The park sprinkler system needs to be expanded to take
care of an expansion of the planted area in the Gardens. This
expansion is highly desirable to tie in the present planting to
the new parking area and the buffer area between the Gardens
proper and the picnic area.
 A sunken garden is desired to take advantage of the op-
portunity to portray this type of gardening to the visitors.
 Two picnic pavilions are needed as well as a barbecue pit
and shelter to round out the picnic area. A small boat ramp is
needed to take care of boat launching needs.
 "The Charm of Killearn" is more than a phrase. It is some-
thing everyone feels and talks about after their first and every
other visit.

 A picnic shelter was built in the white area and one was
built in the colored area. A workshop and a ranger's residence
are nearing completion.
 A water system was installed and sanitary facilities provided
at the ranger's quarters.
 General repairs and painting on this exposed island con-
stantly require a considerable amount of attention.
 Stabilization of sand, grading, hauling shell, planting and
fertilization to picnic and other areas was done during this
A combination bathhouse, lounge, refreshment stand and
rest rooms is badly needed at the white area to replace the
temporary structures now there. The water supply system is
in need of enlargement.
 The need for shade and shelter is urgent here so six addition-
al shelters would help relieve this situation.
 Two residences are needed to quarter park rangers so
that the area may be better protected and served.
 A park office and headquarters building is needed to ad-
minister this area as well as several nearby dependent areas
such as Kingsley Planation Houses, Yellow Bluff Fort, John
Rollins Bird and Plant Sanctuary and Huguenot Memorial.
 A fishing pier at the white area and one at the colored area
would add measurably to the use and enjoyment of both of
these areas. It would also spread a considerable amount of
use over late fall, winter and early spring months.