ing and adverse factors; selection of a fiduciary and adminis-
trative provisions.
LAW 7632-Deferred Compensation (2) Tax consequences
of compensation in forms other than cash paid contem-
poraneously with performance of services. Includes uses of
'employers' stock in employee compensation, nonqualified
deferral compensation devices, and qualified pension and
profit-sharing plans.
LAW 7633-Tax Exempt Organizations (2) Study of exemp-
tion from federal income tax accorded to a variety of public
and private organizations, and tax treatment of contribu-
tions to such organizations; public policies underlying ex-
emption from tax, and deductibility of contributions; and,
the broad new enforcement powers to be undertaken by the
Internal Revenue Service.
LAW 7640-Civil Tax Procedure (2) Taxpayer's relationships
with the Internal Revenue Service, including requests for rul-
ings; conference and settlement procedures; deficiencies
and their assessment; choice of forum; Tax Court practice;
limitation periods and their mitigation; transferee liability;
tax liens; and civil penalties.
LAW 7641-Procedures in Tax Fraud Cases (2) Criminal of-
fenses and methods of proof; investigative authority of the
IRS; summons enforcement proceedings; search warrants
and grand jury subpoenas; constitutional defenses to the
compulsory production of evidence; the attorney-client priv-
ilege and other objections available to taxpayers and third
LAW 7650-State and Local Taxation (2) Nature and purpose
of state taxation; comparison of property and excise taxes;
uniformity of taxation; jurisdiction; assessment and collec-
tion procedures; remedies available to taxpayers.
LAW 7905-Independent Study (1-3; max: 4) S/U.
LAW 7910--Supervised Research (1-5; max 5)
LAW 7911-Federal Tax.Research (1-2; max: 2) Substantial re-
search and writing project on a federal tax subject; instruc-
tion in tax research techniques. Students customarily register
for the course and complete the project during two suc-
cessive semesters. Credit is usually one hour each semester
but may be varied in accordance with scope and nature of.
project. H.
LAW 7931-Current Federal Tax Problems (2; max: 4) Vari-
able content. Course involves either significant new legisla-
tion or significant developments within the existing statu-
tory framework; emphasis on policy considerations.
LAW 7940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 5)

College of Fine Arts
Chairman: E. J. Hooks. Graduate Coordinator: R. L.
Green. Associate Professors: R. Brandman; R. L. Green;
E. J. Hooks; D. L. Shelton; A. Wehlburg; G. L. West.
 The graduate programs offered by the Department
of There lead to the degrees of Master of Fine Arts
and Doctor of Philosophy. The Master of Fine Arts de-
gree permits specialization in either scene design,
costume, technical theatre, dance/stage movement,
or acting and directing. The Doctor of Philosophy de-
gree with an emphasis in theatre is awarded through
the Department of Speech.
 An appropriate undergraduate background in
theatre, or its equivalent, is prerequisite to admission
to the graduate program. In the case of deficiencies,
students will be required to register for appropriate
"foundations" courses. Admission to the program re-
quires proof or demonstration of production or acting
 Assistantships, fellowships, and non-Florida tuition
waivers are available.
ORI 6430-Theories of Interpretative Reading (3) Psycholog-
ical and philosophical theories of creative, artistic oral read-

ing; the teaching of interpretative reading; practice in read-
ing from the works of selected modern authors.
THE 5116-Theatre History I (3) The development of the
theatre from its beginning through the Renaissance.
THE 5117-Theatre History II (3) The Restoration to the pres-
THE 5949--Individual Cooperative Work Experience (3-9)
THE 6203-American Plays, Players, and Playwrights I (3)
Plays and their production from the colonial period to 1860;
techniques of outstanding actors and playwrights.
THE 6204-American Plays, Players, and Playwrights II (3)
American plays and players from 1860 to present.
THE 6234-Studies in Contemporary European Theatrical
Practices (3) Prereq: TPA 6219. Production techniques of the
Continental theatre since World War II.
THE 6285-Readings in Theatre History I (3) Selected pri-
mary source materials in the history of the theatre to 1660
and their use by theorists and historians.
THE 6286-Readings in Theatre History II (3) Selected pri-
mary source materials in the history of the theatre from 1660
to the present and their use by theorists and historians.
THE 6521-Seminar in Dramatic Theory and Criticism (3)
Development and growth of dramatic theory and criticism
from Aristotle, Plato, Nietzsche, and Croce toward the
modern innovations and application.
THE 6905-Individual Study (1-8; max: 8) Prereq: consent of
major professor and department chairman. Project or re-
search course.
THE 6910-Supervised Research (1-5; max: 10) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor and department chairman.
THE 6913-Theatre Research (3) Prereq: consent of the de-
partment chairman. Lecture and project course in the more
complex problems in theatre.
THE 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5; max: 10) Prereq: con-
sent of instructor and department chairman.
THE 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15)
THE 6973--Individual Project (1-10) Max. 10 credits applica-
ble toward degree. Creative project in lieu of written thesis.
TPA 5048-Production Costume Design (3) Prereq: TPA 4231
or consent of instructor. Advanced application of costume
design to costume requirements fostered by specific produc-
tion concepts.
TPA 5061-Scene Design II (3) Prereq: TPA 5084 and/or con-
sent of instructor. Advanced study of scene design as an art;
consideration of the spatial and aesthetic factors operative
in the scenic elements, with special emphasis on pragmatic
consideration of the design process.
TPA 5064-Advanced Scenic Art (3) Prereq: TPA 4063 or con-
sent of instructor. A utilization of advanced and experimen-
tal scenic art techniques and an exploration of various media
for three-dimensional work.
TPA 5081-Scene Painting (3) Prereq: consent of instructor.
Painting and rendering techniques for the stage. This course
is designed as preparatory to the United Scenic Artists Exam-
TPA 5084-Scene Design I (3) Advanced study of scene de-
sign as an art; consideration of the spatial and aesthetic fac-
tors operative in the scenic elements, with special emphasis
on pragmatic consideration of the design process.
TPA 5088-Multiple Set Design (3) Prereq: consent of in-
structor. Design of operas with multiple settings, with an
emphasis on style and unification.
TPA 5100-Architecture and Decoration for the Stage (3)
Prereq: permission of the instructor. A survey of architectural
styles and decorative motifs throughout history and their ap-
plication to theatrical design.
TPA 5236L-Theatrical Costume I (3) Prereq: basic drawing
skills; dramatic literature analysis. Study of the elements of
theatrical design as applied to all areas of stage design from
character to total production as related to specific play-
TPA 5237-Theatre Costume II (3) Prereq: TPA 5230. Study of
the history of fashion in relation to costume and stage de-
sign of the physical, psychological, and emotional world of
period and contemporary playscripts.
TPA 5937-Seminar in Theatre Design (3) Prereq: consent of
instructor. Studies of major designers and their work. Devel-
opment of conceptual and directorial skills with emphasis
on abstract design, projections, and multi-media design.