164 / GRADUATE FACULTY SCHMIDT, RONALD H., Ph.D. (University of Minnesota) Associate Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition SCHMITT, JOHN P., M.B.A. (Florida State University) Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration SCHNEIDER, RICHARD T:, Ph.D. (University of Stuttgart) Professor, Nuclear Engineering Sciences SCHOESSOW, GLEN J., M.S.M.E. (Purdue University) Professor, Nuclear Engineering Sciences SCHOLES, ROBERT J., Ph.D. (Indiana University) Professor, Speech SCHRAMM, HAROLD L., JR., Ph.D. (Southern Illinois University) Assistant Professor, Forest Resources and Conservation SCHRODER, VINCENT N., Ph.D. (Duke University) Associate Professor, Agronomy SCHULMAN, STEPHEN G., Ph.D. (University of Arizona) Professor, Pharmacy SCHULTZ, FRANKLIN A., Ph.D. (University of California at Riverside) Associate Professor, Chemistry SCHULTZ, RONALD R., Ph.D. (University of Washington) Assistant Professor, Geography SCHUNCKE, GEORGE, M., Ph.D. (Stanford University) Associate Professor, General Teacher Education SCHUSTER, DAVID J., Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University) Associate Professor, Entomology and Nematology SCHWARTZ, MICHAEL A., Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin) Professor, Pharmacy SCHWARTZ, STUART E., Ed.D. (University of Kansas) SAssociate Professor, Special Education SCHWASSMANN, HORST O., Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin) Professor, Zoology SCORNIK, JUAN C., M.D. (University of La Plata) Associate Professor, Pathology SCOTT, ELOIS M., Ph.D. (University of Michigan) Associate Professor, Instructional Leadership and Support SCOTT, JERRIE C., Ph.D. (University of Michigan) Assistant Professor, English SCOTT, JOHN F., Ph.D. (Columbia University) Associate Professor, Art SCOTT, JOHN W., Ph.D. (Ohio State University) Assistant Professor, Horticultural Science SCOTT, KATHERINE N., Ph.D. (University of Florida) Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering Sciences SCOTT, RICHARD R., Ph.D. (Harvard University) Assistant Professor, Psychology SCROGGIE, EVERETT, JR., M.A. (University of Tennessee) Assistant Professor, Communicative Disorders SEAMAN, WILLIAM, JR., Ph.D. (University of Florida) Assistant Professor, Forest Resources and Conservation SEARS, WILLIAM H., Ph.D. (University of Michigan) Professor, Anthropology SEAWRIGHT, JACK A., Ph.D. (University of Florida) Associate Professor, Entomology and Nematology SEILER, GARY D., Ed.D. (University of Massachusetts) Assistant Professor, Counselor Education SELF, MORRIS W., Ph.D. (University of Minnesota) Professor, Civil Engineering , SELFRIDGE, RALPH G., Ph.D. (University of Oregon) Professor, Mathematics SELMAN, KAY E., Ph.D. (Harvard University) Associate Professor, Anatomy SEVERY, LAWRENCE J., Ph.D. (University of Colorado) Associate Professor, Psychology SHADGETT, JOHN N., Ed.D. (Florida State University) Associate Professor, Instructional Leadership and Support SHAFER, WILLARD G., M.M.E. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Associate Professor, Civil Engineering SHAFFER, CHARLES V., Ph.D. (Stanford University) Professor, Electrical Engineering SHAH, DINESH O., Ph.D, (Columbia University) Professor, Chemical Engineering SHANDS, JOSEPH W., JR., M.D. (Duke University) Professor, Immunology and Medical Microbiology SHANKLAND, DANIEL L., Ph.D. (University of Illinois) Professor, Entomology and Iematology 'SHANMUGAM, KEELNATHAM, Ph.D. (University of Hawaii) Associate Professor, Microbiology and Cell Science SHANOR, LELAND, Ph.D. (University of North Carolina) Professor, Botany SHARP, BERT L., Ed.D. (University of Florida) Professor, Counselor Education SHARP, DANIEL C., Ill, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts) Associate Professor, Animal Science SHARP, JENNIFER L., Ph.D. (University of Hawaii) Assistant Professor, Entomology and Nematology SHAW, HARRY B., Ph.D. (University of Illinois) Associate Professor, English SHAW, LAWRANCE N., Ph.D. (Ohio State University) Professor, Agricultural Engineering SHAW, LELAND G., M.Arch. (University of California at Berkeley) Professor, Architecture SHAW, MARVIN E., Ph.D. (University of Michigan) Professor, Psychology SHEA, JOSEPH J., Ph.D. (University of Michigan) Associate Professor, General Teacher Education SHEEHAN, THOMAS J., Ph.D. (Cornell University) Professor, Horticultural Science SHELTON, DAVID L., Ph.D. (University of Missouri) Associate Professor, Theatre SHEMDIN, OMAR H., Ph.D. (Stanford University) Professor, Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering SHEN, CHIAYI, Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati) Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering SHEPPARD, DONALD M., Ph.D. (Arizona State University) Professor, Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering SHERMAN, MARK, Ph.D. (Cornell University) Assistant Professor, Horticultural Science SHERMAN, ROBERT R., Ed.D. (Rutgers State University) Professor, Foundations of Education SHERMAN, WAYNE B., Ph.D. (Purdue University) Professor, Horticultural Science SHIELDS, ROBERT P., Ph.D. (Michigan State University) Associate:Professor, Pathology SHIH, SUN-FU, Ph.D. (North Carolina State University) Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering SHILLE, VICTOR M., Ph.D. (University of California at Davis) Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine-IFAS SHIREMAN, JEROME V., Ph.D. (Iowa State University) Professor, Forest Resources and Conservation SHIREMAN, RACHEL B., Ph.D. (University of Florida) Assistant Professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition SHIRLEY, RAY L., Ph.D. (Michigan State University) Professor, Animal Science SHIVERICK, KATHLEEN A., Ph.D. (University of Vermont) Assistant Professor, Pharmacology and Therapeutics SHONKWILER, JOHN S., Ph.D. (University of Missouri) Assistant Professor, Food and Resource Economics SHORT, DONALD E., Ph.D. (University of Nebraska) Professor, Entomology and Nematology SHOSTAK, ROBERT, Ph.D. (University of Connecticut) Professor, Instructional Leadership and Support SHUMAKER, JAMES R., Ph.D. (University of Minnesota) Associate Professor, Horticultural Science SHUSTER, JONATHAN J.,. Ph.D. (McGill University) Professor, Statistics SIDEN, EDWARD J., Ph.D. (University of California at San Diego) Assistant Professor, Immunology and Medical Microbiology SIDERS, RONALD A., Ph.D. (University of Oregon) Associate Professor, Professional Physical Education SIDMAN, CHARLES F., Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin) Professor, History SIEG, KAY W., M.Ed. (University of Florida) Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy SIEGEL, LAWRENCE J., Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve University) Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology SIEKA, FRANK L., Ph.D. (University of Buffalo) Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Counseling SIERAKOWSKI, ROBERT L., D.Eng. (Yale University) Professor, Engineering Sciences SIGLER-LAVELLE, BRENDA J., Ph.D. (New School of Social Research) Assistant Professor, Anthropology SIGMON, KERMIT N., Ph.D. (University of Florida) Associate Professor, Mathematics SILHACEK, DONALD L., Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin) Associate Professor, Entomology and Nematology SILVERMAN, DAVID N., Ph.D. (Columbia University) Professor, Pharmacology and Therapeutics