4 / GENERAL INFORMATION Master of Building Construction (M.B.C.) Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) with a major in business administration and a concentration in one of the following: Accounting Insurance Computer and Management Information Sciences Management Science Economics Marketing Finance Real Estate and Health and Hospital Urban Analysis Administration Master of Education (M.Ed.) with program in one of the following: Agency Correctional and Music Education Developmental Reading Education Counseling Research and Evaluation Art Education Methodology Curriculum and Instruction Science Education Early Childhood Education School Counseling and Education of the Guidance Emotionally Disturbed School Psychology Education of the Mentally Social Studies Education Retarded Special Education Educational Administration Specific Learning Educational Psychology Disabilities Elementary Education Speech Pathology English Education Student Personnel in Foreign Language Higher Education Education Vocational, Technical, Foundations of Education and Adult Education Mathematics Education Master of Engineering (M.E.) with program in one of the following: Aerospace Engineering* Environmental Engineering Agricultural Engineering* Sciences* Chemical Engineering* Industrial and Systems Civil Engineering* Engineering* Coastal and Oceanographic\Materials Science and Engineering* Engineering* Electrical Engineering* Mechanical Engineering* Engineering Mechanics* Nuclear Engineering Engineering Science* Sciences* Master of Forest Resources and Conservation (M.F.R.C.) Master of Health Education (M.H.Ed.) Master of Health Science (M.H.S.) with program in one of the following: Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation Counseling Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M. in Tax.) Master of Nursing (M.Nsg.) Master of Physical Education (M.P.E.) Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) with program in one of the following: Astronomy Microbiology and Botany Cell Science Chemistry Physics Geography Psychology Geology Zoology Mathematics Master of Statistics (M.Stat.) Engineer (Engr.)-A special degree requiring one year of graduate work beyond the master's degree. For a list of the approved programs, see those listed above for the Master of Engineering degree. (Thesis optional.) Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)-A special degree re- quiring one year of graduate work beyond the master's degree. For a list of the approved programs, see those listed below for the Doctor of Education degree. THESIS DEGREES (Dagger (f) indicates nonthesis option) Master of Arts (M.A.) with program in one of the fol- lowing: History Anthropologyt Latin Business Administration: Latin American Area Finance Studies Insurance Linguistics Management Mathematicst Marketing Philosophyt! Real Estate and Urban Political Sciencet Anaylsis Political Science- Economicst International Relationst English Psychologyt Frencht Sociologyt Geography Spanisht German Speech Master of Arts in Architecture (M.A.Arch.) Master of Arts in Education (M.A.E.)-For a list of the programs, see those listed above for the Master of Education degree. Master of Arts in Health Education (M.A.H.Ed.) Master of'Arts in Journalism and Communications (M.A.J.C.) with program in Communication. Master of Arts in Physical Education (M.A.P.E.) Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) with program in one of the following: Art Music Theatre Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning (M.A.U.R.P.) Master of Science (M.S.) with program in one of the following: Aerospace Engineeringt Geology Agricultural Engineeringt Horticultural Science: Agricultural and Extension Fruit Crops Education Ornamental Agronomy Horticulture Animal Science Vegetable Crops Astronomyt Industrial and Systems Biochemistry and Engineeringt Molecular Biology Materials Science and Botany Engineeringt Chemical Engineeringt Mathematicst Chemistry Mechanical Engineeringt Civil Engineeringt Medical Sciences: Coastal and Oceano- Anatomical'Sciences graphic Engineeringt Immunology and Computer and Information Medical Micro- Sciences biology Dairy Science Neuroscience Electrical Engineeringt Pathology Engineering Mechanicst Pharmacology Engineering Sciencet Physiology Entomology and Microbiology and Cell Nematology Sciencet Environmental Engineering Nuclear Engineering Sciencest Sciencest Food and Resource Physicst Economics Plant Pathology Food Science and Human Poultry Science Nutritiont < Psychologyt Forest Resources and Soil Science Conservation Veterinary Medicine Geography Zoologyt Master of Science in Building Construction (M.S.B.C.) Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.Nsg.) Master of Science in Pharmacy (M.S.P.) with program in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Medicinal Chemistry Pharmacy