Randox CDAA, 2-chloro-N,N-diallylacetamide. Monsanto "Randox" containing 4 lb/ gal active. Maximum cleared rate is 10 lb/A; do not apply more than once per crop nor within 10 months of harvest. Monsanto "Limit" contains Randox and 2,4-D acid. 2,4,5-T Amine salt formulations of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid containing 4 Ib/gal acid equivalent. Many suppliers. Rate of 1 lb/A acid equiv- alent cleared for use postemergence to weeds growing in established cane. Use caution to avoid damage to near-by susceptible crops. Other cleared chemicals not suggested for Florida. PCP or P entchlorophenol. Available from several suppliers. Cleared at 4.5 Penta lb/A when used preemergence to 'cane at 1 to 2 days after planting. Cleared at same rate for directed postemergence sprays before weeds are 2 inches tall. NaPCP or Sodium salt of pentachlorophenol. Available from several suppliers. SPCP Cleared at 44 lb/A preemergence immediately after planting and before weed seedlings emerge. A rate of 10- lb/A is cleared for use immed- iately after weed seedlings emerge. Silvex propylenegylcolbutylether esters of 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)propionic acid. Formulations containing 4 lb/gal acid equivalent are available from Amchem, Chipman and Dow. Cleared for use in Louisiana only at 1 lb/A acid equivalent preemergence to 'cane and weeds or after off- barring and not when 'cane exceeds 3 to 3- feet tall. Cleared for use in Hawaii only at 5 lb/A acid equivalent preemergence after planting or ratooning and before 'cane emergence. Use limited to 2 applications per crop. Precautions similar to 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T necessary. Simazine 2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine. Geigy "Simazine 80W", an 80% wettable power. Application rates and conditions similar to Atrazine. NaTCA or Sodium salt of trichloroacetic acid. Available from many suppliers in STCA formulations containing about 80%o TCA equivalent. Cleared at 31.7 lb/A for pre- and early postemergence and at 45 lb/A acid equivalent as late postemergence directed sprays at base of 'cane plants. 2,4,5-T As given above. Cleared at 4.5 lb/A acid equivalent for preemergence use in Hawaii only. SHORT GLOSSARY OF HERBICIDE TERMINOLOGY Band application Using the herbicide in a narrow, continuous strip in, over or along the crop row rather than over the entire field. Broadcast application Using the herbicide over an entire field or area. Contact herbicide An herbicide that kills primarily by direct contact with plant tissue rather than by translocation within the plant. Directed application Using an herbicide in a restricted location such as the crop row or bed at the base of plants to avoid wetting plant foliage. Overall application Applying an herbicide from directly above plants. Postemergence treatment Application after crop plants emerge. Treatments may also be specified as postemergence to weeds or both crop and weeds.