ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / 73 ADE 6260-Organization and Administration of Adult Educa- tion (3) Overview of adult education in the United States; the role of administration in adult education; the job of the local director of adult education; Florida law and regulations relating to adult education in the public schools. EDA 6061-Educational Organization and Administration (3) Foundation course in school administration. Basic concepts, principles, and practices in local, state, and federal organiza- tion and administration. EDA 6105-Operations Research in Education Administration (3) Application of select quantitative systems techniques from management and operations research to educational administra- tion; utilities, queuing theory, graph theory, decision theory, game theory, simulation, and modeling. EDA 6192-Educational Leadership I (3) Basic course on the nature of educational leadership. Emphasis on the role of offi- cial leadership in group development, improving group struc- ture, and program improvements. EDA 6195-Educational Leadership II (3) Contemporary research on diffusion of innovations, planning of change, organizational theory, and political power in policy decision making. Role of administrators and instructional leaders in establishing educational policies. EDA 6201-Business Affairs in Education (3) Role and func- tion of the business office and a review of current research and administrative procedures related to purchasing and supply management, school food service, transportation, insurance, indebtedness, and office management. EDA 6203-Educational Budgeting and Accounting Systems (3) Contemporary theory and research in fiscal budgeting processes in colleges and universities, elementary and secondary schools, with simulated practical application through case studies and problems dealing with annual budgets and cost effectiveness. EDA 6222-Administration of School Personnel (3) Problems of the professional school staff and administration of staff per- sonnel in public schools. EDA 6225-Labor Relations in Public Education (3) Introduc- tion to problems and issues. Emphasis on various aspects of employee, union, and management relationships in the public sector, including elementary, secondary, and higher education. EDA 6232-Public School Law (3) A general course for school administrators and teachers on the law as it affects the public school operation in America. Emphasis is placed on religion; desegregation; compulsory attendance; torts; curriculum; stu- dent control and discipline; and teacher freedoms, employment and dismissal. EDA 6242-Public School Finance (3) State, local, and federal \financing of education; simulation of alternative programs of school financing; principles and criteria of taxation for education. EDA 6271-Utilization of Computers in Educational Adminis- tration (3) Man-machine systems in educational administration. Electronic data processing and the school administrator, educa- tional information systems, and other computer applications. EDA 6300-Principles of Community Education Administra- tion (3) The developing concepts and application of the basic principles to administration of educational institutions and com- munity agencies. EDA 6306-Theories and Practices of Community Education Administration (3) Prereq: EDA 6300. Contemporary theories and practices, with emphasis on interagency coordination and cooperation, programming for lifelong learning and community member involvement in educational decision making. EDA 6503-The Principalship (3) Organization and administra- tion of the school; emphasis on competencies necessary for leadership and management of the school center, both elemen- tary and secondary. EDA 6905-Individual Work (1-5) EDA 6931-Special Topics (1-5) EDA 6935-Problems in School Administration and Super- vision (1-5) In-service training course through regularly sched- uled on-campus work conferences open only to superintendents and supervisors; or a problems course, offered through exten- sion or on campus, for superintendents, supervisors, principals, junior college administrators, and trainees for such positions. S/U. EDA 6948-Supervised Practice in School Administration (1-5) Only advanced graduate students are permitted to enroll. Students are given an opportunity to perform administrative duties under supervision. S/U. EDA 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-6) S/U. EDA 7103-Theories of Educational Administration (3) Prereq: one year of graduate study. Consideration of theoretical con- structs relative to the organization and administration of educa- tional institutions. EDA 7205-Educational Planning (3) Cooperative planning of educational programs. Skills and methodologies associated with developing annual and long-range comprehensive plans for meeting educational needs of school districts, colleges, and universities. EDA 7236-The Law and Higher Education (3) A basic course for higher education majors in educational administration. Analyzes the legal structure of higher education, religion, academic freedom of faculty, employment, due process, students' rights of speech and expression, search and seizure, desegregation and tort liability. EDA 7244-The Financing of Higher Education (3) Financing of higher education, junior college through university. Theoretical basis for use of tax funds for education, student fees and tuition, state methods for financing, planning, cost benefit, budgeting, federal role, and capital outlay. EDA 7260-Planning Educational Facilities (3) School plant survey methods and planning of educational facilities. Field ex- perience available. EDA 7550-Higher Education Administration (3) Educational policies, functions, and practices. EDA 7565-Coordination of State Systems of Higher Educa- tion (3) Organizational structure and the basic principles of coor- dination and control of higher education at state and regional levels. Principles of leadership expressed through controlling and coordinating boards; role of boards and staff in planning development and operation; state, regional, and national ac- rcrediting agencies. EDA 7945-Practicum in Supervision and Administration (1-10) A seminar and an internship in administration and supervision. S/U. EDA 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15) S/U. EDA 7990-Research Design in Educational Administration (3) Open only to advanced students. Prereq: EDF 6481 or the equivalent. Individually identified problems in administration conceptualized in theoretical terms and appropriate research procedures determined. EEX 6511-Administration in Special Education (3) Prereq: EEX 3010 or 6051 or permission of the instructor. Local, state, and federal organization and administration, with emphasis on the administration of services to handicapped children. EEX 7535-Seminar in Administration and Supervision of Special Education (3; max: 6) Prereq: EDA 6061, EEX 6511. Cur- rent problems in the provision of special education services in local, state, and federal programs. EEX 7945-Practicum: Special Education Administration (3-9; max: 12) Prereq: EEX 7535, six credits of special education, six credits of educational administration, and written request to enroll six weeks prior to registration. EVT 6264-Administration of Vocational Education (3) Basic principles of administering a program on national, state, and local levels. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING College of Engineering GRADUATE FACULTY 1982-83 Chairman: B. E. Cherrington. Graduate Coordinator: T. E. Bullock. Graduate Research Professors: R. E. Kalman; J. T. Tou; A. van der Ziel. Professors: G. Basile; T. E. Bullock; W. H. Chen; E. R. Chenette; B. E. Cherrington; D. G. Childers; K. L. Doty; O. I. Elgerd; J. G. Fossum; R. C. Johnson; E. W. Kamen; S. S. Li; F. A. Lindholm; A. H. Nevis; J. R. O'Malley; P. Z. Peebles, Jr.; V. Ramaswamy; R. A. Ramey, Jr.; C. V. Shaffer; J. R. Smith; J. Staudhammer; S. Y. W. Su; R. L. Sullivan; A. D. Sutherland; M. A. Uman; C. M. van Vliet; J. K. Watson. Associate Professors: R. L. Bailey; L. W. Couch, II; M. H.