Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan: 1994-1996 91

 Appendix E

 Summary of District CAN

Prevention Services

District 1

Funding: 1993-94 $168,611

 Providers Amount

 Northwest Florida Comprehensive $168,611
 Services for Children, Inc.
Services: A range of prevention services, both primary and secondary in
 nature, is offered within the district including: parent education
 and training, pre and postnatal education and support, in-home
 education and support services, a child enrichment group, public
 information, and community organization.

District 2

Funding: 1993-94 $218,021
 Providers Amount
 Brehan Institute for Human $218,021
 Services, Inc.

Services: Perinatal education and support services are concentrated on a
 specific target population, pregnant teens, with services extending
 to six weeks after birth. In-home visitor, child care educational
 program, and family support services are concentrated on a specific
 target population, children ages 0-1 who are considered at risk for
 abuse/neglect and/or handicapping conditions (also serves 2-6 year

Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services