R. M. Baranowski; L. Berner; R. F. Brooks; W. F. Buren;
P. S. Callahan; D. L. Chambers; E. W. Clark; H. L.
Cromroy; D. W. Dickson; A. G. Fairchild; D. H. Habeck;
D. W. Hall; S. H. Kerr; J. E. Lloyd; C. S. Lofgren; D. R.
Minnick; P. B. Morgan; J. L. Nation; A. J. Overman; V. G.
Perry; H. L. Rhoades; R. H. Roberts; F: A. Robinson;
D. L. Shankland; D. E. Short; D. L. Silhacek; G. C. Smart,
Jr.; B. J. Smittle; J. R. Strayer; A. C. Tarjan; J. H. Tumlin-
son, III; T. J. Walker; H. V. Weems, Jr.; D. E. Weidhaas;
M. i. Westfall, Jr.; W. H. Whitcomb; R. C. Wilkinson, Jr.;
B. R. Wiseman; R. E. Woodruff. Associate Professors: A.
Ali; T. R. Ashley; D. L. Bailey; C. S. Barfield; J. F. Butler;
C. O. Calkins; D. A. Carlson; D. A. Dame; R. A. Dunn;
C. W. Fatzinger; S. M. Ferkovich; J. L. Foltz; J. H. Frank;
P. D. Greany; D. C. Herzog; F. A. Johnson; D. L. Kline;
P. G. Koehler; N. C. Leppla; E. L. Matheny, Jr.; M. S.
Mayer; C. W. McCoy, Jr.; E. R. Mitchell; J. K. Nayar;
H. N. Nigg; H. Oberlander; R. S. Patterson; J. A. Reinert;
J. F. Reinert; J. R. Rich; D. J. Schuster; J. A. Seawright;
J. L. Stimac; J. H. Tsai; K. W. Vick; V. H. Waddill; R. E.
Waites; R. B. Workman; S. S. J. Yu. Assistant Professors:
D. A. Focks; D. W. Hagstrum; A. B. Hamon; M. D. Huet-
tel; D. T. Kaplan; J. R. McLaughlin; R. McSorley; J. F.
Price; J. L. Sharp; R. K. Sprenkel; F. Slansky; D. E. Stokes;
R. K. Vander Meer; D. F. Williams; D. P. Wojcik; D. G.
 The Department of Entomology and Nematology offers
 the Master of Agriculture, Master of Science, and Doc-
 tor of Philosophy degrees in entomology and nematol-
 ogy. Members of the graduate faculty include the depart-
 mental resident faculty, faculty located on University of
 Florida campuses away from Gainesville, scientists of the
 U.S. Department of Agriculture, and scientists with other
 State of Florida agencies such as the Division of Plant
 Industry, Florida State Department of Agriculture and
 Consumer Service. The graduate faculty is qualified to
 direct graduate students in all specialties of entomology,
 nematology; and acarology.
 New graduate students should have backgrounds in
 biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics and
 knowledge of basic entomology or nematology. Minor
 deficiencies may be made up after entering graduate
 General requirements for graduate degrees are
 established by the Graduate School, and listed elsewhere
 in this Catalog. A specific program of study is prepared
 by the appointed supervisory committee for each stu-
 dent. Ph.D. qualifying examinations are administered on
 campus by the student's supervisory committee plus two
 other faculty members appointed by the chairman of the
 ENY 5561-Tropical Entomology (3) Prereq: ENY 3005 or 3004
 or equivalent. Biologies, life histories, and various approaches
 to control of major agricultural insect and arachnid pests en-
 countered in the tropics.
 ENY 6202-Quantitative Approaches to Insect Ecology (3)
 Prereq: ENY 6203 or equivalent and STA 6166 or equivalent.
 Quantitative methods for describing and studying insect popula-
 tions, computer simulation of insect-plant system dynamics,
 applications of modeling to insect ecology.
 ENY 6203-Insect Ecology (4) Prereq: PCB 3043 or 4044 or con-
 sent of instructor. Ecology of insects with special emphasis on
 evolutionary and population aspects. Discussions of primary
 literature; field projects.
 ENY 6241-Biological Control of Insects (4) Prereq: ENY3005.
 Principles involved in the natural and biological control of
 ENY 6261-Insect Resistance in Crop Plants I (3) Principles
 of plant resistance to insects.
 ENY 6262-Insect Resistance in Crop Plants II (2) Methods of
developing plant resistance to insects.


 ENY 6321--Comparative Anatomy of the Hexapoda (3) Prereq:
 ENY4353. Includes comparative histology of selected species,
 with reference to the new electron microscopy findings; the
 laboratory will cover insect histological techniques.
 ENY 6401-Insect Physiology (4) Prereq: ENY 4353, organic
 chemistry or equivalent. Physiological study of the various organs
 and tissues of insects.
 ENY 6451-Insect Behavior (2) Principles of animal behavior
 with an evolutionary perspective. Genetics, physiology, ecology,
 and evolution of behavior, especially communication, reproduc-
 tion, predator-piey interactions. Field and research work,
 critiques and discussions.
 ENY 6502-Aquatic Insects (4) Prereq: ENY4161. Life histories
 and ecologies of aquatic insects.
 ENY 6591-Mosquitoes (4) Prereq: ENY4660. Collection, iden-
 tification, bionomics, and relationship to the health of man.
 ENY 6601-Growth and Development in Insects (3) Analysis
 of insect development, with emphasis on determination, pat-
 tern, formation, regeneration, and hormone action.
 ENY 6611-Immature Insects (4) Prereq: ENY4161. Structure
 and identification of immature forms of insects, especially the
 ENY 6651C-Insect Toxicology (3) Prereq: ENY3005, organic
 chemistry or equivalent. Chemistry, toxicity, mode of action,
 metabolism, and environmental considerations of insecticides
 and related compounds. Mechanisms of resistance to insecti-
 ENY 6665C-Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology
 I (4) Prereq: ENY4660 or 4161. Taxonomy, morphology, and
 biology of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance.
 A collection and project proposal will be required.
 ENY 6666C-Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology
 II (4) Prereq: ENY 6665C. Host parasite interactions, epidemiol-
 ogy, and methods of vector control. The course will include
 several overnight field trips. An original research project based
 on the proposal from ENY 6665C will be required.
 ENY 6810-Information Techniques in Entomology (1) Sources
 of entomological information and methods for acquiring, stor-
 ing, and retrieving it.
 ENY 6821--Insect Pathology (4) Prereq: MCB 3013 or consent
 of instructor. Interrelationship of insects and pathogenic micro-
 organisms; history, classification, morphology, mode-of-action,
 and epidemiology of entomogenous bacteria, viruses, protozoa,
 and fungi.
 ENY 6822-Microbial Control of Insects (4) Principles of the
 utilization of insect pathogens in arthropod control: mass pro-
 duction, safety, compatibility with other control methods, utiliza-
 tion of natural epizootics and the role of pathogens in pest
 management programs.
 ENY 6905-Problems in Entomology and Nematology (1-4;
 max: 12) Individual study under faculty guidance. Student and
 instructor to agree on problem and credits prior to registration.
 ENY 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) S/U.
 ENY 6932-Special Topics in Entomology and Nematology
 (1-2; max: 4) Reports and discussions pertaining to selected
 topics announced in advance. S/U.
 ENY 6934-Selected Studies in Entomology and Nematology
 (1-4; max: 8) Current issues. Subject matter variable, may be
 repeated with different subject each time.
 ENY 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U.
 ENY 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
 ENY 6986-Research Techniques in Entomology (4)
 Demonstration and use of modern techniques, equipment, and
 procedures in research\on insects. Conducted principally in the
 U.S.D.A. Entomology Research Laboratory.
 ENY 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U.
 NEM 5707-Plant Nematology (3) Survey of plant nematology
 including identification of plant parasitic nematodes, diseases
 they cause, interactions with other plant parasites, and manage-
 ment schemes to control population densities.
 NEM 6101-Nematode Morphology, Anatomy, and Taxonomy
 (4) Prereq: ENY 3701 or equivalent. Morphology, anatomy, and
 function of organs, and taxonomy and identification of
 NEM 6708-Field Plant Nematology (1) Prereq: NEM 5707 or
 6723 or equivalent. Field trips to various agricultural research
 stations and production areas in Florida to learn plant symp-
toms and current research methods.