sources, dispersion, effects, and physical, economic and legal
 aspects of control of atmospheric pollutants.
 ENV 5206-Survey of Radiological Health (3) Oriented toward
 ENV majors not specializing in radiological health. Quantitative
 overview of radiation principles, sources, detection measure-
 ment and protection.
 ENV 5306-Municipal Refuse Disposal (3) Quantities and
 characteristics of municipal refuse and hazardous materials. Col-
 lection methods, transfer stations, equipment and costs. Refuse
 disposal practices, regional planning and equipment.
 ENV 5517-Concepts of Water and Wastewater Treatment (4)
 Prereq: ENV 4514 and EES 5245 or consent of instructor. In-
 depth study of the physical, chemical and biological processes
 utilized in the treatment of water and wastewater, with special
 emphasis on cause and effect of physical and biological actions.
 ENV 5518C-Industrial Waste Disposal (3) Prereq: ENV 4514
 or 4021. An approach to solve industrial waste disposal prob-
 lems is presented. Application of wastewater treatment processes
 to industrial wastes is performed by laboratory collection of
 design data, data interpretation and report writing.
 ENV 5930-Special Topics in Environmental Engineering I (1-4;
 max: 8) Prereq: consent of instructor. Laboratory, lectures or
 conferences covering specially selected topics.
 ENV 6006-Graduate Environmental Engineering Seminar
 (1-2). S/U option.
 ENV 6050-Pollutant Transport (3) Prereq: MAP 3302 or EGM
 3311, ECI 3213 or EGN 3353. Distribution of pollutants in natural
 waters and the atmosphere. Advective and diffusive transport
 phenomena. Analytical and numerical prediction methods. Air
 and water quality models. Ocean outfall diffuser design.
 ENV 6114-Air Pollution Ventilation Design (3) Design of
 industrial ventilation systems to capture, transport and condi-
 tion the hot, pollutant-laden, corrosive gases from industrial
 processes-as needed for the selection or operation of an air
 pollution control device.
 ENV 6115-Air Pollution Control Design (3) Design, analysis,
 operational limitations, cost and performance evaluation of con-
 trol processes and equipment. Field visits to and inspection of
 industrial installations.
 ENV 6116-Air Pollution Sampling and Analysis (3) Determina-
 tion of the concentration of normally encountered ambient
 pollutants. Methodology of source sampling. Practical experi-
 ence in ambient and source sampling.
 ENV 6117-Environmental Meteorology (3) Prereq: MAP 3302
 or EGM 3311 and PHY 3042. Dynamics and thermodynamics
 of the atmosphere related to environmental problems. Analysis
 of weather charts. Climatology. Ecological interactions. Diffu-
 sion, air pollution applications.
 ENV 6118-Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (3) Prediction
 of downwind pollutant concentrations from point, line and area
sources. Theory of turbulence and phenomena related to prob-
lems in diffusion and dispersion of contaminants in the lowest
layer of the atmosphere.
ENV 6130-Aerosol Mechanics (3) Generation, collection and
measurement of aerosols. Theory of the fluid dynamic, optical,
electrical, inertial and thermal behavior of gas-borne particles.
ENV6211-Health Physics (3) Prereq: consent of instructor.
Techniques of hazard evaluation and radiation control; monitor-
ing methods; survey techniques; biological sampling; instrument
calibration; exposure standards and radiation protection regula-
tion; on-site radiation safety surveys and evaluation.
ENV 6211L-Health Physics Laboratory (2) Prereq: ENV 6211
or consent of instructor. Field problems in radiation instrumen-
tation and calibration, environmental monitoring, personnel
dosimetry, radioactive waste management, radiation emergency
procedures, organization of a radiation control program; prac-
tical experience is emphasized.
ENV 6216-Radioactive Wastes (3) Prereq: ENV 5206 or con-
sent of instructor. Source, treatment and disposal of radioactive
wastes. Emphasis on prevention of environmental contamina-
ENV 6236--Radiological Techniques (4) Prereq: ENV 5206 or
consent of instructor. Application of radiological techniques to
environmental engineering. Theory and operation of advanced
detection instrumentation. Laboratory experiments on measure-
ment and control of radionuclides in the environment.
ENV 6409-Advanced Water Treatment Process Design (3)
Prereq: EES 5245, 6207 or consent of instructor. Advanced con-

 cepts in chemical processes of examination and treatment of
 potable water.
 ENV 6437-Advanced Sewage System Design (3) Prereq: ENV,
 6516. Layout and design of sanitary sewage systems, pumping
 Stations, force mains, wastewater treatment plants and methods
 of effluent disposal. Design parameters, cost and financing.
 ENV 6438-Advanced Potable Water System Design (3)
 Development of water supplies, layout and design of distribu-
 tion systems, pumping and storage facilities and water treatment
 plants. Design parameters, cost and financing.
 ENV 6510-Water and Wastewater Processes I (3) Prereq: con-
 sent of instructor. Study of the theory and current research
 associated with physical and chemical processes of water and
 wastewater treatment processes, with sedimentation, filtration,
 adsorption, disinfection and membrane processes emphasized.
 ENV 6511-Water and Wastewater Processes II (3) Prereq: con-
 sent of instructor. Theory and current research associated with
 biological treatment processes and with physical/chemical
 processes associated with them.
 ENV 6516-Advanced Waste Treatment Operations (3) Prereq:
 ENV 5517. Biological, physical and chemical processes used
 in the advanced treatment of domestic and industrial waste-
 water. Development of design parameters and operating pro-
 cedures based on experimentally derived data.
 ENV 6606-Environmental Resources Engineering (3) Stand-
 ards and criteria for evaluation of environmental resources
 projects. Formulation of mathematical models and environmen-
 tal problems. Application of economics and operations research
 as aids in decision making.
 ENV 6656-Urban Environmental Engineering (3) Overall
 problem of developing and maintaining high quality physical
 environment in urban areas. Integrative approach to air, land
 and water quality management problems.
 ENV 6666-Water Quality Management (3) Prereq: consent
 of instructor. Water quality management applied to rivers, lakes
 and estuaries. Mathematical modeling of pollutant transport.
 Comparison of command and control policies with economic
 ENV 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 8) Faculty-supervised
 individual research or study of material not covered in formal
 ENV 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) S/U.
 ENV 6916-Nonthesis Project (1-2; max: 2) Individual project
 under faculty guidance to satisfy requirement for nonthesis
 master's degree.
 ENV 6932-Special Problems in Environmental Engineering
 (1-4; max: 8)
 ENV 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U.
 ENV 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
 ENV 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.

College of Business Administration
Chairman: A. A. Heggestad. Graduate Coordinator: R. L.
Crum. Graduate Research Professor: E. F. Brigham. Pro-
fessors: A. A. Heggestad; W. M. Howard; H. Levy; R. H.
Pettway. Associate Professors: R. L. Crum; W. A.
McCollough; D. J. Nye; R. C. Radcliffe. Assistant Pro-
fessors: R. Chiang; J. Finkelstein.
 The Department of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
offers the nonthesis degree, Master of Business Ad-
ministration, and the thesis degree, Master of Arts, in
business administration with specializations in financial
management, financial markets and institutions, and
investments. It also offers a major and minor in the
Doctor of Philosophy degree in business administration.
Each of these degrees is also offered with specialization
in risk and insurance.
 New graduate students should have adequate under-
graduate training in mathematics and statistics or be will-
ing to devote sufficient time to acquire the necessary
foundation in these areas. Though no graduate major