may be completed without adequate course work on the
5000 or higher level, certain undergraduate courses in
finance and insurance are available for graduate credit
as a part of a candidate's major. These include RMI 4135
and 4805.
 For admission to courses 5000 level and above, the
student must have been admitted to the Graduate School
and normally should have undergraduate courses in
fields pertinent to the graduate courses selected; or,
where necessary, special arrangements may be made
with the approval of the department chairman.
FIN 5354-Financial Markets and Institutions (3) Prereq: in-
termediate macroeconomics. Financial management of finan-
cial institutions in a regulatory and market environment.
FIN 5405-Business Financial Management (3) Required of all
MBA degree candidates who have had no basic business finance
course. Prereq: ACC 5011, GEB 5756. Analysis of business
financing and investing decisions.
FIN 5425-Corporate Finance (3) Prereq: FIN 4414, 5405, or
consent of instructor. The application of business finance prob-
lems. Students prepare written solutions to case problems.
FIN 5525-Security Markets and Pricing (3) Prereq: FIN 5405
or consent of instructor. An examination of security market struc-
ture and the theory of security selection and pricing.
FIN 6246-Money and Capital Markets (4) Prereq: FIN 5405,
college-level mathematics, and statistics. Financial markets, with
emphasis on flow of funds, interest rate determination, and
allocation of resources.
FIN 6446-Introduction to Financial Theory (4) Prereq: FIN
5405 or consent of instructor. An introduction to the theory of
the firm's investment and financing decisions.
FIN 6456-Quantitative Analysis of Financial Decisions (4)
Prereq: MAN 5511 or consent of instructor. Application of quan-
titative methods to the solution of specific financial problems
with special reference to mathematical programming, simula-
tion, and other methods of discrete optimization.
FIN 6626-International Finance (4) Prereq: FIN 5405 or con-
sent of instructor. A study of international financial markets and
institutions, and problems encountered by corporations
operating in the international environment.
FIN 6816-Seminar in Investments (4) Prereq: FIN 5524. In-
dividual research and group discussion employing materials from
publications and reports by governmental agencies and groups
in industry.
FIN 6826-Seminar in Financial Institutions (4) Prereq: FIN
4313 and/or FIN 5354. Monopoly and competition as applied
to banking; bank organization and structure, adequacy of bank
capital, problems of asset management and providing successor
FIN 6905-Individual Work in Finance (1-4; max: 7) Prereq:
permission of department and Director of Graduate Studies.
Reading and/or research in finance as needed by graduate
FIN 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U.
FIN 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
FIN 7808-Theory of Finance I (4) Prereq: FIN 6446 or con-
sent of instructor. Normative investment and financing criteria
examined for the individual and the corporation when capital
markets are imperfect and investment returns uncertain.
FIN 7809-Theory of Finance II (4) Prereq: FIN 6446 or con-
sent of instructor. Mean-variance,and state preference ap-
proaches to security market equilibrium; efficacy of stochastic
dominance rules in ordering uncertain prospect and the
multiperiod portfolio decision.
FIN 7810-Theory of Finance III (4) Prereq: FIN 6446 or con.
sent of instructor. Capital market theory, interest rate determina-
tion, financial intermediation theory, financial structure and
regulation, asset liability.
FIN 7938-Finance Research Workshop (1-4; max: 7) Analysis
of current research topics. Paper presentation and critiques by.
doctoral students, faculty, and visiting scholars.
FIN 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
RMI 6195-Seminar in Life Insurance (3) Prereq: RMI 4135.
Problems in life insurance and related fields.
RMI 6296-Seminar in Property and Liability Insurance (3)

Prereq: RMI 3206, 3207. Meaning, economic influences, social
values, principles and practices of property and liability
RMI 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) S/U.
RMI 6936-Problems in Risk Management (3) Insurance
hazards of business concerns and governmental units, with con-
sideration of insurance protection available.

College of Agriculture
Chairman: L. Polopolus. Graduate Coordinator: M. R.
Langham. Graduate Research Professor: W. W. McPher-
son. Professors: C. O. Andrew; J. C. Cato; C. D. Covey;
C. G. Davis; J. K. Dow; H. E. Drummond; J. R. Gordon;
P. E. Hildebrand; J. Holt; K. W. Kepner; M. R. Langham;
J. W. Milliman; E. Pagoulatos; L. Polopolus; F. J. Pro-
chaska; J. E. Reynolds; J. R. Simpson; C. N. Smith; J. R.
Strain; K. R. Tefertiller; R. W. Ward. Associate Professors:
J. Alvarez; R. R. Carriker; R. D. Emerson; G. F. Fairchild;
D. L. Gunter; C. F. Kiker; J. Y. Lee; G. D. Lynne; W. D.
Mulkey; T. H. Spreen; P. J. van Blokland; G. A. Zepp.
Assistant Professors: R. P. Beilock; W. G. Boggess; R. L.
Clouser; D. A. Comer; M. J. Ellerbrock; C. H. Gladwin;
R. L. Kilmer; J. W. Milon; J. S. Shonkwiler; T. G. Taylor;
J. J. VanSickle.
 The degrees of Master of Agricultural Management and
Resource Development (MAMRD), Master of Science,
and Doctor of Philosophy are offered. The MAMRD is
a nonthesis degree. Areas of specialization include
agricultural business management, marketing, produc-
tion, economic development, econometrics, and
resource and environmental economics. The department
participates in the programs of the Centers for Latin
American Studies, African Studies, Tropical Agriculture,
Rural Development, and Environmental Programs, and
the Florida Sea Grant College Program.
i Students who hold a bachelor's degree with their major
fields of study in areas other than food and resource
economics should consult with the graduate coordinator
concerning acceptance for graduate study.
 In addition to the courses listed, there are seminars
for organized discussion of current topics and for review
of graduate students' research.
AEB 5612-Foreign Agricultural Development Planning (3)
Prereq: AEB 3103.' Special reference given to low-income
AEB 6145-Agricultural Finance (3) Prereq: AEB 6182. Prin-
ciples of firm financial management, agricultural finance and
financial institutions, capital theory, firm growth, and investment
analysis. Emphasis is given to theory and application of finan-
cial principles.
AEB 6182-Intermediate Agricultural Production Economics
(3) Basic concepts of producer choice and theory of the firm.
AEB 6184-Economics of Agricultural Production I (3) Prereq:
AEB 4511, 6182. Producer decisions including theoretical and
empirical problems of multifactor, multiproduct and polyperiod
cases. Input demand and product supply functions at the com-
modity and industry levels.
AEB 6186-Economics of Agricultural Production II (3) Prereq:
AEB 6184. Firm growth, effects of risk and uncertainty on pro-
ducer choice and an introduction to probabilistic theory of the
firm. Relation between aggregate consequences of producer
behavior and social welfare.
AEB 6252-Foundations of Agricultural Policies (3) Prereq: ECO
4101. Policy-making processes. Relationships among economic,
political, and social goals and actions which shape the institu-
tions of the agricultural economy and its relations with other
AEB 6255-Non-Market Goods and Public Decision Making