 2
 SUR 3660 Professional Drafting For Surveyors ........... 1
 ACG 2001 Introduction to Accounting ................. 5

 Upper Division Requirements
 ENC 3213 Technical Writing and Business
 Com m unication ....... ...................... 3
 ECI 4145 Construction Methods & Management .......... 3
 ECI 4137 Civil Engineering Cost Analysis ............... 3
 REE 3043 Real Estate Analysis ...... : ................ 4
 REE 4430 Real Estate Law ........................... 3
***Land Planning Elective ................. ..... .. ... 2
 AST 3623 Kinematic Astronomy.... .......... .... .,. 3
 GLY 2026 Geology for Engineers ..................... 3

 Bachelor's degrees in Computer and Information Sciences are
offered by the intercollege department of Computer and Infor-
mation Sciences. The engineering curriculum involves a sound
background in mathematics, science, and engineering as a part
of the common engineering core. In addition to these courses,
students receive courses which provide basic knowledge related
to theory, design, and applications of computers and infor-
mation processing techniques.
 Students may then specialize in several related areas includ-
ing information processing, software systems, computer
systems, and the application of computers in engineering.
 Graduates of the program are prepared for employment in the
computer industry in Florida and elsewhere. The broad scope of
the program enables the student to pursue many different career
paths related to computers and their uses.
 Opportunities .for cooperative education are available. The
department.also offers degrees through the colleges of Business
Administration and Liberal Arts and Sciences.
 receives applications from many more students than it can
accommodate it has established higher admission requirements
than the minimum for the College of Engineering. Students
desiring admission should inquire at the CIS Department to
determine current admission requirements.