work will generally include core requirements for the
new college.
 All students must satisfy core requirement by com-
pleting four specified graduate level courses (12 cred-
its) or their approved equivalents. Students must
maintain an average of at least 3.0 on the core courses,
and no more than one course out of the four may
have a grade below B. An additional 12 credits of
course work must be taken which includes six gradu-
ate level credits in courses designed for a selected
area of specialization within computer and informa-
tion sciences and at least six credits from courses of-
fered by some other department in the college in
which the student is enrolled. All students are also re-
quired to take a one-credit seminar and write a thesis.
A minimum of five credit hours must be taken in CIS
6971. No foreign language is required.
 The Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, act-
ing on the recommendation of the Chairman of the
CIS Department and the dean of the college in which
the student is enrolled, will appoint a supervisory
committee for each student consisting of two mem-
bers of the CIS graduate faculty and one member of
the graduate faculty of some other department from
the college. Each student will be required to pass a
written comprehensive examination administered
twice a year by the Department.
 The Center for Information Research, the Database
 Systems Research and Development Center, and a
 number of other campus research centers provide op-
 portunities for students enrolled in the program.
 CAP 5722--Computer Graphics (3) Prereq: COP 3530. Dis-
 plays, storage, and generation. Interactive vs. passive
 graphics. Analog vs. digital graphic storage. Pattern recog-
 nition. Projections and the hidden line problem.
CAP 6652-Advanced Computer Applications (3) Prereq:
CDA 3101, COP 3530 or equivalent. A survey of state-of-the-
art computer applications including natural language pro-
cessing, computer vision systems, image processing, robot-
ics, modeling and representation of knowledge, office auto-
mation, decision support systems and intelligent machines.
CDA 6125-Microprogramming (3) Prereq: CDA 3101, EEL
3701 or equivalent. The function and design of micro-
programmable control units. Typical instruction sets and
their microcode implementation. "High level" micro-
programming languages. Efficient algorithms for performing
arithmetic operations. Emulation and interpretation. Case
CDA 6168-Distributed Processing and Computer Com-
munication Networks (3) Prereq: COP 5622. A study of
networks of interacting computers. Topics in multi-
processors and distributed multiprocessing, concurrency
control, network topologies, switching and routing control,
communication software and protocols, and case studies.
CIS 5041--nformation Retrieval (3) Prereq: COP 3530. The
structure and operation of information retrieval systems.
CIS 6120-Data Base Management Systems (3) Prereq: COP
3530, COP 4620, or equivalent. An introduction to systems
and procedures for managing large computerized data
CIS 6123-Data Base Design and Implementation (3) Prereq:
CIS 6120; a working knowledge of database system architec-
ture, data models, sublanguages, storage structures and ac-
cess techniques, file organizations, and access methods. A
study of systematic, integrated data base design and im-
plementation including the subjects of corporate require-
ment analysis, semantic modeling, view integration, data
mapping to DBMS schema and subschema, physical data
base design and evaluation, and data base restructuring and
conversion. A term project is required.
CIS 6905-Individual Study (1-3) Prereq: consent of faculty
member supervising the study. Readings and/or research in
a selected area of CIS. May be taken up to a maximum of 3
hours in the master's program. S/U option.
CIS 6934-Special Topics in CIS (1-3) Prereq: vary depend-

ing on topics. Topics vary. In-depth discussions of recent de-
velopments in computer or information sciences.
CIS 6935-Graduate Seminar (1) Prereq: graduate status in
CIS. Presentations by graduate students, faculty members,
.and visiting researchers, Preparation of research papers.
CIS 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
CIS 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
COP 5622-Operating Systems (3) Prereq: COP 4620. The
concepts and techniques of efficient management of com-
puter system resources.
COP 5630-Software Engineering (3) Prereq: COC 3110 or
EIN 3114. Principles of software design and engineering. In-
cludes topics in project organization, specification tech-
niques, reliability measurement, documentation.
COP 5641-Computer Language Translators (3) Prereq: COP
3530. Advanced concepts and techniques in language com-
pilation and interpretation.
COP 6505-Survey of Programming Languages (3) Prereq:
CDA 3101, COP 3530, or equivalent. Survey of higher-level
programming languages emphasizing language features and
implementation techniques.
COT 5305-Analysis of Algorithms (3) Prereq: COP 3530 or
equivalent. Introduction and illustration of basic techniques
for designing efficient algorithms and analyzing algorithm
CRM 6201-Computer System Measurement and Evaluation
(3) Prereq: COP 5622 and basic course in probability and
statistics. Presents computer measurement tools and tech-
niques, analytical techniques for computer system modeling
and evaluation, simulation techniques, performance meas-
urement and evaluation in performance improvement prob-
lems, and performance evaluation in computer comparison
and selection problems.

College of Education
 Chairperson: P. J. Wittmer. Graduate Coordinator:
 L. C. Loesch. Distinguished Service Professor (Emer-
 itus): R. O. Stripling. Professors: D. Avila; P. W.
 Fitzgerald; T. Landsman; J. J. Larsen; L. C. Loesch; R. J.
 McDavis; R. D. Myrick; J. L. Resnick; H. C. Riker; P. G.
 Schauble; B. L. Sharp; B. Soldwedel;* E. L. Tolbert; P. J.
 Wittmer. Associate Professors: M. K. Dykes; G. M.
 Gonzalez: R. Jester; j. H. Lombana;t M. J. McMillin;
 P. M. Meek; W. M. Parker; j. P. Saxon. Assistant Pro-
 fessors: E. S. Amatea; R. M. Bollet;t L. E. Percy;t J. H.
 Pitts; G. D. Seiler.
 These members of the faculty of the University of North Florida (*)
 and the University of Central Florida (t) are also members of the
 graduate faculty of the University of Florida and participate in the
 doctoral program in the University of Florida Department of Coun-
 selor Education.
 Programs leading to the Master of Education, Spe-
 cialist in Education, Doctor of Education, or Doctor of
 Philosophy are offered through this department. In
 some programs, the Master of Education degree
 (identified below by an asterisk) is awarded only
 upon completion of the Specialist in Education de-
 gree. Program areas include (1) school counseling and
 guidance (M.Ed.,* Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.) and (2)
 school psychology (M.Ed.,* Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.) for
 positions in elementary, middle, and secondary
 schools; (3) student personnel in higher education
 (M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.) for positions in com-
 munity colleges, vocational-technical schools, col-
 leges, universities, and other post-secondary school
 settings; (4) agency, correctional, and developmental
 counseling (M.Ed.,* Ed.S., Ed.D., or Ph.D.); (5) coun-
 selor education (Ed.D. or Ph.D.); and (6) counseling
 psychology (Ph.D.) in cooperation with the Depart-
 ment of Psychology with course work being taken in
 both departments.