6257. Location, configuration, air connections; ground, baggage,
and freight movements; passenger transfers; aircraft delay
analysis; airport access; parking needs; simulation of operations;
flight scheduling and control.
TTE 6606-Urban Transportation Models (4) Prereq: TTE5006,
ECI 4041 or consent of instructor. Calibration and application
of UTPS computer models for urban transportation planning;
land use and urban activity models for forecasting and alloca-
tion. H.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Chairman: G. L. Schmeling. Professor: G. L. Schmeling.
Associate Professors: S. K. Dickison; K. V. Hartigan; D. G.
Miller; L. A. Sussman.
 The department offers a program leading to the Master
of Arts with a major in Latin, which may be combined
with a minor in Greek, history, or philosophy.
LAT 6840-History of the Latin Language (3)
LNW 5905-Special Study in Latin (3)
LNW 6902-Special Study in Latin Literature (3; max: 9) Sample
topics: Horace, Juvenal, Roman comedy, Roman historians.
LNW 6905-Individual Work (2-4; max: 10) Readings, con-
ferences and reports. Subjects in language, literature, and
civilization for which there are no special course offerings.
LNW 6910-Supervised Research (1-5) S/U.
LNW 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) S/U.
LNW 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.

College of Health Related Professions
Chairman: N. W. Perry, Jr. Graduate Coordinator: H.
Davis. Graduate Research Professor: P. J. Lang. Pro-
fessors: B. Barger; E. Cohen; L. D. Cohen (Emeritus); H.
Davis; J. R. Goldman; M. Harrower (Emeritus); K.
Heilman; F. D. McGlynn; W. L. Mealiea; B. G. Melamed;
M. E. Meyer; N. W. Perry, Jr.; A. S. Schumacher (Emeri-
tus). Associate Professors: C. D. Belar; R. K. Blashfield;
M. K. Goldstein; R. K. Hornberger; J. H. Johnson; W. J.
Rice; L. Siegel. Assistant Professors:R. Bauer; D. Bowers;
E. B. Fennell; S. B. Johnson; M. H. McCaulley; J. Tucker;
R. E. Vuchinich.
 The Department of Clinical Psychology is part of the
College of Health Related Professions. The department's
programs are its predoctoral clinical psychology program
leading to the Ph.D. degree in psychology; the
Psychology Clinic, a teaching and a service unit of the
J. Hillis Miller Health Center's Teaching Hospital and
Clinics; a predoctoral internship program, and postdoc-
toral studies and research. The Master of Arts and Master
of Science degrees are offered as part of the doctoral pro-
gram studies.
 The clinical psychology program has academic ties
with other colleges and departments within the Univer-
sity and with the training and service programs of the
Veterans Administration Medical Center.
 Progress in the program is determined by departmental
policies which are consistent with American Psychologi-
cal Association accreditation standards.
 Admission to the department is through appropriate
application to the department's admission committee.
A bachelor's degree is generally adequate preparation
for graduate admission. It should include an
undergraduate course in both experimental psychology

and in statistics, along with at least three courses from
the following psychology areas: developmental, learn-
ing, perception, personality, physiological, and social.
CLP 6375-Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3) Prereq:
admission to CLPprogram. Seminar on issues and concepts con-
Scurrent with field observation and participation.
CLP 6407-Psychological Treatment I (3) Prereq: admission to
CLP program or consent of instructor. Current dynamic and per-
sonality theories, practices, and related research in
CLP 6417-Psychological Treatment II (4) Prereq: admission
to CLP program or consent of instructor. Current behavioral
theories, practices, and related research.
CLP 6437-Behavioral Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to CLP
program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and basic
procedures including observational and interview techniques.
CLP 6441-Intellectual Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to CLP
program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and basic
procedures in assessing intellectual functions.
CLP 6446-Psychological Assessment of Children (3) Prereq:
admission to CLP program or consent of instructor.
Developmental, intellectual, visual-motor, achievement, and
personality assessment of children.
CLP 6447-Psychological Assessment of Adults (3) Prereq: ad-
mission to CLPprogram or consent of instructor. Basic theories,
procedures and administration experience in assessment of adult
intellect and personality factors.
CLP 6448-Personality Assessment (3) Prereq: admission to CLP
program or consent of instructor. Research, theory, and basic
procedures including objective and projective techniques.
CLP 6449-Life History Research in Psychopathology (3)
Prereq: CLP 6497 or consent of instructor. Recent and
longitudinal developments in life history approaches to
psychopathology and related behavioral disorders.
CLP 6497-Psychopathological Disturbances (3) Prereq: ad-
mission to CLP or PSYprogram or consent of instructor. Theories
and related research to etiology, clinical description, and
diagnosis with implications for treatment.
CLP 6526-Introduction to Clinical Research and Design (2)
Prereq: admission to CLP or PSY program or consent of instruc-
tor. Survey emphasizing both laboratory and clinical experiment
methodology; computer data analysis techniques employed.
CLP 6905-Individual Work (1-4; max: 12) Reading or research
in areas in clinical psychology.
CLP 6910-Supervised Research (1-4) S/U.
CLP 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-4) S/U.
CLP 6943-Practicum in Clinical Psychology (4; max: 8) Prereq:
CLP6375, 6437, 6441, 6448, 6497. Supervised training in appro-
priate work settings. S/U.
CLP 6947-Advanced Practicum in Clinical Psychology (1-4;
max: 8) Prereq: consent of Clinical Director. Designed for indi-
vidual with special interests and needs. S/U.
CLP 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15) S/U.
CLP 7348-Theory and Practice of Psychological Consultation
(3) Prereq: CLP6375, CYP6709. Includes multiple roles, inter-
vention strategies used by consultants as agents of change. Field
experience in community settings.
CLP 7404-Special Issues, Methods, and Techniques in
Psychological Treatment (3; max: 6) Prereq: CLP 6375, 6407,
6417, or consent of instructor.
CLP 7406-Psychodynamic Theory (3; max: 6) Prereq: CLP
6375, 6407, 6417, or consent of instructor. Emphasis on dis-
turbed adolescents and young adults.
CLP 7408-Gestalt Therapy and Techniques (3; max: 6) Prereq:
CLP 6375, 6407, 6417, or consent of instructor. Experimental
didactic and other humanistic approaches to personality theory
and psychotherapy.
CLP 7409-Marital Dysfunction (3) Prereq: CLP 6375, 6407,
6417. Issues, problems and techniques of psychotherapy with
CLP 7427-Neuropsychological Assessment (3) Prereq: CLP
6441, 6448, PSB 6067. Research, theory, and basic procedures.
CLP 7438-Selected Methods in Clinical Assessment (3; max:
6) Prereq: CLP 6437, 6441, 6448.
CLP 7468-Clinical Treatment with Groups (3) Current theories
and practices of group therapy as a form of psychological treat-
ment. Exploration of group therapy intervention techniques.