102 / FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION LIN 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U. LIN 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U. LIN 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U. TSL 6371-Materials and Techniques for TESL (3) Review of theories of TESL teaching methods and materials. Instruction in classroom materials. TSL 6375-TESL Observation and Analysis (2) Prereq: TSL 6371. Classroom procedures in teaching English as a second language observed in the English Language Institute. Seminar once a week for-analytical discussions of classes observed. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES College of Business Administration GRADUATE FACULTY 1982-83 Chairman: H. L. Tosi, Jr. Graduate Coordinators: A. Majthay; H. J. Reitz, Jr. Graduate Research Professor: I. Horowitz. Professors: J. M. Champion; H. R. Fogler; W. M. Fox; H. J. Reitz; H. L. Tosi, Jr. Associate Professors: H. P. Benson; R. A. Elnicki; D. C. Feldman; J. M. Feldman; J. H. James; A. Majthay; J. W. Young. Assistant Professors: L. Gomez-Mejiaj; J. M. Jermier; J. E. McCann. The Department of Management and Administration Sciences offers the Doctor of Philosophy in business administration with specializations in management science, personnel management, and management. The 'Master of Business Administration degree is offered with a concentration in management. The Master of Arts in business administration with a specialization in manage- ment science is also offered. In general, graduate students can pursue either a quan- titative or behaviorally oriented 'management program or some combination of the two. Each student's program is designed to reflect his or her individual needs and interests. For admission to courses numbered 6000 and above, the student must have been admitted to the Graduate School and normally should have had undergraduate courses in fields pertinent to the graduate courses selected; where necessary, special arrangement may be made with the approval of the department chairman. MAN 6051-Managerial Planning (4) Managerial functions of planning. Requirements and complexities of corporate planning activity. Development of the theoretical basis of the planning process. MAN 6107-Motivation in Organizational Settings (4) Prereq: MAN 6156 or consent of instructor. Theory and research on motivational processes relevant to, and applied to, individual human behavior in complex organizations. MAN 6208-Theory and Skills of Organization Development (4) Prereq: MAN 6156 or consent of instructor. Dual focus on (1) theory and research on the planning of change in complex organizations and (2) laboratory practice in building interven- tion used by change agents. MAN 6321-Personnel Techniques and Administration (4) Prereq: MAN 4310. Case studies which illustrate organizational human relations and administrative problems of the personnel administrator. MAN 6421-Problems in Collective Bargaining (4) History, pres- ent status, and trends of collective bargaining, with an analysis of its economic, social, and legal aspects. MAN 6511-Production Management Problems (3) Problems in the management of industrial enterprise; management prin- ciples and mathematical analysis applied to manufacturing; product development and production; materials and produc- tion control; employee relations. MAN 6905-Individual Work in Management (1-5; max: 10) Prereq: MAN 6156 or consent of instructor. Reading and/or' research in management. MAN 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) Prereq: MAN 6156. S/U. MAN 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) SIU. MAN 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U. MAN 7108-Concepts and Methods in the Behavioral Sciences (3) Prereq: consent of instructor. Application of the methodology and empirical findings of the behavioral sciences to business policies and practices. MAN 7206-Organizational Behavior (3) Prereq: consent of instructor. Focuses on individual and group behavior. MAN 7207-Organization Theory (3) Prereq: consent of instruc- tor. Consideration of method and study of human behavior in organizational contexts. Focuses on organizational structure and environment. MAN 7925-Workshop in Management (1-3; max; 12) Re- quired of all doctoral candidates in management. Prereq: GEB 6757, MAN 7108, STA 6357 or equivalent. Readings and research in management. Each student must present a research project for discussion and comment. MAN 7931-Special Topics in Management (3) Prereq: MAN 7206, 7207, and consent of instructor. Recent literature and state of the art theory and method in both the decision sciences and the behavioral sciences appropriate for the study of management. MAN 7933-Seminar in Management (3) Prereq: MAN 7206, 7207, and consent of instructor. Historical foundations and evolutionary development of management concepts; compara- tive analysis of management patterns; emerging problems of management interest. MAN 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U. QMB 6607-Decision Processes Under Uncertainty (4) Prereq: STA 4321, 4322. Introduction to statistical decision theory, in- cluding the vonNeumann-Morgenstern' behavioral axioms, forms, techniques for assessing probabilities, and penalty func- tions, with managerial and economic applications. QMB 6697-Optimization in Simulation Modeling (3) Prereq: COP 3210. Use of simulation techniques in managerial deci- sion problems, including random number generation, and search procedures for determining optimal policies. QMB 6808-Markov Decision Processes (4) Prereq: STA 4321. Application of Markov processes for managerial decisions, in- cluding probability estimation problems and transition reward structures. QMB 6809-Decision Processes Under Conflict (3) Prereq: GEB 6757. Managerial and economic applications of game theory models, including conflict resolution, bargaining, risk sharing, and group decision processes in a managerial context. QMB 6827-Linear Programming for Management Scientists (4) Prereq: GEB 6757. Solving a linear programming model and evaluation of the solution; linear programming computer soft- ware and its use. QMB 6857-Optimization in Static Managerial Models (4) Prereq: GEB 6757. Introduction to the theory and application of unconstrained and constrained optimization in static managerial decision models. QMB 6865-Optimization in Dynamic Managerial Decision Models (4) Prereq: QMB 6857. Introduction to the theory of dynamic optimization in discrete-time and continuous-time models, with managerial and economic applications. QMB 6877-Integer Programming and Network Flows (3) Prereq: GEB 6757. Introduction to the theory of discrete opti- mization, graphs, and networks. Tools of exact solution methods and of successful heuristics will be discussed, with managerial and economic applications. MARKETING College of Business Administration GRADUATE FACULTY 1982-83 Chairman: J. B. Cohen. Graduate Coordinator: D. Chakravarti. Professors: G. G. Bechtel; J. B. Cohen; J. H. Faricy; R. J. Lutz; W. L.'Wilkie. Associate Professor: D. Chakravarti. Assistant Professors: J. W. Alba; J. W. Hutchinson; J. G. Lynch; D. L. Moore. The Department of Marketing offers both major and minor fields leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in business administration, as well as a specialization