ROBINSON CRUSOE. few days before, and about a month after, to my great amazement, something began to look very green and flour- ishing; and when I came to view it more nicely every day as it grew, I found about ten or twelve ears of green barley appearing in the very same shape and make as that in England. I can scarce express the agitations of my mind at this sight. Hitherto I had looked upon the actions of this life only as the events of blind chance. But now the appear- ance of this barley, flourishing in a barren soil, and my ig- norance in not conceiving how it should come there, made me conclude that miracles were not yet ceased; nay, I even thought that God had appointed it to grow there without any seed, purely for my sustenance in this miserable and desolate island. And, indeed, such great effect this had upon me, that it often made me melt into tears, through a grateful sense of God’s mercies; and the greater still was my thankfulness, when I perceived about this little field of barley some rice-stalks, also, wonderfully flourishing. While thus pleased in mind, I concluded there must be more corn in the island, and therefore made a diligent search among the rocks; but not being able to find any, on a sudden it came into my mind how I had shaken the husks of corn out of the bag, and then my admiration ceased, with my gratitude to the Divine Being, as thinking 18