should be addressed to the Off-Campus Housing Of-
fice, Division of Housing, University of Florida.
 i An application for on-campus housing may be filed
 at any time after a student is admitted to the Univer-
 sity. Students are urged to apply as early as possible
 because of the demand for housing.
 Graduate students living in University housing are
 required to qualify as full-time students as defined by
 the University, and they must continue to make nor-
 mal progress toward a degree as determined by their
 supervisory committees.
 Roommate requests are honored whenever pos-
 sible, provided the individuals wishing to room to-
 gether submit their applications at the same time and
 clearly indicate on their respective applications their
 desire to room together.

 Some variety in types of accommodations is pro-
 vided by the University. The double room for two stu-
 dents is the most common type. Several of the larger
 rooms or suites are designated as triple rooms. Single
 rooms are available in limited numbers. Suites for two
 students consist of two connected rooms-a bed-
 room and a study room. Suites for four, which are
available in Beaty Towers, include two bedrooms, a
private bath, and a study-kitchenette.
 Beaty Towers are carpeted and air-conditioned.
Yulee Scholarship Hall, where student rooms are not
air-conditioned, has centrally located air-conditioned
television and recreation rooms. For information-on
rental rates, contact the Assignments Section,
Division of Housing, University of Florida.

 There are five different cooperative living groups at
the University of Florida. Three of these groups are lo-
cated on campus, and the other two are located off
 Among the qualifications for membership are scho-
lastic ability and reference of good character. These
cooperative living groups are specifically operated by
and for students with limited financial means for at-
tending the University.
 Inquiries pertaining to cooperative living on cam-
pus are made to the Division of Housing, Assignments
Section, University of Florida. The cooperative living
organizations on campus currently are the Reid Hall
Co-op, the North Hall Co-op, and the Buckman Co-
op. Off-campus co-ops are the Collegiate Living Or-
ganization (coed), 117 N.W. 15th Street, and Georgia
Seagle Hall (men), 1002 West University Avenue. In-
quiries should be made to these addresses.

 The University operates five apartment villages for
eligible students. To be eligible to apply for apart-
ment housing on campus, the following are neces-
I A married student or student parent without
spouse who has legal care of minor children must
meet the requirements for admission to the Univer-
sity of Florida, qualify as a full-time student as de-

fined by the University, and continue to make normal
progress toward a degree as determined by the super-
visory committee.
 The family student must be a part of a family unit
 defined as (1) husband and wife with or without one
 or more children; or (2) divorced or widowed person
 who has legal care of minor children.
 Residents in all villages must furnish their own
 linens, dishes, rugs, curtains, or other similar items.
 Utilities are an extra expense and are billed with the
 Corry Memorial Village (216 units) of modern brick,
 concrete, and wood construction contains almost an
 equal number of one- and two-bedroom apartments,
 with a few three-bedroom units. These apartments
 are carpeted and furnished with basic equipment, as
 available, in the living room, kitchen, dining area, and
 one bedroom.
 Diamond Memorial Village consists of 208 apart-
ments similar in construction, furnishings, and equip-
ment to those in Corry Village, Special features in-
clude a community building with air-conditioned
study-meeting room, and a study cubicle in each two-
bedroom apartment.
 Tanglewood Manor Apartments, located approx-
 imately 11/4 miles south of the central campus, consist
 of 208 furnished and unfurnished efficiency, one- and
 two-bedroom townhouse units. All units are
 carpeted, centrally heated, and air-conditioned. All
 units have disposals and two-bedroom units have
 dishwashers. All one- and two-bedroom units have
 11/2 baths. Community facilities include a large recrea-
 tion hall, laundry facilities and two swimming pools.
 University Village South and Maguire Village con-
sist of 348 centrally heated and air-conditioned one-
and two-bedroom apartments. Community facilities
include a laundry and a community room. Individual
apartments are not furnished but are carpeted. The
kitchens are equipped with stove and refrigerator.
 For Maguire Village Only, the married, widowed, or
divorced student must be part of a family with a com-
bined gross annual income (including grants-in-aid,
VA benefits, scholarships, fellowships and grants)
which does not exceed, during the period of oc-
cupancy, the following maximum income limitations:
two persons $11,950; three persons, $13,400; four per-
sons, $14,900; five persons, $15,850; and six persons,

 The Off-Campus Housing Office is a listing and re-
ferral agency for rental housing of all types. It is not an
enforcement agency. It does not make rental reserva-
 The purpose of the Off-Campus Housing Office is
to assist University of Florida students, faculty, and
staff in obtaining adequate off-campus housing ac-
 Persons who desire to use off-campus housing serv-
ices should request by mail or pick up in person at the
Off-Campus Office an off-campus housing packet.
 This packet contains a list of major apartment'hous-
ing developments inthe Gainesville area with zone
map locations. Also in the packet is an information
brochure on rental leases, deposits, rates, and insur-
ances; a city bus route map and schedule; and utility
application and hook-up forms. The Off-Campus Of-
fice also maintains updated vacancy information on
shares (roommate wanted), mobile homes, rental