ment, personality theory, learning theory, and general
educational psychology within psychological founda-
tions; research methodology, computer instruction,
education statistics, and measurement and evaluation
within the research foundations; and social, historical,
and philosophical foundations ,and comparative and
international education within social foundations.

EDF 5215-Principles of Learning and Instructional Practice
(3) Survey of principles of learning and their relationship to in-
structional practice. Includes topics such as transfer of training,
reinforcement, forgetting and problem solving.
EDF 5431-Measurement and Evaluation in Early Childhood
(3) Basic concepts of test construction and interpretation, in-
cluding norms, reliability and validity. Overview of assessment
techniques and problems in assessing intelligence, language,
achievement, socio-emotional and perceptual motordevelop-
ment in children from infancy through six years of age. Students
may not receive credit for both EDF 4430 and EDF 5431.
EDF 6111L-Laboratory in Human Development I (3) Super-
vised field and laboratory experiences in the observation, evalua-
tion, and educational modification of human development. Con-
tact with children of different ages and experience with learn-
ing, measurement, evaluation, and research.
EDF 6112L-Laboratory in Human Development II (3) Prereq:
EDF 6403.
EDF 6113-Educational Psychology: Human Development (3)
Current research and theories in the area of human
EDF 6118-Educational Psychology: Aging (3) Psychological
and social processes in aging; lifelong learning; education for
and about aging.
EDF 6119-Psycho-Social-Educational Aspects of Death and
Dying (3) Attitudes toward death, dying process, funeral prac-
tices, and grieving. Role of education for better understanding
and coping with death.
EDF 6175-Educational Psychology: Adulthood (3) Current
theories and research findings in adulthood, including cognitive
processes, learning abilities, vocational development, leisure,
and various aspects of adult education through the life cycle.
EDF 6211-Educational Psychology: General (3) Basic prin-
ciples, techniques, and research in educational psychology;
designed for graduate students preparing to teach who have
a minimal background in psychology.
EDF 6215-Educational Psychology: Learning Theory (3)
Prereq: consent of instructor: Logic and methodologies of
theories of learning.
EDF 6218-Educational Psychology: Problems (3; max: 12) In-
dividualized study of problems dealing with child development,
adolescence, learning and other areas of educational
EDF 6355-Educational Psychology: Personality Dynamics (3)
Dynamics of behavior and their implications for education,
counseling and guidance, administration, family relationships,
and social action.
EDF 6401-Educational Statistics (3) Primarily for Ed.D. can-
didates. Prereq: EDF 6481 or STA 3013 or 3023. Statistical
methods as applied to educational data and problems,
EDF 6403-Quantitative Foundations of Educational Research
(6) Prereq: STA 3013, 3023, or equivalent. Integrated coverage
of fundamentals in the general field of education research. In-
cludes statistics, experimental design, and data processing.
EDF 6436-Theory of Measurement (4) Prereq: STA 3013 or
3023; EDF 4430. Introductory study of true score models,
reliability, validity, norms, scaling, item analysis, and basic
elements of instrument construction.
EDF 6475-Qualitative Foundations of Educational Research
(4) Introduction to philosophical, historical, sociological, and
other methodologies as aspects of qualitative educational
 EDF 6481-Research Methods in Education (4) Primarily for
 Ed.D. candidates. Examination of methods for problem identifi-
 cation and research designs for data collected in educational
 EDF 6487-Assessment of Classroom Behavior (3) Instruction
 in at least four systems for measuring teacher-pupil behavior,
 representing the social-emotional and cognitive domains. Obser-

ovation practiced in classrooms as well as with audio and
videotape and film.
EDF 6520-History of Education (3) Salient issues in educa-
tion from the Reformation to the present.
EDF 6525-Ancient and Medieval Education (3) Pedagogical
practice and through in China, India, Semitic nations, Greece,
Rome, Islam, and Medieval and Renaissance Europe.
EDF 6544-Philosophical Foundations of Education (3) Philo-
sophical bases for democracy and education.
EDF 6606-Socioeconomic Foundations of Education (3)
SSurvey of the socioeconomic foundations of education.
EDF 6630-Educational Sociology (3) Educational experiments
with the social variables of decision-making systems, task, cur-
riculum, group size, and group social composition.
EDF 6712-Comparative Education (3) Relationships of school
and society in different cultrual areas of the world.
EDF 6720-Education in Latin America (3) Traditions and con-
temporary social, political, and cultural aspects.
EDF 6905-Individual Study (1-3; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
department chairman. For advanced students who wish to study
individual problems in psychological, social, or philosophical
foundations of education, or research or measurement under
faculty guidance.
EDF 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 5) Prereq: consent
of department chairman. S/U.
EDF 6933-Seminar on Research on Effective Teaching (3)
Systematic observation as a frame of reference for recording,
analyzing, and conceptualizing teaching; research results; impli-
cations for teaching and learning.
EDF 6938-Special Topics (1-3; max: 12) Prereq: consent of
department chairman.
EDF 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5) Prereq: consent
of department chairman. S/U.
EDF 6941-Practicum in Educational Research (2-9; max: 9)
Prereq: EDF 6403. Arrangements must be made with instruc-
tor prior to registration. Experience in conducting various phases
of quantitative or qualitative educational research under indi-
vidual supervision.
EDF 6943-Practicum in Educational Psychology (3; max: 12)
Prereq: consent of instructor. Supervised experience in a prac-
tical work situation dealing with problems and issues appropriate
to psychological foundations and theit resolution.
EDF 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
EDF 7117-Affective Development and Education (3) Prereq:
EDF 6113 or equivalent. Application of theory and research in
affective development to the educational context.
 EDF 7146-Educational Psychology: Cognition in the Educative
 Process (3) Prereq: EDF 6113. Cognitive development as applied
 to curriculum development and teaching procedures.
 EDF 7149-Self-Concept Theory and its Application to Educa-
 tion (3) An in-depth examination of self-concept theory,in-
 cluding basic principles, research, and applications in educa-
 tional settings.
 EDF 7186-Educational Psychology: Advanced Seminar in
 Aging (3) Prereq: EDF 6118 or consent of instructor. Research
 literature on aging process; implications for education planning;
 critical examination of existing programs.
 EDF 7229-Advanced Educational Psychology: Learning (3;
 max: 12) Prereq: EDF 6215. Educational implications of con-
 temporary approaches to learning. Relationship between topics
 in learning and their implication for instructional practices.
 EDF 7405-Advanced Quantitative Foundations of Educational
 Research (4; max: 8) Prereq: EDF 6403. Integrated coverage
 of important approaches to educational research. Includes appli-
 cation of experimental design, regression analysis, and computer
 processing to selected educational research problems.
 EDF 7432-Advanced Psychometric Theory (3) Prereq: EDF
 6436 or equivalent. Study of theoretical problems related to test
 construction. Topics include current developments in reliability
 and validity estimation; alternate true-score models; item analysis
 and scoring techniques, scaling, assessing latent traits, and
 methods for psychometric research.
 EDF 7486-Methods of Educational Research (3) Prereq: STA
 3013 or 3023. Primarily for Ed.D. candidates. Examination of
 research methodologies. Problem identification as well as
 organization and presentation of data.
 EDF 7491-Evaluation of Educational Products and Systems