station of contemporary topics by visiting and local re-
searchers. S/U.
PHY 6935-Seminar in Modern Physics (1; max: 13) Presenta-
tion, review, and commentary on recent developments in
physics research.
PHY 6940-Supervised Teaching (1-5) Required of all phys-
ics graduate students for at least 2 semesters of 4 semester
credit hours each, or equivalent.
PHY 6971-Research for Master's Thesis (1-15)
PHY 7097-Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics (3; max:
10) Special studies in mathematical methods and applica-
tions of current interest at the forefront of one or more spe-
cialties in theoretical physics.
PHY 7098-Advanced Topics in Experimental Physics (3;
max: 10) Special studies in experimental methods, in-
strumentation, and data analysis of current interest at the
forefront of one or more specialties in experimental physics.
PHY 7538-Advanced Statistical Mechanics (2) Prereq: PHY
6537. Current topics in equilibrium and non-equilibrium
statistical mechanics.
PHY 7669-Relativistic Quantum Fields II (3) Prereq: PHY
6648. Applications; continuation of PHY 6648.
PHY 7939-Special Topics (2; max: 12) Assigned reading pro-
gram, seminar, or lecture series in rapidly advancing special-
ty of physics.
PHY 7980-Research for Doctoral Dissertation (1-15)

College of Medicine
Chairman: M. I. Phillips. Graduate Coordinator: S.
Cassin. Graduate Research Professor: M. J. Fregly. Pro"
fessors: D. H. Barron; S. Cassin; W. W. Dawson; M. J.
Jaeger; J. Mangos; A. B. Otis; M. I. Phillips; W. N.
Stainsby. Associate Professors: G. A. Gerencser; P.
Posner; M. K. Raizada.
 The Department of Physiology offers a program
leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doc-
tor-of Philosophy in the medical sciences with special-
ization in physiology.
 Areas of specialization within the Department of
Physiology include sensory physiology, general en-
docrinology, neuroendocrinology, neurophysiology,
respiration, circulation physiology of muscle, environ-
mental physiology, cardiac electrophysiology, epithe-
lial transport, and neonatal physiology.
 Undergraduate majors appropriate as foundations
for the study of physiology are biology, chemistry, en-
gineering mathematics or physics. The following
courses are especially useful as a background for the
study of physiology: general biology, vertebrate
biology, general chemistry, analytical chemistry, or-
ganic chemistry, physical chemistry, general physics,
calculus, and statistics. Students may find it necessary
to remedy deficiencies in their background by taking
undergraduate courses after admission to Graduate
BMS 5511-Vision (3) Prereq: consent of instructor. In-
troduction to methodology, anatomy, and the function of vi-
BMS 5520C-Principles of Physiology (6) Prereq: APB 3203
or equivalent. Physiology of mammalian organ systems, with
special reference to the human.
BMS 5520L-Laboratory in Physiology (2) Coreq: BMS
5520C. Laboratory course designed to illustrate the prin-
ciples of physiology. Students perform exercises coordinated
with course topics under discussion in BMS 5520C.
BMS 6501-Pathophysiology (3) Basic mechanisms of physi-
ological function and their alteration by disease.
BMS 6502-Cell Physiology (3) Prereq: Physiology BMS
5520C, consent of instructor. Designed for graduate students

in physiology to give them an introduction to cellular physi-
ology of the eukaryotic cell.
BMS 6512-Survey of Sensory Systems (3) Prereq: BMS 6510.
Theories and data on human sensory reception and encod-
ing. Audition, vision, and the chemical and cutaneous
BMS 6535-Seminar in Physiology (1) S/U.
BMS 6536-Recent Advances in Physiology (2; max: 10) Con-
tent varies from year to year but covers recent advances in
BMS 6537-Seminar on Vision (3) Current research and the-
ory in visual function. Literature survey and design of an ex-
periment relevant to recent theory.
BMS 6538-History of Physiology (2) Prereq: consent of in-
structor. The development of physiological knowledge and
concepts. Readings, lectures, and discussion:
BMS 6560C-Research Methods in Physiology (2-4; max: 6)
Special needs of each student are met by conferences and
laboratory work.
BMS 6569-Marine Physiology (2) Prereq: Physiology BMS
5520C, consent of instructor. Intended for graduate students
in physiology. Will be taught at Whitney Labs.
BMS 6573-Physiology of Respiration (2) Gas exchange in
lungs and tissues. Ventilatory mechanics. Fluid mechanics of
gas flow in airways. Comparative physiology of respiratory
BMS 6574-Physiology of the Circulation of Blood (2) Physi-
ology of the component parts of the circulation, relation of
structure and function, emphasis on control mechanisms.
BMS 6575--Renal Physiology (2) Seminars on the com-
parative physiology aspects of renal structure and function.
BMS 6576--Body Temperature Regulation (2) Neural and
endocrine aspects of temperature regulation, hypo- and hy-
perthermia, adaptation to cold and heat, hibernation.
BMS 6577-Neonatal Physiology (2) Physiological regulation
in newborn mammals.
BMS 6578-Physiology of the Mammalian Thyroid Gland (2)
Production, secretion, control, and function of thyroid
hormones; interaction with other hormones.
BMS 6579-Gastrointestinal Physiology (2) Physiology of
the vertebrate salivary glands, stomach, small and large in-
testine, pancreas, liver, and the muscular movements of the
gastrointestinal system.
BMS 6933-Sensory Science Seminar (1) Results of current
investigations in sense organ function will be covered. S/U.
BMS 7467-Physiology and Pharmacology of Excitable
Membranes (2) Membrane ionic permeability changes un-
derlying action and synaptic potential generation described
in detail:
BMS 7570-Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology (2) Study of the
normal electrophysiology and ionic mechanisms involved in
various regions of the heart.
BMS 7572-Electrophysiological Basis of Cardiac Dysrhyth-
mias (2) Study of normal cardiac cellular electrophysiology
and changes which result in cardiac dysrhythmias. New
techniques in diagnosis and management. .

College of Agriculture
Chairman: C. L. Niblett. Graduate Coordinator: D. J.
Mitchell. Professors: R. D. Berger; G. F. Brown; A. A.
Cook; T. E. Freeman; W. J. French; E. Hiebert; T. A.
Kucharek; J. P. Jones; J. W. Kimbrough; H. H. Luke; R.
E. McCoy; D. J. Mitchell; D. R. Pring; D. E. Purcifull; L.
H. Purdy; D. A. Roberts; N. C. Schenck; R. A. Schmidt;
R. M. Sonoda; R. E. Stall; J. O. Strandberg; F. W. Zet-
tier. Associate Professors: J. A. Bartz; R. Charudattan;
S. M. Garnsey; R. T. McMillan; J. W. Miller; R. B. Volin;
D. P. Weingartner. Assistant Professors: G. M.
Blakeslee; J. J. McRitchie; K. L. Pohronezny; S. G.
 The Department of Plant Pathology offers graduate
studies leading to the Master of Agriculture, Master of